- 1、本文报道粉末状结晶天花粉蛋白的拉曼光谱。
- 2、在控制解吸液结晶程度的条件下,制取出了高纯钨酸钠.
- 3、The meeting between the two musicians was a crystallization of talent, as their harmonious collaboration produced a mesmerizing symphony that moved the audience to tears.
- 4、The calm lake mirrored the vibrant autumn leaves, creating a breathtaking crystallization of nature's beauty.
- 5、Through years of hard work and determination, she achieved her lifelong dream of becoming a successful writer - a personal crystallization of perseverance and creativity.
- 6、The laughter and joy shared by the family during their annual holiday reunion was a beautiful crystallization of love and togetherness.
- 7、The friendship that developed between the two childhood friends, forged through shared experiences and endless support, was a true crystallization of loyalty and trust.
- 8、Asthe sun set behind the horizon, casting a warm glow over the ocean, the beach became a mesmerizing crystallization of serenity and tranquility.
- 9、The vivid colors and intricate patterns of the handmade tapestry represented the meticulous craftsmanship and artistic vision of the weaver - a true crystallization of talent and dedication.
- 10、The humanitarian efforts of countless individuals, working tirelessly to improve the lives of others, serve as a powerful crystallization of compassion and empathy.
- 11、The historical event marked a significant moment in the nation's history, serving as a crystallization of unity and resilience in the face of adversity.
- 12、The scientific breakthrough was a groundbreaking crystallization of research and innovation, ushering in a new era of possibilities and advancements.
- 13、The personal growth and self-discovery she experienced during her solo backpacking trip abroad became a pivotal crystallization of independence and self-confidence.
- 14、The dance performance exuded grace and precision, showcasing the dancers' hard work and dedication as a stunning crystallization of artistic expression.
- 15、The gentle touch of a mother's hand on her child's forehead carried an immeasurable depth of love and care, a pure crystallization of maternal affection.
- 16、The novel's rich and intricate plot, woven with complex characters and thought-provoking themes, served as a compelling crystallization of the author's literary genius.
- 17、The young athlete's unwavering determination and tireless training resulted in a gold medal win at the Olympics, a remarkable crystallization of his relentless pursuit of excellence.
- 18、The collaboration between scientists from different fields led to the discovery of a life-saving medical breakthrough, highlighting the potential power that lies within interdisciplinary crystallization.
- 19、研究人员在粘附和中和病毒过程中,冻住其中一个抗体,通过所谓X射线结晶学的过程得到原子水平的图像。
- 20、在距内格里尔3.2公里外能找到该岛最佳浅滩潜水区,那里沿海岸线的岩石悬崖下有结晶水和珊瑚。
- 21、用大结晶脉石英制成高耐火度、高荷重软化点硅砖,使用寿命提高5倍以上。
- 22、什么是幸福?幸福是果园里果农望着压满枝头果实的满脸喜色,幸福是教室里莘莘学子憧憬未来的动人笑脸,幸福是实验室里科学又有新发现时的舒展眉头,幸福是领奖台上运动员仰望国旗冉冉升起时的莹莹泪光。幸福是奋斗的结晶,勤劳的丰碑。
- 23、知识是从劳动中得来的,任何成就都是刻苦劳动的结晶。宋庆龄
- 24、你迎来了生命的春天,贵子降临;你承载了生命的厚重,爱的结晶;你贡献了人类的繁衍,予以奖励:一条短信似奖状,祝准妈妈节日快乐,将爱继续延续。
- 25、知识是珍贵宝石的结晶,文化是宝石放出的光泽。泰戈尔
- 26、它的广泛报导集中纳米结晶材料生产和处理中的粉末冶金技术。
- 27、天有不测风云,带了阴和阳电的云朵在午后热吻,闪电是不经意露出的含情脉脉的目光,雷声是他们快乐的笑语,而雨后七色的彩虹呢是他们爱的结晶。蓝的天,白的云,绚丽的彩虹,知之小工具交织盛夏日最美的风景。
- 28、书,就像人历史的结晶,一颗颗安静的躺在书架上,晶光闪闪。
- 29、伟大的作品并非能力的表现,而是毅力的结晶。
- 30、汉字在中国不断强大的过程中锦上添花。每个汉字都有它的来历,世代佳人都写诗赞美道。它是中华人民的智慧结晶,是我们中国的无价之宝!据说,国外许多人都开始学起我们的汉字来,这是一件多么振奋人心的事啊!
- 31、此外,氧化锌奈米阵列的光致发光特性与胶体颗粒的晶粒大小、结晶性及表面化学特性有关。
- 32、孩子是爱情的结晶,父母的宝贝,家庭的宠儿,有了孩子才是真正意义上的家庭。孩子让爱情更加健康和稳固,孩子让家庭充满快乐和甜蜜,孩子让爱情和家庭充满了温馨和希望。
- 33、一般相信,炎性碎片和矿物结晶的累积将堵塞公猫的尿道,导致威胁生命。
- 34、提高碳元素的含量,提高结晶度,减少甚至消除皮芯结构,减少孔洞,从微观上提高石墨层的取向和堆迭程度是获得高性能碳纤维的必要条件。
- 35、“一网双学”教学模式是湖北电大开放教育改革和创新的结晶。
- 36、习语和谚语是一个民族文化与智慧的结晶,同时也是人民大众口头语典范的实录.
- 37、沙隆达盐矿通过十多年盐井开采探索与总结,逐步形成了对盐井盐结晶解堵和防堵规律的认识。
- 38、莱钢炼钢厂应用高冷却强度结晶器技术,将原组合铜板式断面结晶器改造为高效管式结晶器。
- 39、幸福是一种心的富足,不以物质的多寡来衡量,它是付出、分享和爱的感受。恰到好处,是一种哲学和艺术的结晶。它代表的豁达和淡然,是幸福门前的长廊。轻轻走过它,你就可以拍打幸福的门环。毕淑敏
- 40、书是人类智慧的结晶;书是是知识的源泉;书是传播先进文化的工具。
- 41、叙述了可用于炻器餐具及艺术瓷的适于隧道窑高温烧成的金黄色铁板钛矿结晶釉的制作过程,并讨论了其主要影响因素。
- 42、此次展会上,三星亮相的产品可谓群英荟萃,品牌手机批发是与中国电信多年来精诚合作的结晶。
- 43、梦是一种欲望,想是一种行动。梦想是梦与想的结晶。
- 44、什么是幸福?幸福是果园里果农望着压满枝头果实的满脸喜色,幸福是教室里莘莘学子憧憬未来的动人笑脸,幸福是实验室里科学家又有新发现时的舒展眉头,幸福是领奖台上运动员仰望国旗冉冉升起时的莹莹泪光。幸福是奋斗的结晶,勤劳的丰碑。
- 45、电热连续结晶机是实现粗锡脱铅精炼的关键设备.
- 46、本文叙述了测定四氟化*结晶水的重量分析方法。
- 47、在微波辐射下准确测定了氯化钡中结晶水的含量。
- 48、获得的洗脱液中杂质含量很低,可以直接进行浓缩结晶.
- 49、再结晶晶粒尺寸和Z参数呈幂律关系.
- 50、在工业纯铜中加入微量锂能提高其再结晶温度.