

  • 1、艺术和科学的价值在于没有私欲的服务,在于为万人的利益服务。罗斯金
  • 2、仁者,不为私欲所动,不为诱惑所乱;不以物喜,不以己悲,无忧无虑,其乐陶陶。
  • 3、Despite knowing the consequences, his insatiable private desires drove him to betray his closest friend, tearing their bond apart.
  • 4、Inthe pursuit of his selfish private desires, he deceitfully manipulated the emotions of others, leaving a trail of broken hearts in his wake.
  • 5、The insidious nature of private desires can consume one's soul, blinding them to the needs and sufferings of those around them.
  • 6、When captured by the allure of private desires, one can become imprisoned in a self-centered existence, disconnected from the beauty and empathy the world has to offer.
  • 7、Private desires, when unchecked, have the power to transform even the noblest of intentions into mere tools for personal gain and satisfaction.
  • 8、True happiness cannot be achieved solely through the fulfillment of private desires; it is in the selfless acts of kindness and compassion that we find our ultimate fulfillment.
  • 9、The relentless pursuit of private desires can lead one down a treacherous path, where moral principles become casualties of an insatiable hunger for more.
  • 10、Aociety consumed by the pursuit of private desires inevitably becomes fragmented and lost, as individuals prioritize their own needs over the collective good.
  • 11、The insidious grip of private desires can blind us to the beauty and wonder of the world, reducing life to a constant battle for personal gain and satisfaction.
  • 12、Private desires, when left unchecked, can transform the purest of intentions into a cesspool of corruption, leaving behind a trail of broken promises and shattered dreams.
  • 13、The intoxicating allure of private desires can tempt even the most virtuous individuals, as they find themselves navigating the delicate balance between personal fulfillment and ethical responsibility.
  • 14、The pursuit of private desires often leads to a temporary sense of satisfaction, but it is in the pursuit of a greater purpose that we find lasting fulfillment and contentment.
  • 15、Private desires, when unchecked, can breed a society where empathy and compassion become foreign concepts, replaced by a relentless pursuit of personal gratification.
  • 16、The consequences of succumbing to one's private desires can be catastrophic, as relationships crumble and trust becomes nothing more than a distant memory.
  • 17、The ephemeral nature of private desires renders them hollow and unsatisfying, as true happiness is found in the deep connections we forge with others.
  • 18、The pursuit of private desires can lead to a perpetual state of discontent, as the ever-elusive fulfillment becomes an unattainable mirage.
  • 19、Private desires, when handled with care and empathy, can be transformed into a catalyst for personal growth and self-discovery.
  • 20、Those consumed by their private desires become slaves to their own appetites, forever trapped in a cycle of insatiable longing and dissatisfaction.
  • 21、那些私欲膨胀,思想卑陋,漠视群众,怠忽责任的腐败和官僚主义分子,不愿、不敢也不会负责,群众对这些祸害深恶痛绝。
  • 22、如果心怀私欲、心存杂念,就难以客观公正地考评干部,就难以履行好举贤荐能的职责,进而妨害我们事业的发展。
  • 23、虽然自命不平,时常用开明形象出现,但是管理国家从来是需要钢柔相济的,领导者遏止某些人的私欲满足大多数人的权利,对知识。
  • 24、可惜他们虽然最终走上了较高的职位,却因私欲膨胀栽了大跟头。
  • 25、此时有阿谀之徒,私欲幕僚向李养川进言,因朝廷沦陷,天下无主,民心涣散,应南面称王,以安天下民心。
  • 26、“贪图功名利禄是我这一生最大的错误”“私心杂念太重,名利思想太强,贪婪私欲过度”。
  • 27、二是察言观行,有关部门能否将这位年轻有为的市长上任以来不负众望的政绩给大家秀上一番,也算是释疑解惑,给众人再次被挑拨起的窥私欲泼一盆冷水。
  • 28、可既然要能人做事,如果像既要马儿跑又要马儿不吃草一样,那是不可能的,你集体总得满足一些能人个人的私欲,让能人绑架一下集体。阿耐
  • 29、“小我”之境,贪小利、存私欲、图虚名,难免私驱公权,失节毁誉;“大我”之境,行大道、民为本、利天下,才能有助大局、堪当大任。
  • 30、人做的简单,事情也就不在复杂。少了扰心的杂念和私欲,也就没有了桩桩顾虑和种种考虑,没有了尔虞我诈和勾心斗角。卸载掉思想的负担,人就会如释重负,心灵便会长出翅膀,飞翔也就变的自由自在和无牵无挂。
  • 31、汉朝的韩信,是咋死的?是因为“私欲膨胀”所致。
  • 32、其大都暗藏了轿夫们内心自学成才品味粗陋的私欲做作、杂念横流,拖泥带水,期期艾艾,闪烁其辞,颠三倒四,充其量不甚优雅合度更勿谈何光彩夺目。
  • 33、真正之大人物,常去私情私欲,以身献诸世,报酬则待千载之后。
  • 34私欲要节制,冷暖要注意。体检要定期,有病要早医。
  • 35、廉洁是从政之机,私欲是万恶之本。
  • 36、战乱中已经使用暴力者放下各种约束,因为它们不合世了不有效了,首先一人然后大家,各种私欲膨胀。
  • 37、“人官”一定有大局观,善于换位思考将心比心,而“狗官”必小鸡肚肠,总是功利先行,私欲横溢。
  • 38、房管部门掌握着产权交易、房屋置换、住房保障等多项权力,我清楚地知道自己手中的权力是用来为群众办实事、办好事的,而不是用来满足私欲的。
  • 39、搅乱异界承平万年的古老帝国阿卡纳的和平,西门矢才能火中取栗、乱中取胜,满足自己阴暗的私欲,达到其不可告人的目的话说真的有吗?貌似连作者都不知道。
  • 40、求明德则正心诚意,始于慎独,遏私欲于将萌,欲德之纯精不杂也。
  • 41、权力失去监督是祸害,私欲失去控制是灾难。
  • 42、声誉重于生命的从政者,定能严于律己名垂青史;私欲高于道德的掌权人,必将疏于约束滑入陷阱。
  • 43、法官在断案时应明镜高悬,不受私欲和强权的左右。
  • 44、可是人去不同人去杀生害命很多的时候就是为了一己私欲,为了自己生活得更好,为了抢夺别人的东西他们不惜残杀同类甚至至亲。
  • 45、理想信念丧失,法纪意识淡薄,加之私欲膨胀、利益诱惑,使牛安林最终走上违法犯罪的不归之路。
  • 46、如果是这样,那就不要再抱有任何希望了,哪怕他定期约你ML,也不过是满足私欲而已。
  • 47、生贪念做事多违规,去私欲做人必坦荡。
  • 48、高山,立地顶天;流水,明明朗朗。为人,坦坦荡荡;处事,胸怀宽广。少些私心私欲,多些感激感恩。淡定从容,步步为营。人间正道沧桑,积极乐观向上!
  • 49、心里如果存的是私欲,虽然也想做好事,却有始无终,装着做好事,也会被识破本意。
  • 50、廉洁自守能提升生命价值放纵私欲是自毁锦绣人生。


私欲 sīyù

私欲 (词语) 私欲,汉语词汇。 拼音:sī yù 释义:1.它指私人欲念。 2.不正当的欲望。 见《淮南子》:“公道不立,私欲得容者,自古及今,未尝闻也。”



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