

  • 1、庐剧也是起源于安徽中部自东向西一带的传统京剧的一种。
  • 2、他们起源于表皮的基底层,沿着表皮的各层逐层上移,最后脱掉。
  • 3、The origin of love can be traced back to the first spark of connection between two souls, igniting a flame that burns brighter with each passing day.
  • 4、The origin of life on Earth remains a fascinating mystery, as scientists continue to explore the possibilities of extraterrestrial influences and primordial conditions.
  • 5、Inthe beginning, there was darkness, until the origin of light emerged, scattering its glow across the universe and giving birth to countless stars.
  • 6、The origin of creativity stems from a wandering mind, a restless spirit that seeks out new ideas, challenges conventions, and breathes life into imagination.
  • 7、The origin of conflict often lies in misunderstandings, miscommunication, and the inability to see beyond our own perspectives.
  • 8、The origin of friendship is rooted in trust, shared experiences, and the genuine desire to support and uplift one another on this journey called life.
  • 9、The origin of success lies not only in hard work and determination, but also in embracing failures, learning from mistakes, and never losing sight of one's dreams.
  • 10、The origin of happiness can be found within ourselves, in the ability to appreciate the present moment, cultivate gratitude, and find contentment in simplicity.
  • 11、The origin of fear resides in the depths of our minds, born from past traumas, insecurities, and the unknown that lurks in the shadows.
  • 12、The origin of hope springs forth from the human spirit, an indomitable force that refuses to surrender, even in the face of adversity and despair.
  • 13、The origin of art lies in the innate need for self-expression, to convey emotions, ideas, and experiences that transcend the limitations of words.
  • 14、The origin of wisdom is a lifelong journey, shaped by lessons learned, introspection, and the willingness to seek knowledge from all corners of the world.
  • 15、The origin of music can be found in the rhythm of our heartbeat, the melodies of nature, and the universal language that connects souls across cultures and time.
  • 16、The origin of beauty lies not only in the external appearances, but also in the authenticity, kindness, and love that radiate from within.
  • 17、The origin of dreams resides in the depths of our desires, propelling us forward, inspiring us to take risks, and reminding us of the infinite possibilities that await.
  • 18、The origin of knowledge can be traced back to ancient civilizations, where curiosity and the thirst for understanding sparked the birth of science and philosophy.
  • 19、The origin of tradition rests in the reverence for our ancestors, a connection to our cultural heritage, and the passing down of customs and rituals that define who we are.
  • 20、The origin of resilience is forged through hardships, adversity, and the unwavering belief in one's ability to rise again, stronger and more determined than before.
  • 21、经典的美式改装老爷车起源于1945年至1965年.
  • 22、现在,足球起源地和蹴鞠已成为淄博临淄乃至中国一张耀眼的名片。
  • 23、内画壶是鼻烟壶的一种.内画技艺起源于北京.
  • 24、在这一问题的研究上,应强调中国现代化进程的独特性,从而恰切地把握我国现代化进程与资本主义起源问题之间“度”的中介意向。
  • 25、跳仙鹤为富阳场口徐姓宗族特有的艺术品种,起源于清乾隆年间.
  • 26、爱步鞋子是极致好鞋的代名词,爱步品牌起源于丹麦,以生产皮鞋产品为主,是丹麦皇家指定用鞋。
  • 27、皮影戏起源于中国,在世界范围内流传.
  • 28、道教“祝由符咒”起源于巫术,后世用以为人治病时,又体现出一定的实用价值。
  • 29、云南省是亚洲栽培稻的起源和多样性分布中心之一,也是中国糯稻资源最为丰富的省份之一。
  • 30、蒙古族的敖包祭祀仪式源远流长,从氏族社会延传至今。学术界关于敖包的起源众说纷纭。
  • 31、五子棋是世界上最流行的纯策略型棋类游戏,是起源于中国古代的传统黑白棋种之一。
  • 32、革命应不是琐细小事,但它却是起源于琐细事物。
  • 33、它似乎是虚无飘渺,看不到,摸不着。可是追根究底,它似乎又是万物的起源
  • 34、祭坛园林是指由包括祭祀坛台在内的建筑、植物、道路、小品等造园要素所构成的环境区域,其起源于我国的周代。
  • 35、激光枪战游戏起源于上世纪八十年代,其灵感来源于好莱坞巨片“星球大战”。
  • 36、在现代足球的起源之地英国,足球*彩的传统已有百年的悠久历史。
  • 37、进一步的研究会发现,士阶层起源远自西周时代已出现,春秋战国时代之社会转型,只不过成为包括士阶层在内的社会阶层转化过程之加速剂。
  • 38、黄茶是最讲究的加工艺术的茶,关于黄茶的真正何时起源也有很多的争议。
  • 39、农历八月十五日是一年一度的中秋佳节。关于节日起源有很多种说法,也有很多关于这天的传说和传统。中秋节与春节清明节端午节并称为中国汉族的四大传统节日。
  • 40、古兰章节中有不少涉及科学真相的论述,而直到最近才被科学界证实,比如你刚才提到的那个万物起源于一点的说法。
  • 41、“西门町”的名称起源于日据时代的行政规划,由于地理位置恰位在台北城西门外,故称西门町。
  • 42、变奏曲式是最古老的曲式之一,它的起源与民间音乐有密切联系。
  • 43、在安全生产法制产生中,分析了安全生产法制的起源与发展过程。
  • 44、关于宇宙起源的新理论被世界上很多着名的天文学家批得体无完肤。
  • 45、拥有悠久的历史与古老的彝文典籍的彝族先民,记载下了西南农业经济的起源情况。
  • 46、虽然它在显微镜下的特徵非常明显,然其细胞起源仍是众说纷纭。
  • 47、此外追寻具体的民族建筑设计与技术起源也有困难.
  • 48、时髦起源于创造服装行业。
  • 49、诺维科夫叹道,粗鲁的服务态度是一种国家性先天缺陷,它起源于神秘的俄罗斯精神。
  • 50、对于一种叫萨尔塔龙的恐龙,古生物学家早就了解它从起源到灭绝的一些事。


起源 qǐyuán

起源 (词语解释) 起源是一个汉语词汇,拼音为qǐ yuán,基本意思是指事物产生的根源。出自田北湖《论文章源流》:“象者天所生也,数者物所呈也。字者人所制也,列象数而成字形,乃斯文之起源。”



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