

  • 1、好吧,一方面,离子键有完全的贡献。
  • 2、不过,离子键在水中可溶。
  • 3、When the metal atom donates its valence electrons to the non-metal atom, they form a strong ionic bond that creates a stable compound.
  • 4、The formation of an ionic bond between calcium and oxygen allows calcium oxide to be used as a powerful desiccant.
  • 5、The transfer of electrons between atoms in an ionic bond results in the formation of positive and negative ions.
  • 6、The strength of the ionic bond determines the melting and boiling points of ionic compounds.
  • 7、Ionic bonds are typically formed between metals and non-metals, leading to the creation of chemically stable compounds.
  • 8、Ionic compounds conducted electricity when dissolved in water due to the movement of ions.
  • 9、The formation of an ionic bond can lead to the creation of colorful crystals, such as in gemstones.
  • 10、Ionic compounds have distinct properties, such as high melting points and brittleness, due to the strong ionic bond.
  • 11、The stability of ionic compounds allows them to be used in various industrial applications, such as in the production of ceramics.
  • 12、Ionic bonds are responsible for the formation of salts, which play important roles in various biological processes.
  • 13、The strength of the ionic bond determines the solubility of the compound in different solvents.
  • 14、The formation of an ionic bond can result in the release or absorption of energy, depending on the elements involved.
  • 15、Ionic compounds are often used in medicine as antacids and laxatives due to their ability to neutralize acids.
  • 16、The transfer of electrons in an ionic bond creates a strong electrostatic attraction between the positively and negatively charged ions.
  • 17、Ionic compounds can be used as catalysts in chemical reactions, facilitating the conversion of reactants into products.
  • 18、The presence of an ionic bond in a compound can affect its optical properties, such as the ability to absorb or reflect light.
  • 19、The strength of the ionic bond can be affected by factors such as the size and charge of the ions involved.
  • 20、The formation of an ionic bond can result in the creation of compounds with unique magnetic properties.
  • 21、与分子的情况一样,晶体也可以分为离子键型和共价键型.
  • 22、所以你看得出极性共价就是,趋向离子键的。
  • 23、中间过渡层与金属铝的结合主要通过金属键来实现,中间过渡层与瓷釉层的结合主要是通过离子键和共价键来实现。
  • 24、现实中,原子间并不形成“纯”离子键
  • 25、锂离子的静电作用和极化作用,使锰氧之间的离子键成分减小,共价键成分增加,整个尖晶石骨架结构更加稳定。
  • 26、这些链状四面体组织由离子键束缚,而一个个单独的硅四面体却以共价键结合在一起.
  • 27、知之小工具在线造句词典祝您造句快乐,天天向上!
  • 28、但从染色理论分析,红曲米与蛋白质纤维不能离子键结合,故染色牢度不理想,有待进一步研究探索。
  • 29离子键的特点是一个电子可以从一个原子转移到另一个原子。
  • 30、因此我们得到了离子键
  • 31、生成了一根键,离子键
  • 32、现在请记住,离子键的形成,从第一族和第二族元素,与六七主族的元素相互构成的。
  • 33、这种微粒和纸纤维能够通过离子键和氢键作用,显著地增强助留效果。
  • 34、化学键主要有离子键、共价键、金属键.
  • 35、根据清除纯化原理,介绍了共价键型和离子键型两类清除树脂。
  • 36、这就是单离子键的能量。
  • 37、适合在教授离子键后给学生做总结。


离子键 lízǐjiàn

离子键 (化学键) 离子键通过两个或多个原子或化学集团失去或获得电子而成为离子后形成。带相反电荷的离子之间存在静电作用,当两个带相反电荷的离子靠近时, 表现为相互吸引,而电子和电子、原子核与原子核之间又存在着静电排斥作用,当静电吸引与静电排斥作用达到平衡时,便形成离子键。因此,离子键是指阴离子,阳离子间通过静电作用形成的化学键。 离子键属于化学键,大多数的盐,由碱金属或碱土金属形成的键,活泼金属氧化物都有离子键。含有离子键的化合物称为离子化合物。离子键与物体的熔沸点和硬度有关。



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