

  • 1、有许多种方式可以使气候变化迫使它自身提到我们会议议程中。
  • 2、附档是需要派员参加补训的分会名单以及补训之议程表。
  • 3、Asthe CEO, it is my responsibility to set the agenda for the board meeting, ensuring that all crucial topics are discussed and decisions are made in the best interests of the company and its stakeholders.
  • 4、The long-awaited summit between the two countries finally reached a breakthrough when they agreed on a shared agenda that paves the way for a peaceful resolution to their longstanding conflicts.
  • 5、The international conference on climate change brought together experts and policymakers from various countries to discuss and develop a collective agenda aimed at combating the devastating effects of global warming and ensuring a sustainable future for generations to come.
  • 6、The nonprofit organization's annual general meeting focused on setting a robust agenda that addresses pressing social issues, such as poverty alleviation, educational reform, and healthcare accessibility.
  • 7、The United Nations General Assembly convened with world leaders to establish a global agenda aimed at promoting peace, addressing humanitarian crises, and achieving sustainable development goals.
  • 8、The conference organizers meticulously planned an agenda that not only featured keynote speakers and panel discussions but also included interactive workshops and networking sessions, ensuring a well-rounded and engaging event.
  • 9、The youth empowerment program provided participants with a platform to develop leadership skills and shape their personal agendas for creating positive change in their communities.
  • 10、The successful business summit brought together industry leaders to exchange ideas, explore collaboration opportunities, and collectively shape the agenda for driving innovation and economic growth.
  • 11、The newly elected board members wasted no time in implementing their reform agenda, channeling their passion and expertise towards streamlining operations, improving transparency, and strengthening accountability.
  • 12、The artist's solo exhibition showcased a thought-provoking collection of artworks, each one representing a unique narrative that challenges societal norms and pushes the audience to question their own personal agendas.
  • 13、The annual retreat for the management team provided an opportunity to reflect on the previous year's achievements and failures, allowing them to collectively establish the agenda for the upcoming year and strategize for continued success.
  • 14、The committee meeting centered around shaping the organizational culture, with a specific agenda focused on fostering inclusivity, promoting employee well-being, and encouraging innovation.
  • 15、The parents' association held a town hall meeting to discuss educational initiatives, ensuring that the agenda accurately addressed the concerns and aspirations of both students and parents alike.
  • 16、The international trade conference aimed to explore business opportunities and shape the trade agenda, drawing participation from global industry leaders, policymakers, and trade experts.
  • 17、The research institute's annual symposium brought together scientists, academics, and policymakers to discuss emerging research trends and collectively set the agenda for future scientific advancements in their respective fields.
  • 18、注2:本议程如有异动,以研讨会当天公布为主.
  • 19、该报称,对股票、债券、衍生品和外汇等金融交易征税的提议亦在会议议程中.
  • 20、根据议程,升旗,加入国防军宣誓,下达任务,指派工作,颁发国防军徽章军衔边境卫队成员遵守。
  • 21、该调查说,APEC需要具有新视野,以推动未来10年的议程
  • 22、善于挖掘的记者,能挖掘其中的政策和工作信息,摆脱会议程序的羁绊,捕捉会议焦点新闻。
  • 23、但是这项调查的结果也可能提供新的推动力,把森林保护更坚实地加入全球气候变化议程中。
  • 24、这次论坛的一项重要议程,评选出2014年全国最新考古发现中的6项重要发现,其中包括忻州市九原岗北朝壁画墓。
  • 25、事实上,近日来我们已经在这一议程的各个部分取得了进展。
  • 26、用于进行成批转换和创建诉状、议程和日历的向导.
  • 27、在我的分会,例会议程通常在一周前寄给会员,然后在例会前一天,再寄一次。
  • 28、这是一个努力的计划公众心目中去,随着无论议程最好的服务,财富和权力的有效压制异议人反对。
  • 29、我们会议议程上的一项重要内容是进一步加大执法行动力度,将其纳入全球执法体系。
  • 30、考试周很快接近尾声,安宁是最早结束此议程的,在毛毛等人依旧挣扎在生死边缘的时候,她已经开着电脑看贺岁片了。毛毛蔷薇朝阳指着她:“你不是人!”,安宁:“……”。顾西爵
  • 31、根据议程,克什米尔问题及和平、安全问题是此次外秘级会谈的核心议题。
  • 32、在去年敦豪速递公司组织的一次大会上,这种可能性就被提上了议程
  • 33、他说:“我们想造成的主要影响就是把这个问题纳入竞选人的议程。”。
  • 34、再比如,你得准备一次员式大会议程,你也是先抓住那些首先闪入脑海的相关主题。
  • 35、人人有一项议程有时候,我觉得当四姐妹们聚在一起的时候,微笑是我的快乐。
  • 36、我已把记录本和一些备用的议程表放在桌子上了.
  • 37、四“欧洲2020数字议程”的重要指标图30。
  • 38、在温格的议程里还有很多未竟之业并且每天都有新挑战。
  • 39、在上海市轨道交通四号线发生重大工程事故之后,上海已把重大工程的风险管理提上议程
  • 40、这也为日本经团联所领导的出口企业带来了机遇,他们开始规划有利于贸易的议程
  • 41、威廉,没问题。已经通知大家了,而且我已经确定会议的议程表通知到了每个出席人手里。
  • 42、博施说:当然,大家都在关注着美国的大选,因为美国是世界上最大的贸易国,但是世贸组织的议程不可能只照顾某一个国家。
  • 43、构建高绩效公共支出体系的近中期议程包括:以立法推进绩效管理,推行复式预算制度,鼓励地方**制度创新。
  • 44、然后他们对议程又逐条地进行商议.
  • 45、不列入常务委员会会议议程的,由常务委员会主任会议向常务委员会会议报告或者向提案人说明。
  • 46、琼斯先生,请你大体描述一下对议程第一条:技术规范的看法,好吗?
  • 47、而这两项议题均被提到欧盟首脑会议议程的首要位置。
  • 48、会议议程中有一项有关卫生相关千年发展目标进展情况的报告。
  • 49、他谈议程时那种匆匆忙忙的样子表明他在耍手腕.
  • 50、当被问及是否会提高烟税时,罗克森女士说,提税不在议程上。


议程 yìchéng

议程 议程是一个词语,拼音是yìchéng,意思是会议上议案讨论的程序;议事的执行流程。



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