

  • 1、大约晚上10点,梅宝从院坝返回自己寝室,父亲趁其不备,从后举起木棍狠命击打儿子头部和颈部,直到其断气。
  • 2、方法对6头家猪进行头颈部血管造影和解剖,观察解剖学特点。
  • 3、The tension in her neck was palpable as she nervously waited for the results of her medical tests.
  • 4、The delicate necklace gracefully adorned her slender neck, adding a touch of elegance to her attire.
  • 5、Sweat trickled down his neck as he bravely faced his fears and prepared to conquer the challenging obstacle ahead.
  • 6、The warm embrace from her lover's arms sent shivers down her neck, igniting a passionate flame within her.
  • 7、With each passing day, the weight of the world seemed to rest heavier on his shoulders and burden his tired neck.
  • 8、The sharp pain in her neck reminded her of the accident she had endured, serving as a constant reminder of her strength and resilience.
  • 9、The goosebumps on his neck were a telltale sign of the chilling ghost story that left him gripping onto his friends in fear.
  • 10、Asthe therapist's hands skillfully massaged her tense neck muscles, a wave of relaxation washed over her, relieving the built-up stress.
  • 11、The necklace he had gifted her held sentimental value, serving as a constant reminder of their deep bond and love for each other.
  • 12、The scars on his neck told a story of survival and triumph, proof that he had overcome the darkest of times with unyielding determination.
  • 13、The necklace she wore was a symbol of her heritage, connecting her to her ancestors and carrying their legacy with pride.
  • 14、Laughter filled the air as the children played, their innocent giggles echoing through the park and putting a smile on the passerby's faces, warming their hearts and soothing their weary necks.
  • 15、The snobbish aristocrat carried himself with a haughty posture, his chin held high, and his neck elongated, showcasing his sense of superiority.
  • 16、The musician's fingers delicately glided across the strings, creating a soul-stirring melody that sent chills down the audience's necks and filled their hearts with awe.
  • 17、The hiker gazed up at the towering mountains, feeling a sense of awe and humility at the vastness of nature that left him with a lump in his throat and a tingle in his neck.
  • 18、The elderly woman carefully massaged her aging neck, reminiscing about the days when it was firm and youthful, longing for the passage of time to be reversed.
  • 19、The high neckline of her dress highlighted her slender neck, drawing attention to her graceful posture and adding an air of sophistication to her appearance.
  • 20、始自颈部,达尾中段,在受到惊扰时全部竖起,似马头部的鬃毛,因此又有马鬃蛇之称。
  • 21、顶盖脊髓束,头颈部肌和眼外肌,我们明白下丘和听有关系,那就是视听反射,而上丘只是视觉反射。
  • 22、“瘰疬病”民间叫“鼠疮”,是结核病菌从口腔侵入淋巴结后,导致人体出现体外结核,在颈部长出串串包块的病症。
  • 23、这种电动按摩床人可以躺下,经常通着电感到热乎乎的比较舒服,中间有一按摩器,从颈部按摩到腰部,也使人感到不错。
  • 24、身体:俄罗斯蓝猫身材苗条,颈部细长头部:头宽脸尖细,耳宽大。
  • 25、他们针对的是头颈部癌症,因为这种癌症通常发现得晚,导致它更难成功治愈。
  • 26、结论:在颈部疼痛、交感神经和颈性眩晕之间有一个反射弧的存在。
  • 27、用指腹沾取少量本品轻敷在颈部和胸部。每日使用可使皮肤饱满滋润。
  • 28、男主人夏某颈部双侧被刀割开,腹部挑开。
  • 29、我们在此报告一例弹性假黄瘤样乳突真皮弹力纤维分解症,及另一例颈部白色纤维丘疹症。
  • 30、方法回顾性分析疑难颈部肿物诊疗的临床资料.
  • 31颈部橡胶按钮式开关更耐用。
  • 32、对此,李安民主任说,疲劳实际上是一种亚健康现象,如浑身没劲、不想动;也有的表现为局部疲劳,如颈部疼痛、肩背部发僵等。
  • 33、用法:早晚洁面后,取适量美肌水,轻拍于面部及颈部等处,按摩直至其吸收。
  • 34、不典型的心绞痛可有牙齿痛、腹痛、窒息感、颈部哽噎感,如已有这些症状,再出现明显的胸痛,一定要在第一时间去。
  • 35、康涅狄格州验尸员公布黎安妮的死因为勒死,或官方语言为因颈部受压导致创伤性窒息,这些深深的抓痕自然透露了个中真相。
  • 36、图片警语包括颈部、口腔和肺癌,以及坏疽和流产的图片.
  • 37、另外,在秋冬季,由于手部、头部和颈部都是露在外面的,所以就要戴围巾,手套和耳套来起到保暖作用。
  • 38、不典型的心绞痛可有牙齿痛、腹痛、窒息感、颈部哽噎感,如已有这些症状,再出现明显的胸痛,一定要在第一时间去医院就诊。
  • 39、押加运动员额热斯别克几天前训练时肩颈部受伤,带伤参赛无疑将影响他正常发挥,教练吕新贵对此颇为担忧。
  • 40、以按摩为主对78例落枕患者进行治疗,促进颈部疼痛消失,颈部活动功能恢复正常,全部病例均已治愈.
  • 41、结论:该疗法安全、有效,可作为面肌痉挛及各型头颈部肌张力障碍的首选治疗。
  • 42、白癜风好发于颜面、颈部、手背、腰围等处,分布常对称.
  • 43、口咽炎及牙部感染同样导致颈部腺病.
  • 44、陶峰在翻寻财物时听见戴厚英回家的声音,他用菜刀朝戴厚英、戴慧的面、颈部猛砍20余刀,致使两人均因大动脉等血管断裂大失血死亡。
  • 45、吉里森称,直到最近,头颈部癌症患者主要是老年人,而且都与吸烟喝酒有关。
  • 46、而据了解,Arbe喜爱打篮球的前男友,案发后曾在球场露面,当时有队友发现其颈部有多条明显伤痕,但他称是吻痕。
  • 47、反思内容包括管道在袖口,在后颈部软线管理循环,并在左胸旋风标志。
  • 48、使用方法:早晚洁面后,取适量护肤水,均匀涂于面部、颈部即可.
  • 49、背景与目的:声门型喉癌颈淋巴结转移率不高,颈部处理尚无统一认识.
  • 50、个月前,他作过手术,疏通颈部栓塞的血管。这很可能使他面临了出现脑血栓的危险。


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