

  • 1、由于城市太复杂了,所以你可以设计房子,但永远设计不了城市,而且也不应该去设计城市。城市是巨大的自然现象,超过了我们改变事物的能力,也超过了我们所能了解的关于应该如何去改变城市的知识。
  • 2、此外苗族认为一些自然现象或自然物具有神性或鬼性,苗族语言往往鬼神不分,或者两词并用。
  • 3、Standing atop the mountain, I felt a sense of awe as I witnessed the majestic beauty of a double rainbow stretching across the sky, a natural phenomenon that filled my heart with wonder and gratitude for the beauty of our world.
  • 4、AsI walked along the sandy beach, the rhythmic crashing of waves against the shore reminded me of the eternal power and relentless force of the ocean, a natural phenomenon that humbled me and made me appreciate the vastness of nature.
  • 5、The symphony of crackling thunder and dazzling streaks of lightning during a powerful storm ignited both fear and fascination within me, as I marveled at this natural phenomenon that demonstrated nature's raw power and energy.
  • 6、The gentle fall of autumn leaves, swirling and dancing in the crisp breeze, evoked a sense of melancholy and serenity, as I contemplated the transient nature of life and the cyclical changes brought forth by this beautiful natural phenomenon.
  • 7、Inthe depths of a dark cave, thousands of tiny glowworms created a luminescent wonderland, illuminating the darkness with their ethereal glow, a natural phenomenon that inspired a sense of enchantment and reminded me of the magic hidden within the Earth.
  • 8、The gentle fluttering of butterflies as they migrated across continents, en masse, filled me with a sense of awe and wonder, as I marveled at the harmonious rhythm and perfect synchronization of this majestic natural phenomenon.
  • 9、The breathtaking display of a field covered in vibrant wildflowers, stretching as far as the eye could see, filled me with joy and reminded me of the beauty and resilience of nature, a natural phenomenon that lifted my spirits and filled my soul.
  • 10、The eerie silence that descends upon a forest during a total solar eclipse evokes a sense of mystery and enchantment, as nature itself seems to hold its breath, showcasing this rare and captivating natural phenomenon.
  • 11、The gentle touch of a spring breeze, carrying the scent of blooming flowers, lifted my spirits and filled me with a sense of renewal and hope, as I marveled at the rejuvenating power of this delicate natural phenomenon.
  • 12、The swirling dance of the Northern Lights across the night sky, their vibrant colors shimmering and weaving together like an otherworldly tapestry, left me spellbound and in awe of this breathtaking natural phenomenon.
  • 13、The raw, untamed power of a volcanic eruption, as molten lava flows and ash fills the air, serves as a stark reminder of the Earth's immense energy and its ability to shape the world, a natural phenomenon that demands both respect and admiration.
  • 14、The gradual change of seasons, as vibrant green leaves turn into a brilliant tapestry of reds, oranges, and yellows, reminds me of the perpetual cycle of growth and renewal, a natural phenomenon that reflects the beauty of change and the passage of time.
  • 15、The delicate flight of a hummingbird, hovering mid-air with its wings beating at an astonishing rate, reveals the extraordinary capabilities of this tiny creature, showcasing a natural phenomenon that is a testament to the wonders of evolution.
  • 16、The serene beauty of a snow-covered landscape, with delicate white flakes falling silently from the sky, paints a picture of tranquility and purity, inviting introspection and reminding me of the serene stillness that can be found in this natural phenomenon.
  • 17、The delicate blooming of cherry blossoms, filling the air with their sweet fragrance and adorning the branches with vivid pink hues, signifies the arrival of spring and fills me with a sense of hope and renewal, as I witness this fleeting yet enchanting natural phenomenon.
  • 18、我们为断地在他们耳边说:"他们需要得到理解",因此,如果他们不把这现成的借口用作他们不安分守已这种自然现象的挡箭牌,那才是不近人情哩。
  • 19、只要懂一些自然科学,你对日食和月食这些自然现象也就不足为奇了。
  • 20、“冬雷震震夏雨雪,天地合,乃敢与君绝!”将冬天打雷,与“夏天下雪”相提并论,认为是不可能发生的自然现象
  • 21、观测所,气象台,天文台:一座建筑或一个机构,用以观测天文的、气象学的或其它自然现象
  • 22、五行的相生相克,本来都是从自然现象导引出来的,它的原始观点并非唯心的胡诌。
  • 23、盖吾国国民数千年来,所拥戴之一大自然现象,厥为泰山。
  • 24、静电是一种客观的自然现象,产生的方式很多,如接触、磨擦、冲流等等。
  • 25、另外又有阴阳官一员,辅以阴阳生四员,负责仰观天象,预测天候,掌管历日,解释自然现象
  • 26、日食月食都是自然现象,不必大惊小怪的。
  • 27、由于咸潮上溯属于沿海地区一种特有的季候性自然现象,多发于枯水季节、干旱时期。
  • 28、人类对很多自然现象尚不能做出科学的解释。
  • 29、日食月食都是自然现象,不必大惊小怪。
  • 30、在1744年,贝克莱主教在没有悖论或赘言的情况下,还能够乞灵于该词的经院哲学意义:自然现象仅仅是自然的外观。
  • 31、持之以恒长期食用,促进新陈代谢、增加体力、维持健康,沈淀物系酿造物自然现象。请安心饮用。
  • 32、在年复一年的辛勤劳作中,逐渐从自然现象的变化中窥测到时辰的规律,在殷朝以前先民已将一昼夜等分为12个时辰,或是100刻。
  • 33、在自然界和人类活动中广泛存在着次声波,海上风暴、火山W发、龙卷风、磁攀、极光等自然现象
  • 34、面对一些自然现象我们只能无可奈何的看着他发展。
  • 35、本课程将从上古时代追溯到中世纪与文艺复兴,探究人们对自然概念的演进,以及对自然现象研究与解释方式的转变。
  • 36、造网是一部在线造句词典,其宗旨是更快地造出更优质的句子.
  • 37、北极光是地球上比较容易见到的最壮观的自然现象之一.
  • 38、这两个概念既涉及佛教对自然现象的主要看法,也涉及佛教对其宗教最高目的的典型表述。
  • 39、用实验证明了群速超光速是一种不稳定的自然现象
  • 40、今年六月二十一,夏至赶上父亲节。一日双节逢双喜,带着老人到北极,自然现象有奇观,看见极光有运气。儿女争相尽孝心,休闲娱乐两相宜。
  • 41、这座死火山曾经的“喷火口”,则被他改造成一个可用肉眼观测的天文台,专为欣赏天空上的各种自然现象而设计。
  • 42、我决心放弃那个仅仅是抽象的几何。这就是说,不再去考虑那些仅仅是用来练思想的问题。我这样做,是为了研究另一种几何,即目的在于解释自然现象的几何……
  • 43、人们对自然现象往往还能见微知著,而对社会现象却不能见微知著,原因就在于不能"静",为"好恶"利害"所惑。
  • 44、事实上,瑞气千条并不神秘,而是一种自然现象
  • 45、只是当人类这种有生命自觉与“幸福意识”的生灵出现以后,既感激大自然丰盈的馈赠,又厌憎大自然的喜怒无常,一些自然现象才成为“天灾”。
  • 46、科学家们好勤奋,一会儿观察自然现象,一会儿观察天气,一会儿做实验,一会儿相互提问,忙得不可开交。
  • 47、像他之前的泰勒斯一样,色诺芬尼也对自然现象背后的潜在原则进行推测。
  • 48、表示时间、日期、天气、自然现象、环境、价格、度量衡等.
  • 49、这些美丽动人的神话,不仅反映了远古先民对自然现象的认识和征服自然的愿望,也体现了中华民族祖先不怕困难、英勇顽强地与自然灾害作斗争的伟大精神。
  • 50、元旦是世界传统的节日,都是每逢旧的一年过去,新的一年的第一天被订为元旦,这就好比宋朝诗人王安石写的诗爆竹声中一岁除,春风送暖入屠苏……但也有少部分国家不这样,如印度等国家,它们是用自然现象来订元旦。


自然现象 zìránxiànxiàng




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