

  • 1、金发碧眼大鼻子,只要是老外,照录不误。
  • 2、而那碧眼蛇也不好过,本来伤口渐有止血的趋势,现在伤口又被我弄的更大了,浑身的力量也如鲜血一般,疯狂的流失着。
  • 3、Inthe distance, her sparkling, twinkling, and mesmerizing azure-blue eyes cast a spell on anyone who dared to look into them, revealing a depth of wisdom beyond her years.
  • 4、AsI stared into his piercing sapphire orbs, I couldn't help but feel a deep sense of connection and vulnerability, as if he could see through my soul and understand my every thought.
  • 5、Her vivacious emerald gaze captivated every person she crossed paths with, exuding a magnetic charm that made it impossible to look away.
  • 6、With an air of mystery surrounding his intense turquoise irises, he seemed to possess a secret knowledge that only those who dared to delve into his eyes could uncover.
  • 7、Whenever I gaze into the mesmerizing opal pool that is her eyes, I am instantly transported to a world of ethereal beauty and infinite possibilities.
  • 8、The sheer brilliance of his cerulean eyes reflected the depth of his unwavering determination and resilience, a testament to his indomitable spirit.
  • 9、Her eyes, colored like the deep ocean at twilight, held a storm of emotions that crashed against the shores of my heart, leaving me breathless in their wake.
  • 10、Like a pair of rarest gemstones, her turquoise eyes glistened with a serene wisdom that belied her youth, leaving me awestruck by her mere presence.
  • 11、Inhis azure gaze, I found solace and understanding, a sanctuary where my troubles evaporated and my spirit soared, reminding me of the power of genuine connection.
  • 12、The vibrant emerald spheres that adorned her delicate face exuded a sense of liveliness and joy, sparking a flame within me and reigniting my zest for life.
  • 13、His radiant cobalt eyes mirrored the vast expanse of the sky, enticing me to dream bigger, reach higher, and believe in the limitless possibilities that awaited me.
  • 14、Like two rarest sapphire jewels, her eyes held the secrets of a thousand untold stories, beckoning me to join her on a journey of discovery and self-fulfillment.
  • 15、Her mesmerizing amethyst eyes sparkled with an otherworldly charm, drawing me closer, as if to unravel the enigma that lay hidden behind their enchanting facade.
  • 16、While many saw his steel-hued gaze as intimidating and impenetrable, I found solace and comfort in the unwavering strength and steadfastness that lay within those deep-set eyes.
  • 17、The elysian aquamarine pools of her eyes reflected the depths of her compassion and empathy, reminding me to always strive for kindness, even in the face of adversity.
  • 18、As her sea-green eyes met mine, I felt a profound sense of connection and understanding, as if we were both part of a greater cosmic tapestry woven together by destiny's hand.
  • 19、His intense cobalt gaze seemed to possess a gravitational pull, drawing me closer and closer until I found myself lost in the depths of his soul, knowing that I had found my home.
  • 20、In her eyes, the vibrant hue of a sunlit meadow, I found respite from the chaos and turmoil of the world, a reminder of the innate beauty that lies within each and every one of us.
  • 21、Like two shimmering pools of topaz, her eyes radiated warmth and love, enveloping me in a cocoon of comfort and acceptance, reminding me of the power of genuine connection.
  • 22、北起石狗公水库与东莞市黄江镇交接,南至龙华新区大浪办事处,途径公明办事处楼村社区约4公里,光明办事处圳美、迳口、碧眼、凤凰、白花社区约17公里。
  • 23、也难怪碧眼儿称帝后,以张昭敢于直谏、性格刚直为由而不用张昭为丞相。
  • 24、有点奇怪的上下打量了我一番,金发碧眼的母狐狸无所谓的耸了耸肩。
  • 25、这是属于我的力量,碧眼金睛蟾,出老送死!
  • 26、不多时,便走进了帮金发碧眼的人儿,都披红戴绿,讲一口蛮语。
  • 27、当我做完那次演讲;我的一位大约30来岁的金发碧眼女听众走向前来,朝我一笑。
  • 28、她们中最勇敢的是维奥拉,她出生在意大利以外,金发碧眼,她和柯西莫的感情纠葛是小说中最激烈,最不同凡响的一部分。
  • 29、有几个苦力想去拉架,那个洋人大约三十岁,金发碧眼,面容粗犷,身高体壮,个头将近一米八,他一把拉住最靠近的人,拿着拐杖就这么劈头劈脸的打将下去。
  • 30、时光荏苒,在凌朝晨和碧眼银貂大战,破毁整个乱木林一月后,梨花源村一如既往,村民往来种作,鸡犬相闻,鸟语花香间带着袅袅焠烟,甚是怡然。
  • 31、知之小工具在线造句词典祝您造句快乐,天天进步!
  • 32、作为后世的一位有头脑有功夫的少校军官,他深知大耳刘、曹阿瞒、碧眼儿这般拥有太祖潜质的货色有多么可怕。
  • 33、感受着体内汹涌澎拜的灵力,柳木顿时沉醉其中,仰天长啸道:“这是属于我的力量,碧眼金睛蟾,出老送死!”。
  • 34、麦氏,是光明新区的大姓,主要分布在合水口、马山头、薯田埔、根竹园、将石、田寮、塘尾、塘家、碧眼等地。
  • 35、她雪白的双颊不知何时染了一层明丽的霞色,碧眼流光,灿若星斗。
  • 36、观察右边这个金发碧眼的小孩子并不容易,由于她的一个虹膜被烟色涂污而使得她的双眼明显的表现出恐怖,而且没有感觉到莫迪里阿尼是在试图描绘人类自身的痛苦。
  • 37、紫髯碧眼号英雄,能使臣僚肯尽忠。
  • 38、之后进来的是一个金发碧眼、国色天香的绝世美女。她对着魔镜说:“我想...
  • 39、大多数模特都是金发碧眼,有色模特开始倍受欢迎,但这样的面孔还是较少。
  • 40、和寒熙一起过来的还有一位,金发碧眼的白人女孩,挺着他巨大的蜂乳,出现在刘玄面前。
  • 41、公主脸上熏红,一双碧眼之中泛着盈盈秋水。
  • 42、鸣鹘直上一千尺,天静无风声更干。碧眼胡儿三百骑,尽提金勒向云看。柳开
  • 43、不过,很有意思的是,他的绝大数作品都是以西方金发碧眼美女为主,日本或东方美女所见甚稀。
  • 44、所以,雨狼族可以肯定这个名叫上官易醉的碧眼儿一定就是猡獓。
  • 45、一位挂着工作证的年轻男子快速从我们身边走过,一边说“there那里”一边往售票厅的方向走去,跟在他身后的是两个背着硕大登山包的金发碧眼外国人。
  • 46碧眼污毒蟒,毒系魔兽,成年期身长六丈……蟒无魔核,全身毒素及能量聚于蟒胆之中……
  • 47、走进乌克兰小屋,摆放的两辆自行车上不时有金发碧眼的帅小伙跨上来蹬两脚,而随着他们脚底生风,自行车上的小灯不断闪烁,车把上的小风扇也转个不停。
  • 48、而且碧眼儿如今才十二岁,想必还没有能力做这种事。
  • 49、小红有个金发碧眼的洋娃娃。
  • 50、不是人们所理解的那种金发碧眼,她的头发介乎黑色和棕色之间,加上眼睛的颜色又不是很明显,如果她自己不说明,人家还以为她是一个很外国化的中国人。


碧眼 bìyǎn

碧眼 碧眼,汉语词汇。 拼音:bì yǎn 释义:即绿色的眼睛。旧指胡人,后指白种人。



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