- 1、与敌手的和解,只是出于一种想改善自己状况的欲望,或者是出于对斗争的厌倦,再不就是对某一坏结局的恐惧。
- 2、人生就像一出自导自演的戏剧,随时都有可能改变里面的戏节,只不过到头来的结局不同了。
- 3、Despite facing numerous obstacles and setbacks, their love story had a beautiful ending, proving that true love can conquer all.
- 4、The unexpected twist in the plot completely changed the anticipated ending, leaving the readers in awe of the author's creativity and unpredictability.
- 5、The bittersweet ending of their friendship was a reminder that sometimes letting go is necessary for personal growth and happiness.
- 6、Asthe final chapter unfolded, the protagonist discovered that the ultimate ending was not what she had imagined, but it taught her a valuable lesson about embracing life's uncertainties.
- 7、The tragic ending of the war devastated the nation, as families mourned the loss of their loved ones and struggled to rebuild their lives.
- 8、The unexpected ending of the mystery novel shocked the readers, as the identity of the culprit turned out to be the least suspected character.
- 9、The happy ending of their long-distance relationship was a testament to their unwavering commitment and love for each other.
- 10、The devastating ending of the natural disaster left a lasting impact on the affected communities, who were forced to rebuild their lives from scratch.
- 11、Despite the hardships they faced, the protagonist's determination and resilience ensured a triumphant ending to their journey.
- 12、The unexpected twist in the story's ending left the audience in awe, as they realized that things are not always as they seem.
- 13、The tragic ending of their friendship was a painful reminder that sometimes people change and grow apart, no matter how much they once meant to each other.
- 14、The ambiguous ending of the movie sparked heated debates among viewers, as everyone was left to interpret the conclusion in their own way.
- 15、The emotional roller coaster of their relationship led to an inevitable and heart-wrenching ending, leaving them both scarred but wiser about love.
- 16、The bitter rivalry between the two business tycoons finally came to an end with a surprising twist, as they realized the importance of collaboration over competition.
- 17、The unexpected revelations in the final moments of the play gave the audience a thrilling and satisfying ending, leaving them hungry for more.
- 18、The heartwarming ending of the documentary inspired viewers to take action and make a positive change in the world.
- 19、The unexpected turn of events in the ending of their friendship taught them both valuable lessons about forgiveness, second chances, and the fragility of relationships.
- 20、从这样看起来,两人的结局大同小异。
- 21、一见钟情是爱的端睨,两情相悦是爱的开始,将心比心是爱的进程,心心相印是爱的升华,天长地久是爱的承诺,白头偕老是爱的结局!
- 22、如果当初我勇敢,结局是不是不一样。如果当时你坚持,回忆会不会不这样。舒仪
- 23、我终生的等候,换不来你刹那的凝眸。也许没有结局的结局,才是最好的结局……我会用一生珍惜这个结局,因为你曾给过我"美丽心情"。
- 24、若说世上没有完美的,那么世上也便不存在不完美的,不完美并非是完美的对立面,相反,完美是不完美的结局,不完美衍生了完美。
- 25、残花乱流年,愁肠攒心痛……试着用微笑去听完你们的邂逅,却发现伤痛占满了全世界,而被你捏碎的故事,你还欠我一个结局……回望过往,一切如梦,看似无痕,却挥散不去。
- 26、放弃了,就不该后悔。失去了,就不该回忆。放下该放下,退出那没结局的剧。
- 27、不管你愿不愿意,当我想你的时候,当我想和你说话的时候,我们彼此慰籍,彼此温暖,在这个有些浮躁、有些世俗的社会中心灵的拥有,也许是最好的结局。
- 28、所有的结局都已写好所有的泪水也都已启程,却忽然忘了是怎么样的一个开始在那个古老的不再回来的夏日,无论我如何地去追索年轻的你只如云影掠过而你微笑的面容极浅极淡,逐渐隐没在日落后的群岚遂翻开那发黄的扉页,命运将它装订得极为拙劣含著泪我一读再读却不得不承认,青春是一本太仓促的书。
- 29、爱情不能成,原因有三:开始不给机会;中间不给空间;结局不给宽容。
- 30、假如刘备能听信忠言,戒骄戒躁,又何至于落得个大事难成,白帝托孤的结局呢?假若当初刘备不能三顾茅庐,虚心求教,又怎能“三分天下有其一”呢?要想事业兴旺,就必须广开言路,察纳忠言。
- 31、脆弱的不仅仅是瓷娃娃,还有生命;眨眼间变化的不仅仅是气候,还有结局。莫要太执着,学会放开你会更开心。清明节,愿你忘记过去,永远开心!
- 32、时光的流逝,淡忘了过客的踪迹,而我只是守望者,看见的是人事已分的结局,学会了珍惜生命中过往的相遇。
- 33、有一种结局叫命中注定,有一种心痛叫绵绵无期。
- 34、黄昏是此岸,是破晓前最飘逸的伏笔;黄昏是彼岸,是破灭前最惬意的结局。此岸,彼岸,连接起来,便是整个人生。笑叹红尘,东边,谁在为谁谱着歌;西边,依旧黄昏,烟云而过。
- 35、例如片中用刀专家玩刀一场,和港产片半斤八两许冠杰在小巴玩刀一幕一模一样,结局打斗戏的镜头运用,则令人想起唐山大兄最后格斗一场的好些情节。
- 36、爱情从来只有两种结局,不是殊途,便是同归。
- 37、人生遇到的每个人,出场顺序真的很重要,很多人如果换一个时间认识,就会有不同的结局。
- 38、他写的小说,总要安排一个十分离奇的结局。
- 39、爱情是聪明的大自然为每个生命制造的一种甜蜜的结局,为的是传宗接代。
- 40、对于别的事情你可以说值不值得,但唯独爱情,你不能用这个衡量。爱情的每次发生,都是值得的。每段有无结局的爱情,都会丰满你的人生。
- 41、你安排好了一切,等待命运的轮回,你我相依相守,幸福美满,一辈子,上帝在半空眨眨眼,结局瞬间改变。
- 42、最美丽的故事没有结局,最浪漫的感情没有归宿,最幸福的爱情没有言语,最深刻的喜欢没有空间!
- 43、在爱情的世界里,总有一些近乎荒谬的事情发生,当一个人以爲可以还清悔疚,无愧地生活的时候,偏偏已到了结局,如此不堪的不只是爱情,而是人生。
- 44、成功的背后总是有着不为人知的故事。而这一切听起来是个巧合胡结果,实际却是必然的结局……不要畏惧命运的挑衅,但要尊重命运的安排!
- 45、笃信"人多好干活,人少好吃馍",对创业的功臣,既怕其功高震主,更惧其伸手要财。企业走上平稳发展的快车道之日,就是上演过河拆桥、卸磨杀驴之时。这种看似聪明的做法,往往只会带来"财散人散"的结局。
- 46、真是最令人费解的一件事,本该正经的时候大家通通不正经,结局已经注定,终于可以名正言顺不正经了,大家又通通假装正经,如果能将这假装的正经维持到最后一刻,也算可歌可泣,但大家明显没有做到。
- 47、他们想知道的是结局是不是幸福。如果今天有人问起哈桑、索拉博和我的故事结局是否圆满,我不知道该怎么说,有人能回答吗?
- 48、冬是秋的延续,雪是冬的足迹,当一个故事在雪花纷飞的冬季展开时,那么或许有一个结局正在飘雪的时节诠释着冬的唯美。有一个梦遗忘在冬季,有一句话随着雪花飘落在地,当我伸出温暖的手掬起冰寒的雪花时,蓦地发现梦的脚步在散落的细雪中转道折回。
- 49、历史是一出没有结局的戏。每个结局都是这出戏的新情节的开始。
- 50、作为一个美女,要是这么耐不住寂寞,这么不把眼光抬高点,她的结局会比一般寂寞的女子更惨。因为她有更多蹂躏自己的机会。有更多双眼睛盯着她,随时准备扑过来填补情感空白。输给了寂寞的人对待自己最残忍。