

  • 1、当可见性最为关键时,要确保探头甚至能在网络接近饱和点上收集数据。
  • 2、我认为,在美国快餐已达到饱和点,原因是竞争者的数目和店铺数目。
  • 3、The sun was shining brightly, and the blue sky was at its saturation point, creating a picturesque backdrop for our picnic in the park.
  • 4、The restaurant had a long queue of customers waiting to be seated, indicating that it had reached its saturation point in popularity.
  • 5、The emotional intensity between the two characters in the movie reached a saturation point, leaving the audience in tears during the climactic scene.
  • 6、Myinbox was overflowing with emails, and my patience was reaching its saturation point as I struggled to keep up with the constant stream of messages.
  • 7、The tension between the two rival teams on the soccer field reached a saturation point, resulting in a heated argument between players and a red card being shown.
  • 8、The water in the pot had boiled to its saturation point, creating a steamy atmosphere in the kitchen.
  • 9、The suspense in the novel kept building until it reached its saturation point, leaving readers on the edge of their seats, desperate to find out what would happen next.
  • 10、The sound of the waves crashing against the shore reached a saturation point, creating a soothing rhythm that lulled me to sleep on the beach.
  • 11、The level of pollution in the city had reached its saturation point, prompting the government to implement strict measures to reduce emissions and improve air quality.
  • 12、The traffic congestion in the city had reached its saturation point, causing major delays and frustrations for commuters.
  • 13、The intensity of the workout pushed me to my saturation point, leaving me drenched in sweat and completely exhausted.
  • 14、The pressure to succeed in the competitive industry had reached a saturation point, causing many individuals to experience burnout and seek a more balanced lifestyle.
  • 15、The popularity of the social media platform had reached a saturation point, with users becoming increasingly overwhelmed by the constant stream of content.
  • 16、结果表明,一品红具有较高的光饱和点和较低的光补偿点,是对光照强度适应能力较强的阳性植物,但不同栽培品种对遮荫环境的适应性有较大差异。
  • 17、对这一产品的需求已达到饱和点
  • 18、无机碱盐水溶液的饱和点通常随着温度和浓度的升高而降低,这将造成皂化剂中盐的析出,形成坚固的水垢.
  • 19、你想进入的行业已经达到饱和点了。
  • 20、光饱和点和表观量子需要量较高。
  • 21、“我们排放到海洋中的二氧化碳越多,饱和点就会越浅”马修斯说到。
  • 22、博客看起来也开始达到饱和点
  • 23、相对常绿树种而言,七子花的光补偿点较高,光饱和点较低,对光适应的生态幅度较窄。
  • 24、我们将使加利福尼亚州的犯罪案件增长率达到饱和点.
  • 25、各家航空公司的客运货栈里,物件堆积如山,达到铲车货盘所能承受的饱和点.
  • 26、槟榔干材由生材状态乾燥至纤维饱和点时,波速呈缓慢加快,而含水率在纤维饱和点以下时,波速呈现急速之上升。
  • 27、还测定了光补偿点,光饱和点和CO2补偿点。
  • 28、也许,像许多团队一样,您已经达到饱和点,现在您有太多的测试,以至于不能说明。
  • 29、而且引种玉米叶片的光饱和点与光补偿点均增大,认为这是对高原环境强烈光照的一种适应。
  • 30、鸡蛋果属于短日照作物,对日照时间要求不严,但对日照的强度要求较高,光饱和点为4万勒克斯。
  • 31、在本实验条件下,这两种供试植物的光合补偿点和光合饱和点随氮浓度的变化没有表现出规律性。
  • 32、知之小工具尽量原创和收集高质量句子,使您在造句的同时,还能学到有用的知识.
  • 33、这表明,欧洲和美国对汽车的需求已经到达饱和点,而中国拥有巨大的成长空间并且将决定这一市场的未来。
  • 34、此外,两种植物的光饱和点和光补偿点差异不明显,说明二者对光的适应性较为一致。
  • 35、我知道幽灵猎人是科幻频道的主打节目之一,但是增加第三季难道不会使得网络到达饱和点吗?
  • 36、与强光下和弱光下的叶片相比较,“最佳叶片”不仅具有较高的净光合速率,同时有较低的光补偿点和较高的光饱和点,对光的光合利用能力与范围较大。




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