

  • 1、请法庭明鉴本律师是在极不情愿的情况下接受为被告辩护的任务的.
  • 2、昭和电工一位高管为这种做法辩护说.该公司将继续在日本生产用于混合动力汽车的优质磁铁.
  • 3、When unfairly accused, it is my constitutional right to have legal representation and a fair trial, so I will strongly defend myself with the help of a skilled defense attorney.
  • 4、Asa defense lawyer, it is my duty to challenge the prosecutor's evidence, pointing out any inconsistencies or biases that may exist and fighting for the truth to prevail.
  • 5、Despite the overwhelming evidence against my client, I will meticulously investigate alternative theories and present them to the court, reminding everyone of the principle of "innocent until proven guilty."
  • 6、Understanding that mistakes can be made, I will eloquently articulate the possibility of false confessions, eyewitness misidentifications, and flawed forensic science, urging the jury to consider all reasonable doubt.
  • 7、Inthe midst of public opinion condemning my client, I will construct a compelling narrative that provides a different perspective, shedding light on their background, struggles, and the extenuating circumstances surrounding the alleged crime.
  • 8、Iwill employ the full force of the law to prove my client's innocence, presenting expert witnesses, uncovering hidden evidence, and establishing an unwavering alibi that challenges the prosecution's case.
  • 9、Even in the face of overwhelming odds, I will advocate for a reduced sentence, emphasizing my client's commitment to rehabilitation, their contributions to society, and their potential for positive change.
  • 10、Through persuasive arguments and compelling evidence, I will eloquently challenge the validity and reliability of the prosecution's key witnesses, effectively undermining their credibility.
  • 11、Knowing that a person's past does not define their future, I will passionately speak for the chance of redemption, urging the court to consider my client's remorse, rehabilitation efforts, and the potential for them to lead a productive life.
  • 12、Iwill meticulously examine every piece of evidence presented by the prosecution, exposing any mishandling, contamination, or misinterpretation that raises doubt about my client's guilt.
  • 13、With empathy and understanding, I will paint a vivid picture of my client's difficult upbringing, family history, and personal struggles, emphasizing the mitigating factors that should be taken into account during sentencing.
  • 14、Taking into consideration the psychological and emotional state of my client at the time of the alleged crime, I will explore the possibility of temporary insanity or diminished capacity, arguing for a reduced culpability.
  • 15、Utilizing powerful storytelling techniques, I will engage the jury's emotions and invite them to step into my client's shoes, hoping to foster empathy and understanding for the complex circumstances that led to their actions.
  • 16、至于张庭选萨,越南必须坚持,直到最后辩护时,在我们的控制岛屿的回报。
  • 17、在刑事诉讼中,起诉书与辩护词是控辩双方主要的法律文书.
  • 18、莫里是德克萨斯的一名心脏病专家,他受雇照顾杰克逊,月薪15万美元。周二开庭,辩护律师切诺夫为他辩护时,莫里当场洒泪。
  • 19、一般不做自我辩护,但可以澄清一些观念、一些选择、一些是非。
  • 20、辩解者,辩护士为某事物,如教义、政策或制度而辩解或。
  • 21、迄今为止,每一桩案件,不管其正义与否,都不乏律师为它辩护
  • 22、*权观察辩护戈沙尔的工作,说明它没有政治倾向。该组织里德布罗迪,发言人说,戈沙尔的驱逐只会伤害布隆迪。
  • 23、我们看到保罗情辞迫切地关心哥林多信徒的问题,同时也为他所传的信息和事奉竭力地辩护
  • 24、因为证据有利于被告,所以辩护律师因势利导,终于得到了胜诉。
  • 25、一个不错的问题是,为什么马克思主义者已经在一定程度上熟悉了这场伟大的哲学争斗,而自由的辩护者们却没有?
  • 26、被告人有辩护权,这一辩护权受到宪法的保障。
  • 27、我不再是酒囊饭袋,躲在别人的暗影下,在无数的辩护与遁辞中,任时光流逝。
  • 28、真如哲学一方面为竞争作了辩护,另方面,它的相对主义倾向又消解了竞争的合法性。
  • 29、他们用许多冠冕堂皇的理由来为自己的杀戮行为作辩护,事实上这是非常不应该的!
  • 30、不单单是他的辩护律师雷,就连法官大人,甚至公诉人都对被告的不幸和愚蠢感到乐不可支。
  • 31、富尔达说,他不知道Wikileaks是否为这一用途寻求其他资金来源,基金会管理的资金没有被用于支付曼宁的辩护开支。
  • 32、基督的称义在公义的法庭为我们辩护,让我们得到充分、最后的赦罪.
  • 33、问全国有色人种协进会法律辩护基金产生了哪些历史影响?
  • 34、两人的辩护律师比尔·波茨2日告诉澳大利亚绍斯波特地方法院,他的当事人无意伤害“德克”。
  • 35、在刑事诉讼中,辩护律师人身权是律师一切权利的基础。
  • 36、被告辩护律师驳斥该证据为道听途说。
  • 37、人只是在真理对他有用的时候,他才利用真理;只消谬误有一时的用场,人也会一厢情愿地为他热衷于谬误的行径辩护;或者是把它作为只有一半的真理来炫耀于人,或者是将其作为一种代用品,用来把已经脱榫的事物在表面上加以弥合。
  • 38、我们看到保罗情辞逼切地关心哥林多信徒的问题,同时也为他所传的信息和事奉竭力地辩护
  • 39、对我们尘世生活短暂性的理由的一度的、永恒辩护哪怕只有半点相信,也要比死心塌地相信我们当前的负罪状况令人压抑得多。忍受前一种相信的力量是纯洁的,并完全包容了后者,只有这种力量才是信仰的尺度。
  • 40、每当他爸爸老豆想要责备他做错事的时候,豆豆总能想办法为自己辩护
  • 41、有些人往往嗔怪旁人没有尽最大努力,以资来为本身的掉败辩护
  • 42、当许多律师视刑事辩护为畏途时,张晓陵律师则坚定地将刑事辩护视为终生光荣的使命。
  • 43、公诉人、当事人和辩护人、诉讼代理人经审判长许可,可以对证人、鉴定人发问。
  • 44、他发表了一篇长文为自己的观点辩护.
  • 45、给自己辩护的人,告发了他自己。
  • 46、倘若你拿这个做辩护词,陪审团肯定不会定罪的。
  • 47、刑事缺席审判是指被告人在法庭审理时不到庭参加诉讼的情况下,公诉方和辩护人到庭,在法官的主持下进行的审判活动。
  • 48、碎至截稿时止,法庭文件中没有找到被告的辩护词,但加国无忧否认所有指控,并将对指控作出有力辩护
  • 49、一位菲律宾政治评论家的女儿在美国提起诉讼,控告这位前任总统是她们父亲2001年被害的同谋犯,现在埃斯特拉达正准备为自己辩护
  • 50、但不要习惯了黑暗就为黑暗辩护;也不要为自己的苟且而得意;不要嘲讽那些比自己更勇敢的人们。我们可以卑微如尘土,但不可扭曲如蛆虫。


辩护 biànhù

辩护 (汉语词语) 辩护的拼音是biàn hù,注音是ㄅㄧㄢˋ ㄏㄨˋ,意思有站在某一方,提出理由或事实为其辩解和在法庭上否定原告申诉的正确性等。我国的辩护分有有自行、委托、指定三种方式。





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