

  • 1、在我成长的家庭,家人都是敬畏神的。父母一生厮守,这就是一个传统家庭,至死不变
  • 2、蹉跎了岁月,也蹉跎了我们的心,但我们的意志是坚定的,你是我倾慕的海,是我义无返顾奔赴的海,是至死不变爱着的海!
  • 3、The bond between a mother and her child is a love that remains untarnished, strong, and unwavering until death, with a loyalty that transcends all obstacles and challenges.
  • 4、Throughout history, the power of true friendship has proven to be a force as unyielding and unchanging as the North Star, an everlasting connection that stands the test of time.
  • 5、Inthe depths of despair, when darkness surrounds and hope seems distant, the burning flame of determination within us remains steadfast, guiding us towards a brighter future until the last breath.
  • 6、The vows exchanged on a wedding day are not mere words, but a sacred promise to love and cherish one another until death, through the peaks and valleys of life's journey.
  • 7、The strength of a nation lies not in its leaders or resources, but in the unwavering commitment and unwavering spirit of its people, willing to give their all until the end.
  • 8、Through the trials and tribulations of life, the love between two soulmates remains impenetrable, an unbreakable bond that withstands the tests of time, and continues to grow until the last heartbeat.
  • 9、The pursuit of knowledge is a lifelong journey, where the thirst for wisdom and understanding propels us forward, constantly seeking answers until death, never allowing complacency to settle within our hearts.
  • 10、The unwavering determination of a dreamer fuels their ambitions, propelling them forward in the pursuit of their desires, never swaying or faltering until their dreams turn into reality.
  • 11、The love of a pet knows no bounds, as they remain by our side until the very end, offering comfort and companionship that is unwavering, even in the face of our own mortality.
  • 12、The beauty of nature, with its majestic landscapes and serene serenades, remains untouched and unspoiled, reminding us of the awe-inspiring wonders that endure without change until the end of time.
  • 13、The legacy of a great leader is measured not by the riches they accumulate, but by the positive impact they leave behind, a legacy that continues to inspire and guide generations until the end of days.
  • 14、The power of forgiveness is transformative, releasing the shackles of bitterness and resentment, allowing us to move forward with love and understanding until our final breath.
  • 15、The love of literature knows no boundaries, as the words of great authors and poets resonate through the ages, their stories and verses remaining timeless and unchanging, capturing the hearts of readers until eternity.
  • 16、Apromise made in the bonds of friendship is marked by unwavering loyalty, support, and trust, a commitment that remains unbroken and unchanged, even as time passes and circumstances fluctuate.
  • 17、The call of duty is answered by those brave souls willing to put their lives on the line, serving and protecting until their last breath, displaying an unwavering dedication to their cause.
  • 18、我是个百依百顺的孩子,至死不变,但只顺从我自己。萨特
  • 19、尽管每个人生来就有自己的一整套基因,受之父母,至死不变,但这些基因可以打开或关闭,从而使表型发生改变。
  • 20、万历一生也就钟情于一个郑贵妃,这个感情同样至死不变,即便到万历四十多年郑贵妃人老珠黄,他也从来没有另觅新欢。
  • 21、他是一个认死理的人,不住楼房是他至死不变的想法,谁劝都没用。
  • 22、本部讲述了一对情侣至死不变的爱情故事,他们二人在人类史上最黑暗的时代度过青春年代,他们一度相爱,但却分隔40余载,不曾相见。
  • 23、我们立下的爱的誓言将会至死不变
  • 24、说到底,真正想把自己一生的爱情都寄托在一个十几岁的男孩身上的女孩是很少的,但在某一段时间里她会幻想自己的爱情会至死不变
  • 25、假如说了一句话,就至死不变地照做,世界上没有解约、反悔、道歉许多事了。
  • 26、江姐被捕后,遭到敌人的威逼利诱和严刑拷打,但她为革命奋斗终身的意志至死不变
  • 27、我们对祖国的热爱和忠诚至死不变
  • 28、我把对你的承诺写在了每一个日出日落上,让大地的每一天都见证着我对你至死不变无悔的爱,春夏秋冬每个季节的变换都带不走你我的牵挂。情人节快乐!
  • 29、当我遇上塞巴斯蒂,我告诉他:我要跟他到永远,至死不变
  • 30、无怨无悔,是您至死不变的誓言,播种知识,是您矢志不渝的信念。无论以后我身在何方,也无法减少我对您的敬佩。无论以后岁月如何变换,也无法磨灭我对您的思念。
  • 31、他效忠祖国的心至死不变
  • 32、挚友是倾心吐意、金玉良言,也是随时帮助、直言不讳;是耐心接受、勇敢维护,更是恒久不变,至死不变
  • 33、李翰祥将曹雪芹笔下的红楼梦那段至死不变的爱情悲剧,重新编排活现银幕,而林青霞反串演活风流公子贾宝玉,更是形神俱备俊朗迷人。


至死不变 zhì sǐ bù biàn

西汉 戴圣《礼记 中庸》:“国无道,至死不变,强哉矫。”




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