

  • 1、这是一次很严厉的处罚,但新赛季被扣30分就象是在障碍赛跑”。
  • 2、此外,有跨栏和障碍赛跑110米栏。
  • 3、The obstacle race was a true test of my strength and resilience; every barrier I overcame filled me with a sense of accomplishment and unleashed the warrior within.
  • 4、The obstacle race taught me the invaluable lesson that sometimes in life, the biggest barriers we face are the ones we create in our minds, and once we break through them, anything is possible.
  • 5、AsI navigated through the muddy path, climbed over walls, and crawled under wires, the obstacle race became a metaphor for the challenges we encounter in life, reminding me to never give up.
  • 6、With every obstacle I conquered during the race, I felt a surge of empowerment, like a conqueror of my own destiny, proving to myself that I am capable of overcoming any hurdle.
  • 7、The camaraderie and support among participants during the obstacle race showcased the power of unity and the ability to achieve greatness when we uplift each other.
  • 8、The obstacle race taught me that there is no shortcut to success; it is through perseverance, determination, and the ability to adapt to unexpected challenges that we truly thrive.
  • 9、As I crossed the finish line of the obstacle race, drenched in sweat and covered in mud, I couldn't help but be overwhelmed by a sense of accomplishment and the belief that I can conquer anything.
  • 10、Each obstacle I faced in the race served as a metaphor for the obstacles I encounter in my daily life, reminding me that with resilience and a positive mindset, I have the strength to overcome them all.
  • 11、The cheers and encouragement from the crowd during the obstacle race were like fuel to my fire, pushing me to go faster, climb higher, and inspire those around me.
  • 12、As I stumbled and fell during the obstacle race, I learned that failure is not the end but a stepping stone towards success, teaching me valuable lessons and pushing me to continue striving.
  • 13、The obstacle race brought out my competitive spirit, igniting a fire within me to push myself beyond my limits and show the world what I am truly capable of.
  • 14、The relentless rain during the obstacle race mirrored the challenges and setbacks we face in life, reminding me that even in the midst of hardships, perseverance will always lead to brighter days.
  • 15、The obstacle race was a journey of self-discovery, revealing my true potential and inner strength, reminding me that I am capable of so much more than I could ever imagine.
  • 16、As the finish line of the obstacle race loomed ahead, I summoned every ounce of energy and determination, fueled by the belief that success awaited me just beyond those barriers.
  • 17、The obstacle race was a humbling experience, reminding me that the greatest victories often stem from the willingness to push through discomfort and embrace the unknown.
  • 18、汽车在高速公路上走像障碍赛跑
  • 19、现在他们已准备进行障碍赛跑
  • 20、一个大坡,或者一条障碍赛跑道。
  • 21、在障碍赛跑中,不同的障碍有不同的跨越方法,对运动员的素质也有不同的要求。
  • 22、我还会给他做玩具堡垒,如果我在家里建个“障碍赛跑训练场”,他就会开心得不得了。
  • 23、我以前从没听过障碍赛跑。我相信如果我去参加,一定会被障碍物绊倒。
  • 24、这款游戏中还有很多不错的小游戏比如草上雪板,障碍赛跑等等。


障碍赛跑 zhàngàisàipǎo

障碍赛跑 障碍赛跑是径赛项目之一。在跑进中须跨越规定障碍的竞赛项目。比赛标准距离分别为2000米和3000米。奥运会确定的该比赛项目距离为3000米,途中须跨越35个障碍栏架,其中7个附有水池。距起跑点270米处开始,每圈设有5个障碍,栏间距离为78米,其中第四个障碍栏架前设有水池。栏架高91.4厘米,宽3.96米。运动员通过栏架时,可以跨过或用手支撑腾越,也可用脚踏上栏顶横木跳下等。如有一脚从栏外迈过,或从水池后沿栏架上跳下时踏在水池两侧边上者,均为犯规,应取消比赛资格。2000米障碍赛跑为青年男子的比赛项目,须跨越23个障碍栏架,其中5个附有水池。



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