

  • 1、我喜欢永恒的短暂,化主动为被动的昏暗,所有公允的景观之中,我都不存在。
  • 2被动收入的例子:有用的书籍和导购、节省时间的电脑应用软件等.
  • 3、The flowers were gently caressed by the soft breeze, their petals dancing gracefully in the sunlight, as if celebrating nature's boundless beauty.
  • 4、The beautiful sculpture was carefully crafted by the talented artist, its intricate details capturing the essence of human emotions and leaving a lasting impression on all who beheld it.
  • 5、The old man was tenderly embraced by his long-lost granddaughter, tears of joy streaming down his weathered face, a testament to the power of love and family bonds.
  • 6、Asthe rain poured down, the city was transformed into a shimmering landscape of glistening streets and dripping rooftops, evoking a sense of tranquility and renewal.
  • 7、The melodious melody of the piano was skillfully played by the young musician, its captivating notes echoing through the concert hall, stirring emotions and captivating the hearts of the audience.
  • 8、The ancient ruins were carefully preserved and studied by archaeologists, their crumbling walls whispering stories of a bygone era and offering valuable insights into our shared history.
  • 9、The words of encouragement spoken by her mentor were deeply appreciated by the aspiring writer, igniting a renewed sense of confidence and inspiring her to pursue her dreams relentlessly.
  • 10、The profound wisdom shared by the revered philosopher was eagerly absorbed by his attentive disciples, planting seeds of enlightenment that would blossom into a deeper understanding of life's mysteries.
  • 11、The wounded soldiers were fervently cared for by the tireless nurses, their selfless acts of compassion providing solace and comfort amidst the chaos and despair of war.
  • 12、The delicate porcelain vase was accidentally dropped, shattering into countless pieces, symbolizing the fragility of life and reminding us of the impermanence of all things.
  • 13、The delicate balance of power was disrupted by the unexpected resignation of the country's leader, leaving the citizens uncertain and anxious about the future of their nation.
  • 14、The breathtaking sunset was witnessed by the young couple, casting an ethereal glow over the horizon and solidifying their commitment to each other as they embarked on a lifelong journey together.
  • 15、The haunting melodies of the violin were expertly performed by the talented musician, its mournful notes resonating with the hearts of the audience, evoking a profound sense of longing and melancholy.
  • 16、The once vibrant neighborhood was slowly transformed into a desolate wasteland, as businesses shuttered and families moved away, leaving behind a ghost town of broken dreams and lost opportunities.
  • 17、The majestic mountains were conquered by the determined climbers, their unwavering determination and unwearied spirit overcoming physical challenges and pushing the limits of human capabilities.
  • 18、The ancient manuscript was meticulously deciphered by the esteemed scholars, revealing long-forgotten knowledge and shedding light on the mysteries of a forgotten era.
  • 19、The delicate butterfly was delicately held by the curious child, its fragile wings fluttering against their tiny fingers, a symbol of the gentle beauty and intricate complexity of the natural world.
  • 20、我在上面讲了那么些被动,那么些糊里糊涂,是不是我个人真正欣赏这一套,赞扬这一套呢?否,否,我决不欣赏和赞扬。我只是说了一点实话而已。
  • 21、有时需要被动模式,例如如果您的服务器和FTP服务器之间存在防火墙。
  • 22、导致右江盆地由陆内裂陷盆地向被动陆缘裂谷盆地演化。
  • 23、学习有两种态度,一种是被动学习,被动学习是指学习目的不明确,只会循规蹈矩地机械学习。
  • 24、历史是人民创造的,那个时代的人民只是在被动地创造历史罢了。至于伟人,人民创造了历史,历史再创造伟人,所以伟人和人民相比只是孙子辈的。
  • 25、但这就是被动性的足球,无法将球员的能力成倍地结合起来。
  • 26、职场是天然的猎场,所有进入职场的人,都要主动或被动地卷入职场狩猎游戏之中。这种情况的出现,是由于员工和公司老总的利益天然冲突性所决定的。
  • 27、利用水平层分析法,分析被动土压力的分布规律.
  • 28、金微心中冰冷,血液都快凝固了,FrancoBao拉着她的手,不由分说地向楼上走,她被动地跟着她,想不去也不行。
  • 29、文章认为,施事在被动句中有跟句外的背景进行对比,以强调施动者是此而非彼的作用,因而是被动句中的话题焦点。
  • 30、吾辈凡人的诞生,无一例外,都是被动的,一点主动也没有。我们糊里糊涂地降生,糊里糊涂地成长,有时也会糊里糊涂地夭折,当然也会糊里糊涂地寿登耄耋,像我这样。
  • 31、分别对电磁式振动给料机进行了被动隔振和混合隔振的研究。
  • 32、这个整容、美容啊,人造美女之类,分为两种。一种是主动整容,如锦上添花;一种是被动整容,如雪中送炭。你觉得这两种整容有什么区别吗?
  • 33、我决心尽快地扭转学习上的被动局面。
  • 34、他们以为培训仅仅是被动式的学习。
  • 35、知之小工具是一部在线造句词典,其宗旨是更快地造出更优质的句子.
  • 36、保持被动,什么事都不做,只是聆听。只要去听那个正在发生的,只要跟那个正在发生的在一起,突然间就会有宁静。
  • 37、最近,某县有位乡长,因为缺乏号召力而导致工作被动.
  • 38、但由于两种语言所属体系及类型不同,其被动句在构成方式、结构特征等方面存在较大差异。
  • 39、人是一种善忘、残忍、被动、懒惰的动物。也许我这样批评很尖酸刻薄,不过我讲的这几个名词都是针对我自己。
  • 40、我平时学习不用功,总是陷于被动,老师、家长都为我着急。
  • 41、指出铁路地质工作的滞后被动局面及其造成的原因.
  • 42、有许多被动的人平庸一辈子,是因为他们一定要等到每一件事都百分之百的有利,万无一失以后才去做。当然,我们必须追求完美,但是等到所有的条件都完善以后才去做,只能永远等下去了。
  • 43、缘此,本文对英语被动语态进行了六个方面的语用分析,同时提出了五种汉译英被动语态的方法。
  • 44、人生是被动的,但在被动过程中中有主动,主动地去努力,去创造,主动地选择一种责任感。
  • 45、我情愿是主动的钉锤而不是被动挨敲的钉子…
  • 46、机械主义科学观导致心理学的“被动人”理论。
  • 47、我要用青春的绿色改变挫折,用青春的绿景布满大地。青春可贵,如果不用青春去书写传奇,挫折怎么会被动摇呢?“少壮不努力,老大徒伤悲”,没有青春为挫折布下基础知之小工具,怎么会赢呢?用青春改变挫折的色彩。
  • 48、今日股市:开盘,一睁开眼便想你想的处于昏迷状态;中午,一直处于上升牛市状态,想你,想你.....好想你!下午,回盘,收回想你,化被动为主动,发信息,发信息,发信息......只为传达一句:“我爱你”!
  • 49、由于受利益的驱使和政绩的诱惑,被动应付,马虎从事,矿难做所难免,**难辞其咎。
  • 50、这些酶是消耗糊粉液泡中被动用的贮藏蛋白合成的.


被动 bèidòng

被动 (汉语词汇) 被动的含义是受外力推动而动或受他人的影响或牵制而发生行动,常指不能造成有利局面使事情按照自己的意图进行(跟“主动”相对)例如,由于事先考虑不周,事情搞得很被动。





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