

  • 1、亚马森女人会与陌生人或旅行者交合以维持种族繁衍,但是不允许男人在她们的社会中站立,男人只能卑躬屈膝地做仆人,从事最卑贱的工作。
  • 2、双手虽然交合,可是有些不自然。
  • 3、Bythe riverside, two souls intertwined, their bodies moving in a graceful dance of love, surrendering to the powerful force of union.
  • 4、The stars seemed to align, as their eyes met in a crowded room, and in that moment, they knew their destinies were bound to intertwine.
  • 5、Their hands touched for the first time, sending electric waves through their bodies, a thrilling sensation that signaled the beginning of their journey towards connection.
  • 6、Inthe embrace of love, their hearts beat as one, creating a symphony of passion and desire that echoed through their every pore.
  • 7、The merging of their laughter and tears created a bond so strong, it could weather any storm and conquer any obstacle that life threw their way.
  • 8、With each passionate kiss, they felt their individualities fade away, replaced by a sense of oneness that could only be found in the sacred act of coming together.
  • 9、Their souls danced in perfect harmony, creating a beautiful tapestry of love, where every thread represented a moment of shared bliss and understanding.
  • 10、Like two rivers converging into one, their lives intertwined, flowing together towards a shared future filled with endless possibilities.
  • 11、In this sacred space of intimacy and vulnerability, their spirits merged, creating a bond so profound that it transcended time and space.
  • 12、The collision of their lips ignited a wildfire of passion, consuming their very souls with an intensity that words could not express.
  • 13、The dance of their bodies, fluid and rhythmic, spoke a language of love that surpassed any spoken word or uttered promise.
  • 14、Bound by invisible threads of destiny, their fates intertwined, becoming inseparable, their love a force too powerful to deny.
  • 15、The moment their hands touched, a spark ignited within their hearts, setting ablaze a love so fierce, it could conquer all fears and doubts.
  • 16、Each night, as they melted into each other's embrace, the world outside faded away, leaving room for a sacred connection that only they could understand.
  • 17、In their love, they found solace from the chaos of the world, a safe haven where they could be their truest selves, unburdened and unafraid.
  • 18、The merging of their bodies was a testament to their unyielding desire, a physical manifestation of the profound connection they shared.
  • 19、With every breath shared, their souls whispered secrets that only they could hear, secrets that spoke of a love so deep, it defied explanation.
  • 20、The synchronization of their heartbeats echoed throughout the room, a rhythm so pure and captivating, it drew everyone in, inviting them to witness the power of unity.
  • 21、材料的质感、色彩、光泽、纹理、本身就是构成整体建筑形象没的要素;材料构成的构建呈现的结构美力的传递逻辑和构造美构件穿插交合的逻辑性也是建筑美的重要组成;更重要的是,材料是构成整座建筑外部或者内部艺术形象——形体和空间最重要的要素,只有通过他们,“建筑才会呈现在我们眼前”。萧默
  • 22、阴阳交合,则化生万物,万物按此规律生生不已,故变化无穷。
  • 23、此派道法以为,夫倡妇随,男女交合,人之道也;大气氤氲,日月晦明,天地之道也;恍恍惚惚,和气薰蒸,性命双修之道也。
  • 24、我们沿着不同的轨迹前行,当彼此命运相交合的那一瞬间,才发现我们用心画了一个圆,世间万物,向心公转,因为有爱,彼此成全。花清晨
  • 25、知之小工具是一部在线造句词典,其宗旨是更快地造出更优质的句子.
  • 26、蝶仙默念真诀,神气交合,化生金精玉液,神敛息静,五内真元犹如烟气行云畅通飘流。
  • 27、确保归返美国的设备和补给都为装运做了记录和准备,包括完成海关文件。向美国对外灾难援助办公室送交合适的文件。
  • 28、内**的内边就在**头底下交合,形成了一个上下颠倒的“V”。
  • 29、秋分是日月交合同辉同映的日子,神灵赐予人间这条带着神奇梦幻般短信,收到的人将会一生幸福,储存的人快乐一生,转发给好友吧,将好运传递吧!
  • 30、榫卯接合框架结构,线与线的每个结合点,采用凸榫头与凹卯眼的阴阳交合方式,全然不用胶、钉。
  • 31、六界交合天地乱,苍莽百族苦难现。
  • 32、若以已身有情之正阳之气,真一之水,知交合之时,明采取之法,积日累月,气中有气,炼气成神,以得超脱,莫不为古今难得之事。
  • 33、其实只是自家喉急的光景,不是真有个在里面交合
  • 34、传说秋分是日月交合同辉同映的日子,神灵赐予人间这条带着神奇梦幻般短信,它把健康分给你的身体,把好运分给你的事业,把平安分给你的出行,把爱情分给你的婚姻,把微笑分给你的生活。凡是收到的人将会一生幸福,储存的人快乐一生,转发的人会好运连连!
  • 35、*交是情爱双方交合,做*的一种方式,**同样也是!
  • 36、守宫砂制法:以朱砂和牛羊脂与守宫壁虎食之,日久则腹作赤色,通体透红,五月五取血涂妇人臂,作朱砂痣,与人交合即灭。叶灵凤
  • 37、结果在途中一白姓家里借宿见那娘子十分姿色,便与其交合
  • 38、由此在被誉为“中国蚕桑之乡”的四川凉山州宁南县,“蚕”与“桑”完美交合,成富民第一产业。
  • 39、乡曲豪俊游侠之雄,节慕原尝,名亚春陵,连交合众,骋骛乎其中。
  • 40、第二个任务叫交会对接,因为你要到空间站去送人,送东西,拿东西回来,这两个得对起来,两个航天器要交合要对接。


交合 jiāohé

交合 (1).结交;交好。(2).相连;连接。(3).交配;性交。




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