

  • 1、磁气圈模拟器反映出了和地球一样大小的黑暗孪星微弱的磁场吗?
  • 2、在建立中国附近海区地磁偏角模式时,使用了3000多个地磁测点和地磁台站及国际参考地磁场资料,采用的方法是泰勒多项式。
  • 3、The pulsating glow of the aurora borealis, guided by the Earth's magnetic field, danced gracefully across the night sky, filling my heart with awe and wonder.
  • 4、AsI walked through the dense forest, the earthy scent of moss and the gentle rustle of leaves told me that I was entering a place untouched by humanity, where nature's magnetic forces held sway.
  • 5、Inthe laboratory, scientists meticulously measured the varying strengths of the magnetic field, pushing the boundaries of our understanding and opening doors to new possibilities in quantum physics.
  • 6、Standing at the edge of a powerful electromagnet, I felt a magnetic force pulling me towards it, reminding me of the invisible bonds that connect us all, tying us to the very fabric of the universe.
  • 7、The intricate patterns of iron filings, obediently lining up along the invisible fields of force, revealed the underlying beauty and complexity of magnetic fields, a testament to the harmony of nature's design.
  • 8、The magnetic pull between two souls, effortlessly drawing them closer together, is an enchanting reminder of the mysterious forces that bind us and ignite the flame of love.
  • 9、AsI watched the compass needle quiver and then settle, aligning itself with the Earth's magnetic field, it was a humbling reminder that in this vast world, we are but tiny specks, guided by forces beyond our comprehension.
  • 10、The magnetic personality of the charismatic leader was undeniable, attracting followers like moths to a flame, their loyalty and adoration a testament to the power of inspiration.
  • 11、The magnetic levitation train glided effortlessly above the tracks, defying gravity and revolutionizing the way we travel, a testament to the progress of human innovation and engineering.
  • 12、The ship's compass pointed steadfastly towards the North Pole, guiding us through treacherous waters and reminding us of the magnetic pull that Nature exerts on our journeys.
  • 13、In the vast expanse of outer space, celestial bodies and interstellar particles are influenced by the magnetic fields of nearby heavenly bodies, composing a cosmic symphony that echoes across the Universe.
  • 14、The magnetic fields of Neodymium magnets are so strong that they are capable of magnetizing other objects without direct contact, captivating the imagination and inspiring endless possibilities in the realm of magnetism.
  • 15、The majestic migration of birds across continents, guided by Earth's magnetic field, is a natural spectacle that showcases the beauty of the delicate balance between instinct and scientific phenomenon.
  • 16、The magnetic force of the Earth, silently but surely, protects us from the harmful solar wind, reminding us of the delicate equilibrium that sustains life on this blue planet.
  • 17、The magnetic resonance of a musician's soul, resonating through each note of their melody, has the power to transport us to ethereal realms and evoke profound emotions within our hearts.
  • 18、Achild, wide-eyed with wonder, marvels at the patterns formed when iron filings dance in response to a magnet's invisible embrace, igniting a lifelong curiosity for the mysteries of physics.
  • 19、The magnetic pull of the ocean draws surfers and seafarers alike, inviting them to ride its powerful currents, surrendering themselves to the raw and untamed force of nature.
  • 20、在两种处理方式中,射频电磁场处理对链格孢菌及银海枣褐斑病的抑制作用效果更强。
  • 21、并对磁场强度影响初晶硅迁移的机制进行了探讨.
  • 22、此时转子的磁矩正好与磁场方向相反.
  • 23磁场强度随着粒子动量的增加而增加.
  • 24、但是在多循环方案中不能直接用磁场来实现量子门,而需要用到旋转场的方法来调整循环初态。
  • 25、由于氘核都沿着远离读者的方向运动,所以都将受到指向导线的磁场力的挤压作用。
  • 26、本文叙述了慢扫描电路的设计方法,提出了一种新型偏转线圈结构,它能获得均匀的偏转磁场
  • 27磁场中的高斯定理和安培环路定理;安培定律。磁场对载流导线和载流线圈及对运动电荷的作用。
  • 28、表明交变电磁场能够改变碳酸钙晶体的形态,具有比较显著的除垢效果.
  • 29、科学家们也将更好的理解太阳风暴如何功击通过电磁场和触摸星球表面,但是这必须等待未来的使命。
  • 30、来自南昆士兰大学的天文学家Brad博士表示,这篇论文正确地预言了从月岩石样本中得到的磁场强度等级。
  • 31、研究了压缩弹簧驱动机构的触发释放方式,提出了基于磁场触发的干簧管熔断电路与纯磁力机构两种触发方式。
  • 32、班级是一个绿色生态场,顺其自然,和谐共生;班级是一个磁场,相吸又相斥才会更有魅力;班级是一个气场,师生之间相互尊重,教学相长。
  • 33、研究了磁场对氧化铝厂拜耳法铝酸钠溶液种分分解的强化作用.
  • 34、太阳剩余磁场是指形成于太阳主序星阶段之前,深藏在太阳辐射核内部的原始磁场
  • 35、介绍了基于磁场与摩擦学原理的纸基蜂窝零件固持方法。
  • 36、科学家们发现小海龟在不同的磁场中游向相反方向,但都是在迁徙路线上游动,方向判断得相当正确。
  • 37、在广泛的国际审评之后,国际电磁场项目促进了添补知识空白的研究。
  • 38、越接近线圈,抵消越明显,总磁场强度越小.
  • 39、实验结果表明,该磁场测量仪具有良好的性能,用作弱磁场探测时优于高斯计。
  • 40、爱情应该是一个磁场,而不应该是一条绳子,捆着他,不如吸引他。一条绳子会让男人有挣脱的欲望,而一个磁场却能给男人自由的假相,和一个永恒的诱惑。
  • 41、本文研究了处于扩散敏感梯度磁场中核自旋所受附加外力,并分析了这个外力对核自旋自由扩散的影响.
  • 42、然后根据安培分子电流假说、偶极子理论和安培定理,计算了沿磁场方向两个球形粒子的作用力表达式。
  • 43、地球磁场让我们免受太阳辐射的伤害.
  • 44、沃尔卡巴什人最多可以在方圆25米内,通过塑造磁场和关注磁场变化来进行互相间的交流。
  • 45、用推广了的模型,讨论带状铁磁非晶体金属在弱磁场中的磁化和磁致伸缩特性.
  • 46、给出了波荡器垫补修正场的简单解析计算式,可根据垫片的位置、大小、厚度、磁极间隙等参数直接计算出对磁场及位相的修正。
  • 47、只有地球磁场的约一亿分之一。
  • 48、本文论述了应用激光和法拉第磁光效应传感原理,以崭新的光学方法测量磁场
  • 49、此外,本文还引入了磁场控制字来实现旋转磁场的控制时序。
  • 50、作者根据能量转换原理,推导了从强磁场能量到剪切力的转换关系式。


磁场 cíchǎng

磁场 (物理概念) 磁场是一种看不见、摸不着的特殊物质,磁场不是由原子或分子组成的,但磁场是客观存在的。磁场具有波粒的辐射特性。磁体周围存在磁场,磁体间的相互作用就是以磁场作为媒介的,所以两磁体不用接触就能发生作用。电流、运动电荷、磁体或变化电场周围空间存在的一种特殊形态的物质。由于磁体的磁性来源于电流,电流是电荷的运动,因而概括地说,磁场是由运动电荷或电场的变化而产生的。用现代物理的观点来考察,物质中能够形成电荷的终极成分只有电子(带单位负电荷)和质子(带单位正电荷),因此负电荷就是带有过剩电子的点物体,正电荷就是带有过剩质子的点物体。运动电荷产生磁场的真正场源是运动电子或运动质子所产生的磁场。例如电流所产生的磁场就是在导线中运动的电子所产生的磁场。


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