

  • 1、在英语水平方面没有要求,但雅思考试仅适用于经过多年的英语学习并具备一定语言基础的人。
  • 2、申请雅思考试的考生必须具备什么样的英语水平?
  • 3、The IELTS exam is a challenging but highly rewarding opportunity for individuals to demonstrate their language proficiency and enhance their academic or career prospects.
  • 4、Achieving a high score in the IELTS test opens doors to countless educational and professional opportunities around the world, propelling individuals towards fulfilling their dreams.
  • 5、The pursuit of excellence in the IELTS test demands consistent effort, dedication, and an unwavering commitment to improving language skills in order to achieve one's desired score.
  • 6、The IELTS test not only evaluates language proficiency but also fosters critical thinking, effective communication, and cultural understanding, all of which are integral to success in today's globalized society.
  • 7、The IELTS exam serves as a benchmark for measuring language proficiency, allowing individuals to assess their strengths and weaknesses, and tailor their learning accordingly.
  • 8、The IELTS test equips candidates with vital skills such as time management, organization, and effective planning, which are transferable and highly valuable in various academic and professional settings.
  • 9、The IELTS exam offers a comprehensive evaluation of an individual's ability to listen, read, write, and speak in English, ensuring that they are well-prepared for real-life situations in an English-speaking environment.
  • 10、The IELTS test encourages candidates to challenge themselves, step out of their comfort zones, and push their linguistic boundaries to unlock new levels of proficiency.
  • 11、The IELTS exam provides a fair and unbiased assessment of candidates' language abilities, ensuring that language barriers do not hinder their opportunities for study or work in international settings.
  • 12、The IELTS test acts as a bridge connecting people from diverse backgrounds and cultures, fostering cross-cultural understanding and helping to build a more inclusive global community.
  • 13、Devoting time and effort to preparing for the IELTS exam not only enhances language skills but also boosts self-confidence and personal growth, enabling individuals to face future challenges with resilience.
  • 14、The IELTS test creates a level playing field for all candidates, regardless of their educational background, ensuring that everyone has an equal opportunity to showcase their language proficiency and potential.
  • 15、By immersing themselves in the IELTS test preparation process, candidates develop a deeper appreciation for different cultures, languages, and perspectives, fostering a more tolerant and inclusive society.
  • 16、The IELTS test serves as a testament to an individual's determination, perseverance, and hard work, reflecting their ability to overcome challenges and achieve their goals.
  • 17、The IELTS exam not only evaluates language proficiency but also cultivates lifelong learning habits and a thirst for knowledge, igniting a passion for continuous personal and intellectual growth.
  • 18、Success in the IELTS test not only brings a sense of personal accomplishment but also provides individuals with a competitive edge in an increasingly globalized and interconnected world.
  • 19、The IELTS test encourages candidates to explore their creativity, embrace diverse perspectives, and express themselves confidently in English, empowering them to contribute positively to their communities and beyond.
  • 20、Gaining a high score in the IELTS exam demonstrates an individual's readiness to adapt to new environments, work collaboratively, and become a global citizen committed to mutual understanding and respect.
  • 21、这个饼图反映的是2007年1月至12月间昂立托雅学院男女生所占的比例;柱状图对比的是男女生雅思考试的成绩。
  • 22、如果你真想在雅思考试或者英语学习中取得好得成绩,你需要付出更多的努力,花费更多的时间来学习。
  • 23、为庆祝雅思考试20周年,主办方将采取一系列措施来更好地服务考生、回馈社会。
  • 24、是否有雅思考试的资料?
  • 25、我今年已是中央广播学院大四的学生,前段时间美国教授劝我考雅思争取出国留学。
  • 26、在中国,雅思考试由英国文化委员会中国办公室和澳大利亚教育国际开发署联合管理,在遍布全国的23个考试中心举行考试。
  • 27、他实在不能忍受一个腐儒还敢如此嚣张,最不能忍受的是他就是害眼雅思难受的人。
  • 28、试验路段的实践,在每年年底团结起来,构成一个全样本雅思考试。
  • 29、金吉列留学常州分公司的刘淼老师表示,现在很多家长和学生会有一个误区,认为需要获得雅思成绩后再选择留学的国家,专业等事宜。
  • 30、我们直接参与雅思和职业外语水平考试。
  • 31、在无忧雅思网“留学与回国之围城心情”讨论专区,一位网友这样留言。
  • 32、就写作和口语考试来说,评分必须由合格的考官给出,以保证所打的分数是可信的,雅思考生的得分是正确的。
  • 33、楼主奉劝各位一定要好好装备雅思考试哦,良好的雅思会助你留学一臂之力的。
  • 34、日前由剑盟雅思预备学院推出的全新“智慧课堂”正式亮相中国。
  • 35、如果你参加所在城市的雅思机考,不要浪费时间把屏幕上的作文改为粗体或斜体。采用文本写作的现代模式。
  • 36雅思写作范文之**是否应该为公民提供平等的医疗福利?
  • 37、苏教国际企业培训中心就能帮助你很好的准备雅思考试。
  • 38、近日在北京举行的剑盟雅思预备学院成立新闻发布会上,剑桥大学外语考试部C。
  • 39、我想它们大都倾向于坚持雅思考试的高分。
  • 40、Rajesh是一个大学毕业生,他最近已经完成了他的雅思考试,从他的话里,我们就可见一斑。
  • 41、剑盟雅思预备学院将颠覆中国人学习英语的传统模式。
  • 42、经过三个月的雅思学习,紧接着迎来了欢庆的圣诞,今年我们与这些“烤鸭”们一同相约昂立托雅共庆圣诞,并为学员进行了庆生会,伴着蛋糕、蜡烛、欢笑!
  • 43、朋友考雅思,拿到口语题,他习惯性地说了句:我ri!谁想考官会一点中文,就问他什么意思,他说,“日”就是借助太阳的力量激励自己的意思。
  • 44、是中国首家由雅思官方进行的听说读写全科集中内部专场培训,官方培训人员Colin。
  • 45、知之小工具在线造句词典-造句应有尽有,几千词语的造句供您参考!
  • 46、另外,雅思考试一般不适合16岁以下的考生。
  • 47、毫无疑问,需求的增长导致了价格的上涨。无忧雅思网助我越重洋。
  • 48、在新航道雅思培训班中老师就会经常带领考生模拟真实的雅思口语考试情节,增加考生的临场应变能力。
  • 49、丹麦的哥本哈根理工学院和罗斯基勒商学院可以直接参加面试,无需雅思成绩,当场得知录取结果。
  • 50、何处负责接收有关雅思考试的投诉和建议?


雅思 yǎsī

雅思 雅思考试(IELTS),全称为国际英语测试系统(International English Language Testing System),是著名的国际性英语标准化水平测试之一。雅思考试于1989年设立,由英国文化协会、剑桥大学考试委员会和澳大利亚教育国际开发署(IDP)共同管理。 雅思考试坚持 “沟通为本”的理念,在全球首创从听、说、读、写四方面进行英语能力全面考核的国际考试,能够立体综合地精准测评考生的英语语言运用能力。作为全球认可度最高的国际英语测试,雅思考试获得全球超过140多个国家和地区的10,000所院校机构的认可,每年有超过300万人次参加雅思考试。在中国,雅思和普思继与欧洲语言共同参考框架实现对接后,成为率先与中国英语能力等级量表开展对接研究的国际英语考试。



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