

  • 1、谁是行凶者以及采取怎样的补救措施,随即昭然若揭。
  • 2、在饮食上的补救方法是,多吃新鲜蔬菜水果,以补充维生素,如白菜、油菜、雪里红、西红柿、荠菜、山楂、酸枣、柠檬等。
  • 3、Facing the consequences of his mistakes, he desperately sought a way to remedy the situation, hoping to salvage his reputation and rebuild the trust he had lost among his friends and family.
  • 4、Inan attempt to make amends for her hurtful words, she wrote a heartfelt apology letter, expressing her deepest regrets and pledging to do whatever it takes to rectify the damage she had caused to their relationship.
  • 5、Asa last-ditch effort to save their failing marriage, they enrolled in marriage counseling, hoping that the therapist's guidance and expertise will help them find the necessary tools to rectify the issues plaguing their relationship.
  • 6、The government rolled out a series of economic policies, aiming to remedy the financial crisis and revitalize the struggling economy, ensuring that the citizens would not bear the brunt of the economic downturn.
  • 7、After realizing the damaging effects of their unhealthy lifestyle, they committed themselves to a vigorous fitness routine and healthy eating habits, determined to remedy the years of neglect they had subjected their bodies to.
  • 8、His parents, seeking to remedy the consequences of their neglectful upbringing, enrolled him in therapy, believing that professional guidance could help him heal from the emotional scars and develop a healthier outlook on life.
  • 9、Determined to rectify the educational disparities in underprivileged communities, the nonprofit organization launched an initiative to improve access to quality education, providing scholarships, mentorship programs, and educational resources.
  • 10、Witnessing the devastating effects of deforestation, the environmentalist campaigned tirelessly to raise awareness about the importance of tree planting, advocating for reforestation programs and policies to remedy the ecological damage.
  • 11、Realizing the detrimental impact of cyberbullying on mental health, the school introduced comprehensive anti-bullying programs, striving to create a safe and inclusive environment where students can report incidents and receive the necessary support to remedy the harm caused.
  • 12、Faced with declining sales and a tarnished brand image, the company launched an extensive rebranding campaign, aiming to remedy their public perception, regain consumer trust, and restore their market position.
  • 13、Recognizing the damage caused by their offensive advertisements, the company issued a public apology and committed to diversifying their workforce and marketing strategies, hoping to remedy the harmful stereotypes perpetuated by their previous campaigns.
  • 14、As the country faced the aftermath of a natural disaster, the government mobilized resources to provide immediate relief and initiated long-term reconstruction plans to remedy the extensive damage and restore normalcy in the affected areas.
  • 15、Realizing the harmful effects of excessive screen time on children's development, the school implemented screen time guidelines and partnered with parents to promote healthy technology usage, aiming to remedy the negative impacts on their students' well-being.
  • 16、票据丧失后,失票人根据需要可以分别采取挂失止付、公示催告和提起诉讼的补救措施。
  • 17、如果你打扮不得体,最后的补救办法就是尽可能表现出十足的自信。
  • 18、人类需要宽容,而懒惰、无知、自私就不会有宽容!个人的不宽容,不会制造监狱,也没有刽子手;而官方的不宽容,一旦发起脾气,便可以置无辜人于死地,也从不做任何反悔补救的事。
  • 19、事态已严重到了这种境地,你再怎么补救也是江心补漏,为时已晚。
  • 20、做错了事情不要紧、只要你即使悬崖勒马、一切都会有补救的机会。
  • 21、等待就是一种遗憾,遗憾是不能补救的,不能补就的生命是无法挽回的。
  • 22、即使事后你怎么补救,别人只会认为你只是在死撑。
  • 23、大的东西变小,小的东西也会变大。“大”与“小”常常在某种条件下向对方转化。大的损失会因补救及时而变小,小的成绩会因继续努力而变大;“多”与“少”也是如此,多的问题会因及时求教而减少,少的知识会因不断积累而增多。
  • 24、有关统计部门虽早已预测出*弯人口老化情形正在快速成长,台当局施政中却从未列为首要重大工作,推出的补救措施流于枝节性,可说徒具虚文起不了作用。
  • 25、顾问们谈到,在强制执行之前有一段时间可以让债权人寻求法律补救,也可以讨论优先购买权问题。
  • 26、洗眉是指文眉色素的去除,是对文眉效果不满意时的一种补救措施。
  • 27、轩辕的命格亿中无一,为师也找不到补救的办法,而且这种命格的人逢六必秧。
  • 28、据悉,机场有关部门正在尽力实施各种补救措施,如向机场跑道大量喷洒防冻解冻剂,并尽量合并航班。
  • 29、加虚弱,几经折腾,不死也难。策划成功的必胜策略,也要考虑失败的补救方法。
  • 30、紫金矿业董事会随后发表致歉信,表示对事故深感痛心,谴责公司管理不力,并承诺做出赔偿和补救,但未说明赔偿金额。
  • 31、表1总结渗透性影响在率和渐增补救的.
  • 32、她的心底多了巨大的洞,非女娲不能补救。她的世界多了沧桑的海,非精卫不能填平。章珈琪
  • 33补救潮湿或返潮的地下室可以像重新排布落水管一样简单,重整斜坡让它远离基墙,或者在内墙刷防水涂料。
  • 34、其实原因很简单:你的精力不够了。一旦如此,有几种简便快捷的自然补救法可让你精力充沛。
  • 35、浓厚的智力、兴趣、气氛促使他们去阅读,而阅读是使他们学习得好的最重要的补救手段。
  • 36、数学是科学的大门钥匙,忽视数学必将伤害所有的知识,因为忽视数学的人是无法了解任何其他科学乃至世界上任何其他事物的。更为严重的是,忽视数学的人不能理解他自己这一疏忽,最终将导致无法寻求任何补救的措施。
  • 37、除在宏观策略和行业层面的讨论,商业领军者还给出企业管理方面的补救措施。
  • 38、我努力的去补救,但是似乎没有任何的作用。
  • 39、要是我们今天不力图补救,使整个企业减少经济漏洞,长此以往,恐怕要遭万劫不复之灾。
  • 40、深基坑;流砂;补救措施。
  • 41、大的货色变小,小的东西也会变大。“大”与“小”经常在某种前提下向对方转化。大的丧失会因补救及时而变小,小的成就会因持续尽力而变大;“多”与“少”也是如斯,多的问题会因及时求教而减少,少的常识会因一直积聚而增多。
  • 42、该文拟通过对地震区划图的不适用范围及补救措施的论述,来促使更科学合理地运用地震区划图。
  • 43、它包括开放程序块,可以在程序块中用机器语言对补救措施进行硬编码。
  • 44、我从不谈论我的憾事,因为那已经发生,已经成为历史事实,你已无法补救与挽回。美国有一句谚语说:驾车前行时,永远要向前方看,不要盯着后视镜。
  • 45、而当局云溪新成员分享这块市场的将会把人寿保险的乐趣带给大众,也能用资金来补救印度贫血的资本市场。
  • 46、当我们无奈的失去,假如某天失而复得,假如某天发现自己的错误还可以补救,假如突然一怔,发现一切只是一场噩梦,我们会重新正视现在,我们会重新书写我们的人生。
  • 47、懊悔的不是曾经的经历有多么不堪多么失败,而是有一份美好的未来却不能用心去把握;沮丧的不是事情做得有多么失望,却是明明有机会补救而认为无能为力坐视不理。
  • 48、勿作浮谈,勿挟私意,何者宜补救,何者宜扩充,以类相从,各抒己见。
  • 49、一个人一生中只要铸下一件永远无法补救的大错,无论他的出发点是为了什么,他终生都得为这件事负疚,就算别人已原谅了他,但他自己却无法原谅自己,那种感觉才真正可怕。古龙
  • 50、方法采用孕鼠临产期推算法、触诊法、观察法、综合法、补救法等多种判断方法的比较,观察和评价各种临产期判断方法的准确性。


补救 bǔjiù

补救 (汉语词语) 补救是一个汉语词汇,指弥补,设法救助或挽回。 语出《高子遗书·语》:“正言足用之道,有要在源头上做来,哀公要在末流上补救,其实末上如何补救得?”




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