

  • 1、美国公共卫生署代理署长称,在一个与肥胖进行“艰苦斗争”的国度,圣诞老人如果能变得更苗条一些,也许能成为孩子们更为理想的行动榜样。
  • 2、春节餐桌美味多,应当节制少吃喝,油炸食品致燥热,胆固醇高喉咙涩,吃糖不宜太过量,引致肥胖脂肪过,多吃蔬菜解油腻,新陈代谢新年乐!
  • 3、Despite the countless efforts to promote body positivity and self-acceptance, the struggle with obesity continues to affect the physical and mental well-being of millions around the world, highlighting the urgent need for comprehensive solutions.
  • 4、The alarming rise in childhood obesity rates not only poses a threat to the future health of our younger generation but also calls for immediate action to address the underlying societal and environmental factors contributing to this epidemic.
  • 5、Living in a society where appearances often define worth, the overweight population faces discrimination and stigma, which not only hinder their pursuit of happiness but also perpetuates deep-rooted inequalities within our communities.
  • 6、The negative impact of obesity extends beyond physical health, taking a toll on mental well-being as individuals face increased risk of depression, low self-esteem, and social isolation, highlighting the need for holistic approaches to tackling this complex issue.
  • 7、Preventing obesity requires a multi-faceted approach that involves promoting healthier habits from an early age, implementing policies to regulate the food industry, and fostering environments that support physical activity and access to nutritious foods.
  • 8、The road to overcoming obesity is often filled with obstacles, but it is crucial to foster a compassionate and non-judgmental society that supports individuals on their journey towards better health, promoting acceptance and understanding rather than societal pressure and stigma.
  • 9、It is disheartening to witness the impact of obesity on children, as they face bullying, social exclusion, and a compromised future due to health complications, highlighting the ongoing importance of promoting healthier environments and education.
  • 10、It is essential to address the underlying emotional and psychological factors that contribute to overeating and obesity, providing individuals with the necessary support and resources to foster a healthier relationship with food and their bodies.
  • 11、As obesity rates continue to soar, it is imperative to prioritize research and innovation in developing effective and sustainable solutions, harnessing the power of technology and collaboration to create accessible tools for prevention and treatment.
  • 12、The fight against obesity necessitates a holistic approach that recognizes the unique challenges faced by different demographics, considering factors such as culture, accessibility, and socio-economic conditions in designing targeted interventions and policies.
  • 13、Society must move away from the culture of body shaming and recognize the diverse beauty that exists across body types, embracing inclusivity and celebrating individuality to minimize the negative impact of obesity stigma.
  • 14、The economic burden of obesity extends far beyond healthcare costs, affecting productivity, employment, and overall quality of life, emphasizing the need for society-wide investment in prevention and support.
  • 15、Empowering individuals to take control of their health through education, accessible resources, and community support can lay the foundation for long-term behavior change and a reduced prevalence of obesity.
  • 16、伴有多囊性卵巢的肥胖妇女也有罹患糖尿病的可能.
  • 17、过度肥胖还可能导致胆囊癌、卵巢癌、胰腺癌。
  • 18、德国中部城市希尔德斯海姆法院7日判处一名肥胖男子5年监禁,因为体重128公斤的他在一次争吵中坐在63公斤的妻子身上,导致妻子18根肋骨断裂并最终死亡。
  • 19、我读到此处,在晶莹的泪光中,又看见那肥胖的、青布棉袍、黑布马褂的背影.
  • 20、说得太多,容易犯错;吃的太多,肥胖跟着;要的太多,别人难过;记住付出,不要吝啬;信息发发,播种快乐;愿你平安,快乐圣诞。
  • 21、知之小工具尽量原创和收集优质句子,使您在造句的同时,还能学到有用的知识.
  • 22、现在,农村居民比其他美国人更容易变得肥胖,久坐不动而且爱抽烟。
  • 23肥胖:热量或份量:最好的减肥餐是什么?
  • 24肥胖不仅影响人们的形体美,而且造成心理负担。
  • 25、阿塔尔把肥胖流行一部分应归咎于怀孕期间病过度体重增加。
  • 26、但全世界仍然有数以百万记的肥胖人群,书店里仍有着标榜着“减肥秘诀”、“轻松减肥”和“特效减肥”之类标语的各种减肥书。
  • 27、阿塔尔说,超重或肥胖的妇女并不需要得到这么多的重量,而且应该锻炼,并注意自己在怀孕期间的热量消耗。
  • 28、“牠们的脂肪细胞较大,这可能使牠们更容易肥胖,并且可能使得更难以为牠们减肥,”贝约尔说。
  • 29、她敦促那些考虑要小孩的肥胖病人在怀孕之前先减一下肥。
  • 30、运动还可以降低血压,降低心脏病发作和中风的风险,更不容易肥胖或患非胰岛素依赖型糖尿病。
  • 31、并且在研究中发现大多数肥胖的孩子并没有接触腺病毒36,然而他们依然很胖。
  • 32、官方认为青少年肥胖归咎于中国对外来文化的盲目追风,大量的洋快餐涌入中国餐饮市场,很多父母通过带孩子吃美食来表达对孩子的爱。
  • 33、我国的肥胖病人正在逐年增加。
  • 34、适宜人群:单纯性肥胖,产后肥胖,将军肚脂肪,季节性或部分,肥胖,减肥多次失败者。
  • 35、琼斯夫妇住在康瓦耳郡的特鲁罗,他们承认自己的饮食结构和生活方式是肥胖症的病因。
  • 36、纳拉:老板夫人!我们已经把这群肥胖的公牛赶紧那艘该死的大铁船里了.
  • 37、但是,大多数肥胖人士都不同于我:作为一个中上阶层专业人士,我可以集中很多资源抗击肥胖
  • 38、节食可减少老年病的发生日本学者长期调查证实,胃下垂、慢性胃炎、溃疡病、结肠炎、哮喘、糖尿病、高血压、动脉硬化、脑血管病、肥胖症及习惯性便秘等,均可用适当节食取得满意疗效。
  • 39肥胖男子借损友讽刺挖苦成功减肥。
  • 40、不过**敦促国人健身的努力只是一项“孤儿”政策,因没有具体**部门去负责此事。目前英国的肥胖人数全球排名第三,仅次于美国和墨西哥。
  • 41、看美女一个个活得更滋润,为啥?美女漂亮自然一呼百余辆车接送,任她挑选。你呐?拖着臃肿的身躯和妄图隐藏肥胖的厚厚大衣挤公交车?还是自己在大冷天只能冒着漂移的危险慢慢开车迟到?
  • 42、猪猡,猪一样的人:被认为象猪一样的,贪婪的或肥胖的人.
  • 43、澳大利亚超重的人口增长速度甚至超过了臭名昭彰的肥胖国家美国。
  • 44、许多肥胖病人简直就是采用回避医生的巡诊来规避,无论是常规检查、预防检查特惠计划甚至紧急保健问题。
  • 45、“现在不阻止和控制肥胖的风险因素的话,卫生体制将会招架不住达到一个断裂点,”社论说。
  • 46、黑豆富含卵磷脂和皂甙,具有很强的抗氧化作用,能有效预防癌症和肥胖
  • 47、及低密度脂蛋白胆固醇,脂肪型肥胖,其中一个,不希望有太多的,在他们的血液。
  • 48、目的:观察清胃热法降低食欲、治疗单纯性肥胖病的疗效。
  • 49、美国的健康数据对一个富国来说是惨不忍睹的:根据经合组织以及世卫组织的研究,我们的人均期望寿命排名第27,糖尿病排名第18,肥胖症排名第一。
  • 50、据疾病控制和预防中心周四报道,约百分之二十九的西班牙人和百分之二十四的白种人是肥胖者。



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