

  • 1、将军文武兼资,英威不世,往因多难,仗剑兴师,援旗誓众,抗威千里,岂不以四郊多垒,共谋王室,匡时报主,宁国庇民乎?此所以五尺童子,皆愿荷戟而随将军者也。
  • 2、因宋某曾供述第一次借款后就知道蒋某吸*,因此法庭依照《刑法》,判处宋英威有期徒刑2年,缓刑3年。
  • 3、The majestic roar of the lion, the symbol of English strength, powerfully resonates across the savannah, embodying the spirit of the mighty English.
  • 4、Asthe sun sets behind the iconic Big Ben, the heart of London, the English heritage shines brightly, exhibiting its timeless grandeur.
  • 5、With talents like William Shakespeare and Jane Austen, England has gifted the world with extraordinary literary treasures, forever imprinting the beauty of English words in our hearts.
  • 6、The English countryside, adorned with picturesque landscapes and charming villages, casts a spell on every traveler, evoking a sense of tranquility and awe-inspiring beauty.
  • 7、The English language, with its rich vocabulary and elegant expressions, serves as a gateway to connect people from different cultures, fostering understanding and unity.
  • 8、Inthe Battle of Waterloo, the brave English soldiers displayed unwavering determination and indomitable spirit, cementing their legacy as valiant warriors in the annals of history.
  • 9、Beit the exhilarating chants of football fans or the melodic tunes of the Beatles, English music resonates with passion and emotion, shaping the soundtrack of our lives.
  • 10、The Tower of London, shrouded in centuries of history, whispers tales of intrigue, bravery, and betrayal, encapsulating the essence of English heritage.
  • 11、With its prestigious universities like Oxford and Cambridge, England has been a beacon of academic excellence, inspiring generations to pursue knowledge and innovation.
  • 12、The captivating beauty of the Lake District, with its tranquil lakes and majestic mountains, leaves a lasting impression on all who visit, enriching both the mind and the soul.
  • 13、The English monarchy, steeped in tradition and pageantry, symbolizes the enduring strength of the nation, standing as a unifying force for the English people.
  • 14、From the grandeur of St. Paul's Cathedral to the modernity of the Shard, the architectural marvels in England showcase the evolution of design and the boundless creativity of the English people.
  • 15、The English tea ceremony, with its delicate porcelain cups and refined rituals, is a testament to the English appreciation for grace, elegance, and the finer things in life.
  • 16、With a history of scientific discoveries like Isaac Newton's laws of motion and Charles Darwin's theory of evolution, England has been a cradle of intellectual enlightenment, pushing the boundaries of human knowledge.
  • 17、The English countryside, famous for its rolling hills and vibrant gardens, inspired great artists like John Constable and J.M.W. Turner, whose paintings immortalize the beauty of nature.
  • 18、The Tower Bridge, standing tall over the River Thames, proudly represents the ingenuity and engineering brilliance of the English, connecting people and cultures for generations.
  • 19、The English sense of humor, with its quick wit and clever wordplay, never fails to bring smiles and laughter, lightening even the darkest of days.
  • 20、新快报讯记者许力夫通讯员邓伟强罗英威报道10月30日下午,王先生在天河购书中心坐上了广骏“黄的”梁景韶师傅的车。
  • 21、艾姆科水技术、可瑞水技术、艾科工程和英威科,任何一个,都是世界水处理行业的响亮的名字。
  • 22、护航官兵所具有的当代气质与英威形象,使人可以穿过岁月的厚重帷幕,一睹中国海军巨大的历史进步。
  • 23、新华网哈尔滨3月26日电记者孙英威今年春播期间,黑龙江省**将通过规定流通环节的进销差率,控制农资价格过度上涨,保护农民利益。
  • 24、发扬我民族英威,扫荡敌人侵略的罪恶!半夜火光中,那悲愤的杀声,正是我将士在冲锋肉搏!一寸血肉,一寸山河!怎悲壮。
  • 25、新华网哈尔滨8月16日电记者刘景洋、孙英威记者从黑龙江省伊春市**获悉,截至16日11时30分,该市乌马河区烟花厂爆炸事故中已抢救出伤员10余名。
  • 26、据新华社济南1月31日专电记者王海鹰邹英威梁鹏访亲拜友,吃喝聚会,年复一年,都是人们春节活动的“既定内容”。
  • 27、连接两巷子的,是赫赫有名的小路“英威街”。
  • 28、本报讯记者朱珉迕“机掩吴淞月,炮掀黄浦波,发扬我民族英威,扫荡敌人侵略的罪恶……”昨天是“八·一三”淞沪抗战75周年。
  • 29、到现在我都还记得第一次和英威约会,我为了考验他,很过分地迟到了近两个小时,可他还是满面笑容地站在寒风中等着我。
  • 30、位于英威街的玄津桥修建于明代,其改造方案将和雨花立交桥等有所区分,力争做到修旧如旧。


英威 yīngwēi

英威 英威,是汉语词汇,读音是yīng wēi,意思是英勇威武。出自《后汉书·光武帝纪赞》。



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