- 1、三世佛身后均雕刻背光,其做工精细.
- 2、尼可亮1905年创始于德国汽车美容精细化工集团公司,公司秉持着日尔曼民族优良的传统精神。
- 3、The chef's attention to detail was evident in the exquisite presentation and flavors of the finely crafted meal.
- 4、The artist's meticulous brushstrokes brought life to the intricate details of the painting, captivating all who beheld it.
- 5、With her delicate touch and precision, the surgeon performed the intricate procedure with finesse and saved the patient's life.
- 6、The tailor's expertise was evident in the flawless stitching and perfectly fitted garments, showcasing their commitment to fine craftsmanship.
- 7、The sommelier's knowledge of wines was exhibited through their ability to discern the subtle flavors and nuances in each bottle.
- 8、The jewelry designer's creativity and attention to detail were showcased in the intricate and exquisite pieces that adorned the boutique.
- 9、The pianist's extraordinary skill and precision were showcased in their flawless performance of the intricate and demanding composition.
- 10、The photographer captured the essence of the moment with a keen eye for details, resulting in stunning and emotionally evocative images.
- 11、The watchmaker's dedication to craftsmanship was evident in the intricate gears and precise movements of the meticulously assembled timepiece.
- 12、The poet's words painted a vivid and nuanced picture, revealing the intricacies of human emotions and experiences.
- 13、The farmer's meticulous cultivation techniques resulted in a bountiful harvest of high-quality, flavorful crops.
- 14、The sculptor's careful chiseling and shaping transformed the block of marble into a stunning sculpture, capturing the essence of beauty.
- 15、The historian's exhaustive research and attention to detail revealed hidden truths about a long-forgotten era, shedding new light on the past.
- 16、The baker's commitment to perfection was evident in the moist and tender crumb, paired with the delicate balance of flavors in their baked goods.
- 17、The landscaper's skilled hands transformed the barren landscape into an oasis of lush greenery, blooming flowers, and carefully placed accents.
- 18、The novelist's intricate plot weaved together multiple storylines, creating a rich tapestry of interconnected characters and experiences.
- 19、施力点位移的精细测定证明环境断裂过程是连续或准连续的。
- 20、一碗面条、米粉,价格比较便宜,并在料头上做了很大改进,“麻雀虽小,肝胆俱全”,做得十分精细、讲究,易为工薪族所接受。
- 21、画时,工艺师气收于丹田之中,力发于腕指之上,精细之处非目力所能及,鬼斧神工,令人惊叹。
- 22、“景泰蓝”完全由手工制成肚皮舞,制作过程十分精细,需要经过制胎、掐丝、烧焊、点蓝、烧蓝、磨光、镀金等十余道工序。
- 23、有了党的思想理论创新,就有了最科学的最精细的最深刻的思想武器,就犹如拨云见日。
- 24、经散瞳、检影验光,屈光不正和屈光参差者全部配镜矫正,并同时采用遮盖法、家庭精细作业、协调训练及激光综合治疗。
- 25、我想象你的睡眠是一堆破裂的精细瓷片,瓷片薄极了,半透明的,勉强被拼兑成一个惊喜容器,它盛装着你的生理和心理健康,一次次针灸治疗都在抱残守缺地维系这个容器,以免它彻底散碎开来,而你的健康也就跟着流散。
- 26、钢板应为全镇静钢且经奥氏体精细粒度处理。规格化的,规格化及回火的或淬火及回火。
- 27、芳香族醛类化合物是非常重要的一类精细化学品,具有很广阔的市场前景。
- 28、历史使人聪明,诗歌使人机智,数学使人精细,哲学使人深邃,道德使人严肃,逻辑与修辞使人善辩。
- 29、知之小工具在线造句词典祝您造句快乐,天天进步!
- 30、汽巴精化是世界精细化工业的领先者之一,致力为客户的产品提供高附加值效能.
- 31、本公司是一家专门从事精细化工,医药原料及其中间体进出口的公司。
- 32、皇宫的大门,精细的雕梁画栋,未及门前就让人感觉到贵气迫人。
- 33、碟型磨浆机由两片垂直旋转的碟构成的打浆机器。它把纤维作精细的研磨。
- 34、非洲南部的木雕工艺品做工精细、雕刻得栩栩如生,天衣无缝,令人叹为观止。
- 35、介绍了原子能级的精细结构与超精细结构的产生原理,对研究原子能级精细结构的两个实验作了改进、设计及说明。
- 36、打造精细管理文化,必须以目标理念引领,以先进典型示范,以规章制度固化,以实践活动推进。
- 37、提出了一种新的粗定位和精细定位相结合的车牌定位方法。
- 38、精选优质的进口玻纤布,采用独特,精细的工艺技术涂层PTFE树脂,知之小工具再单面涂上硅树脂粘胶剂而制得。
- 39、纤毛广泛分布于人体多种类型细胞表面,是一种结构复杂、功能精细的细胞器,其基本结构包括轴丝和外被的纤毛膜。
- 40、女作家应当不是写,而是在纸上刺绣,因而工作得精细迟缓。契诃夫
- 41、采购产品制药原料,原料药中间体,精细化学品,原料药,赋形剂和药物.
- 42、西红柿红艳艳的叫人喜欢。它的花是黄色,非常精细。它的叶子是墨绿色的。它的茎很粗,因为这个特点使它与众不同。
- 43、如果您是图片搜藏爱好者、站点设计者或者网络素材收记者,GF一定会给你带来精细的效率。
- 44、走进村子,贴近窑洞,明柱、厦檐、高圪台,砖雕、木刻,或麒麟送子,或万事如意,件件精细。
- 45、说起来你们可能都不信,他用4种颜色笔,画出了独一无二的“徐氏图纸”,比厂家的建造图纸还要精细。
- 46、这只做工精细的银杯,是他爱不释手的珍品。
- 47、精明的人是精细考虑他自己利益的人;智慧的人是精细考虑他人利益的人。雪莱
- 48、BP安哥拉公司经过为期一年的精细评估,授予了横河这份重要合约。
- 49、广州牙雕工艺素以精细工整、玲珑剔透而闻名于世。
- 50、仿佛心瘾无穷无尽终于花光心计信念也都枯萎。怪我过分着迷,换来爱过你那各样后遗。一想起你如此精细,其他的一切,没一种矜贵。林夕