- 1、比如鉴核、查照、办理等;文末的结束语也依批阅对象的地位,分为谨呈、敬陈、此上等名目繁多的类别哦。
- 2、我们很快又将小册子出了个自由版,红、白、蓝三色装饰得漂漂亮亮,并以一句响亮的“主救吾王”作为结束语。
- 3、Inthe end, after all the struggles and setbacks, I realized that the only way to truly find happiness is by embracing ourselves and the journey we're on.
- 4、AsI bid farewell to this chapter of my life, I am filled with gratitude for the lessons learned, the friendships made, and the person I have become.
- 5、The closing moments of this extraordinary adventure left me with a bittersweet feeling, a blend of nostalgia for what was and hope for what's to come.
- 6、Through the ups and downs, the laughter and tears, the successes and failures, this journey has taught me the true meaning of resilience and strength.
- 7、AsI write the concluding words of this story, I can't help but reflect on the immense growth and transformation that took place within me, and I am forever grateful for this profound experience.
- 8、Let this be the beginning of a beautiful ending, where we no longer dwell on what could have been and instead focus on what can be.
- 9、Saying goodbye to something familiar is never easy, but sometimes it's the only way to make room for new adventures and opportunities that await.
- 10、The curtain is slowly closing on this chapter of my life, but the memories, the lessons, and the connections I have made will forever be ingrained in my heart.
- 11、Inthe grand finale of this incredible journey, I stand tall, knowing that I have given it my all and have no regrets.
- 12、As the final chord resonates, I am filled with a mix of emotions – sadness of it being over, joy for the experiences shared, and anticipation for what lies ahead.
- 13、The last page has been turned, and as I close this book, I can't help but smile at the remarkable story it holds and the impact it has had on my life.
- 14、Let these parting words be a reminder that no matter how tough the road may get, there is always light at the end of the tunnel.
- 15、It's in the closing moments of a chapter that we truly understand the significance of the journey and the profound effect it has had on shaping who we are.
- 16、As the curtain falls on this chapter, I am grateful for the characters, the plot twists, and the lessons that have made this story truly unforgettable.
- 17、Just like a beautiful sunset marking the end of a day, this concluding phase of my life holds the promise of a brighter tomorrow.
- 18、The last leg of this journey has taught me the importance of cherishing every moment, as it is these very moments that weave together the tapestry of life.
- 19、As I bid adieu to the comfort zone, I step into the unknown, eager to embrace the challenges and opportunities that await on the other side.
- 20、The final scene of this play brings forth a surge of emotions, reminding me that every ending is merely a new beginning in disguise.
- 21、Closing this chapter feels like saying goodbye to an old friend – it's difficult, but necessary for personal growth and self-discovery.
- 22、李佳薇斩钉截铁地说李厚霖不是她的丈夫,最后以“我现在很忙,正在训练”为结束语挂断电话。
- 23、本文由绪论、正文、结束语三大部分组成.
- 24、结束语在指出本文的局限性和创新后,对未来我国证券投资基金评估体系的建立作了具有前瞻性的展望。
- 25、本文共分七部分,包括引言和结束语.
- 26、在结束语中,把文章主旨提升到哲学和社会学高度加以淬砺和总结。
- 27、结束语是对中学历史教学中如何培养学生证据意识的简单总结。
- 28、如今日本当局睁着眼睛说瞎话,说它是“日本的固有领土”,真不知人间有羞耻事!五、结束语——莫忘历史的辩证法。
- 29、结束语中,白岩松引出“如何把务虚变成务实”的话题,他说,我最担心的是明年后年大后年我们还在办相同层次的论坛。
- 30、最后为结束语,提出以税收筹划为目的的内控制度也存在一定的局限性,并对本文的内容作出总结。
- 31、结束语强调要树立科学的发展观和正确的政绩观,真正做到权为民所用、情为民所系、利为民所谋。
- 32、这句话作为整篇预言的结束语,战争结果已不言自明,炎黄子孙大获全胜。
- 33、于是她只笼统地谢谢他在火车上的关心作为结束语.
- 34、贝藏松市政档案馆的手稿到此中断,没有交代法庭规定每年一度苦修或忏悔的细节。从羊皮纸的状况可以看出,在过去四个半世纪中,它受到过某种白蚁可能不止一次的蛀蚀,把教会审判官的结束语都给吞噬了。
- 35、最后在结束语部分得出的结论是:军婚仍然需要保护.
- 36、写完这篇文章,生怕别人不懂,他又画蛇添足地写了一段结束语。
- 37、本文由引言、正文和结束语组成.
- 38、第四部分是结束语,尝试对20世纪前半期地方精英做一个评论。
- 39、最后在结束语部分,论文综合了前文所述的各种模式,建构出影片的创作模型,并论述了该模型对柯南剧场版的票房、系列片延续和创作上起到的作用。
- 40、全文除引言和结束语外,共分为四个部分:第一章:行政诉讼受案范围的一般理论。
- 41、本论文除导语和结束语外,共分为五个部分。
- 42、在她背了圣经中的一句妙语格言作结束语时,汤姆顺手牵羊偷了一块油炸面圈。