

  • 1、灵石矿藏量丰富,县域经济活跃,经济总量和财政总收入位居全省前列。
  • 2、中国目前是全球第二大经济体,它的部分省份的经济总量甚至能单独在全球排名中占据相当不错的名次。
  • 3、Despite facing various challenges, the country's continuous growth in economic total demonstrates its resilience and determination to thrive.
  • 4、The economic total of a nation reflects its overall strength, providing the foundation for social development and improved living standards.
  • 5、The rapid increase in the economic total of the region has attracted significant foreign investments, contributing to job creation and poverty alleviation.
  • 6、Asthe economic total continues to expand, it is crucial for policymakers to prioritize sustainable development strategies, ensuring long-term benefits for both present and future generations.
  • 7、The economic total of a country not only measures its monetary wealth but also reflects the well-being and quality of life of its citizens.
  • 8、Atrong and stable economic total is the cornerstone for social stability, allowing for the effective implementation of social welfare programs and poverty eradication efforts.
  • 9、The continuous growth in economic total has enabled the nation to invest in infrastructure development, improving connectivity and facilitating economic integration.
  • 10、Achieving a balanced distribution of wealth is essential for the sustained growth of the economic total, promoting social harmony and reducing income inequality.
  • 11、Asglobalization continues to reshape the world, countries must adapt their strategies to remain competitive and enhance their economic total on the global stage.
  • 12、The economic total serves as an important indicator for policymakers, enabling them to formulate effective policies and allocate resources efficiently.
  • 13、The economic total not only measures a country's current performance but also provides insights into its future prospects and potential for further growth.
  • 14、Astable and predictable economic total creates a favorable environment for domestic and foreign investments, fostering innovation, and driving economic progress.
  • 15、In times of crisis, the resilience and determination of a nation can be reflected in its ability to recover and rebuild its economic total swiftly.
  • 16、Arobust economic total allows for increased public spending on education and healthcare, laying the foundation for a prosperous and healthy society.
  • 17、The economic total of a country is influenced by both internal factors such as domestic policies and external factors such as global economic trends and geopolitical dynamics.
  • 18、The pursuit of a sustainable economic total requires a comprehensive approach that considers environmental protection and social progress alongside economic growth.
  • 19、Enhancing technological innovation and digitalization is crucial for countries to remain competitive in the global economy and boost their economic total.
  • 20、The economic total of a nation is a reflection of its productive capacity, human capital, infrastructure, and institutional framework.
  • 21、在占福建经济总量“半壁江山”的乡镇企业发展中,闽东南地区继续发挥了龙头作用。
  • 22、目前中国经济总量居世界第六,进出口贸易总额居世界第四.
  • 23、一般说来,我国目前的经济总量供求关系明显缓解.
  • 24、黑龙江两大城市同日“易帅”同一天,黑龙江省经济总量最大的两大城市哈尔滨和大庆同时迎来新的“一把手”陈海波和赵铭。
  • 25、美国与欧盟是全球范围内融合度最高的两大经济体,经济总量约占全球的一半。
  • 26、中国经济这些年确实发生了很大的变化,我们的经济总量跃居到世界第二位,但是我们一直清醒地认识到,中国人口多、底子薄、发展不平衡,依然是一个发展中国家。
  • 27、虽然经济总量已经位居世界前列,但被13亿人口一除,人均国内生产总值只排在世界100位左右。
  • 28、长期以来,我省产业结构畸重畸轻,经济总量不大、质量不高,始终没有走出“资源型经济困局”。
  • 29、最近10年,中国经济总量在世界上的排名大跨步前进。
  • 30、重点是控制固定资产投资和信贷规模,在优化结构中促进经济总量平衡。坚持有保有压,不搞一刀切。
  • 31、上海市的经济总量基本上与北京和天津经济总量之和等量齐观。
  • 32、中国经济总量虽居世界前列,但人均国内生产总值只有3700美元,不到美国人均国内生产总值的十分之一,排在世界第100位以后。
  • 33、康涛当选泉州市长后表示,今天泉州始终勇立时代潮头,引领风气之先,创造了改革开放的“泉州模式”、“晋江经验”,连续16年经济总量闽省第一。
  • 34、但即便按照后一种方法计算,去年全球新增的经济总量也被这些后来居上的国家占去一半以上。



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