

  • 1、我们唯一需要的赞誉是他人对自己正在做的或能做得更好的事情的理解。理解万岁。
  • 2、我们收到了赞誉和批评,但是,我们收到的大部分是人们对此感到厌烦,希望我们赶快出版下一集。
  • 3、Hedeserves all the praise for his tireless efforts in improving the lives of those less fortunate.
  • 4、Her incredible talent and dedication to her craft have earned her the admiration and accolades of the entire industry.
  • 5、The team's outstanding performance in the championship game has garnered them well-deserved praise and recognition.
  • 6、His selflessness in always putting others before himself is truly worthy of praise and admiration.
  • 7、She has consistently demonstrated exceptional leadership qualities and deserves praise for her ability to inspire and motivate others.
  • 8、The organization's commitment to sustainability and environmental stewardship is commendable and deserving of high praise.
  • 9、Wecannot underestimate the praise heaped upon him for his groundbreaking discoveries and contributions to the scientific community.
  • 10、The author's literary genius shines through in every page of their work, earning them widespread acclaim and praise.
  • 11、The company's innovative approach to problem-solving and forward-thinking strategies have earned them well-deserved praise and recognition in their industry.
  • 12、Her boundless energy and infectious enthusiasm are deserving of praise and serve as an inspiration to all those around her.
  • 13、The team's perseverance and determination in the face of challenges have earned them the highest praise from their coach.
  • 14、His exceptional talent and artistic vision have propelled him to the heights of success and garnered him well-deserved praise from critics and audiences alike.
  • 15、The teacher's ability to engage and inspire their students is deserving of the highest praise and recognition.
  • 16、His unwavering commitment to excellence and attention to detail in his work have earned him the admiration and praise of his colleagues.
  • 17、The charity organization's tireless efforts to alleviate poverty and provide aid to those in need deserve the highest praise and support.
  • 18、Her unwavering integrity and ethical values in both her personal and professional life have earned her the respect and praise of those who know her.
  • 19、The artist's unique style and ability to evoke emotion through their artwork has earned them widespread praise and recognition in the art world.
  • 20、The dedication and hard work of the volunteers who tirelessly provide support and assistance to the marginalized communities deserve the utmost praise and appreciation.
  • 21、武者在此世间似乎再无容身之地,那么是否有新的武者来再此世间注入一股清风,重新赢回百姓的赞誉,朝廷的信任?
  • 22、多年来,公司在新老客户的支持下得到了稳步发展,成了同行中的姣姣者,深受全国各地的工程客商信赖,并赢得了良好的赞誉
  • 23、他们的行动,赢得了灾区客户和广大人民群众的交口赞誉,在灾区一线留下了一个个令人感动的故事。
  • 24、我当时对小舟是大加赞誉,称他是沟通民族文化的先锋,是军民团结之楷模,说了越多,最终的意思却是嘲笑他不过是一迷信脑壳,成不了什么大器。
  • 25、尽管美国对查理横加指责,他却拥有一个团聚的家庭,还享有世界其他各国的赞誉
  • 26、小海字村的老人们每每提起村主任都有说不完的感激,对村主任的赞誉以及内心的感恩难以掩饰。
  • 27、医院奉行“优质服务,病人至上”的宗旨,公开收费标准,谢绝红包回扣,以精湛的医术、纯正的医风得到社会各界的赞誉
  • 28、工作完成后她获得赞誉,但筹备期间的苦活儿全是他干的.
  • 29、也就是说,切块的豆腐下锅后依然棱角分明,保持原状,既不会散烂,也不会变老,因此入口香融细润,较之猪脑更别具风味,博得食客交相赞誉
  • 30、鲁迅高度赞誉冯至为“中国最为杰出的抒情诗人”,这一评价并非苟同于当时诗坛的公议,而是较多地基于鲁迅个人的诗歌理念和欣赏趣味。
  • 31、认真落实官兵建议受赞誉2014年08月04日。
  • 32、我们收到了赞誉和批评,但是,我们收到的大部分是人们对此感到厌烦,希看我们赶紧出版下一集。
  • 33、夏云龙,三十二岁,在全集团军素有作战时多谋善断、骁勇强悍的赞誉,与他高大威猛,满脸胡须的外型倒很配套。
  • 34、加上丰富的时令农产品、技艺高超的大厨,广受赞誉的餐厅,你会恍悟美丽的葡萄酒产区之所以会成为浪漫逃逸的理想目的地。
  • 35、这一成果被结晶学届广为赞誉,他们中许多人是与Yusupov小组竞争,争取第一个发布结构的。
  • 36、她的表演,作为一个协作艺术家,协奏曲的独奏家,与低音键盘演奏家,也赢得了很高的赞誉
  • 37、追求赞誉的人,功绩不会很大。
  • 38、而与此成鲜明对比的,是柳冰倩,现在的她不再受人奚落,而是自信地站在了最闪耀的地方,获得众人的交口赞誉
  • 39、人们赞誉我是超人,其实我并非天生就是优秀的经营者。到现在我只敢说经营得还可以,我是经历了很多挫折和磨难之后,才领会一些经营的要诀的。
  • 40、安国虽然诗文得到朝野赞誉,但宦途却是坎坷,屡试不第。
  • 41、“奇人”,十数年来孜孜矻矻,苦练画马技艺,精心独创的“八卦S形构图法”绝技受到业内普遍赞誉
  • 42、相较于其他的赞誉之辞,少年时的张天福却把“坚持”二字牢记在心,也因对“坚持”的恒守,使其艺术在书画界写下了华美一章。
  • 43、为官不勤政闭门难掩民声怨;在位有清廉身后犹闻赞誉声。
  • 44、作为环保园的一部分,这座上海独一无二的“后工业生态景观公园”,赢得了中外与会者的交口赞誉
  • 45、前来参展的*弯馆、台北案例馆、震旦企业馆运行平稳有序,展览理念先进、服务温馨细致,受到广大游客的交口赞誉
  • 46、镇平律师为客户提供的中国法律政策咨询、投资风险预测和评估等相关服务,获得客户高度认可和赞誉
  • 47、由于这部电影获得了巨大的成功,其主要演员也受到了赞誉
  • 48、在诋毁和赞誉面前,人生最坚固的力量,莫过于信任和支持。李炜
  • 49、李医生待人亲切,医术高明,又免费替贫穷人家义诊,因此甚得当地人们赞誉,就诊者户限为穿。
  • 50、谦虚的学生应该学会珍视真理,而不应该关心对自己个人的颂扬。不谦虚的学生首先应该想到的是炫耀个人所得到的赞誉,而对真理却是漠不关心。思想史上载明的,谦虚几乎都是和学生的才能形成正比的,而不谦虚则是成反比。


赞誉 zànyù

赞誉 赞誉,指赞美、称扬。





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