

  • 1、1994年,扎加洛的那支巴西队,痛感巴西与冠军久旷,遂行1比0主义,苟且到了美国世界杯冠军。
  • 2、那一年我喜欢上了吉他,我喜欢那种痛感,十指连心,可以麻木心里那种不可言喻的悲伤。
  • 3、Inthe midst of the piercing agony that engulfed her, she realized that heartbreak was not merely an emotional pain, but a physical one too, as if her chest was being crushed with every beat.
  • 4、The excruciating sensation running down his leg with each step served as a constant reminder of the accident that had left him permanently disabled, robbing him of a pain-free existence.
  • 5、Asthe doctor gently probed the wound, a wave of unbearable pain shot through her body, reminding her of the fragility of life and the true meaning of suffering.
  • 6、Despite the tremendous pain coursing through his body, he pushed onwards, determined to finish the race and prove to himself that he could overcome any physical or mental obstacle.
  • 7、With each chemotherapy session, the cancer patient experienced a debilitating pain that not only challenged his physical endurance but also tested his resilience and will to live.
  • 8、Standing at the grave of her beloved pet, the ache in her heart mirrored the deep void left behind, a painful reminder of the unconditional love they shared.
  • 9、The emotional anguish she felt after their breakup seemed to manifest physically, as if her entire body was enveloped in an icy grip, shivering in despair.
  • 10、Watching her child battle a life-threatening illness, she was consumed by a profound sense of powerlessness, as the pain in her heart grew immeasurably with every beeping monitor and harsh medical term.
  • 11、The searing pain in her abdomen brought her to her knees, leaving her doubled over in agony, as the realization of a miscarriage sank in, shattering her dreams of motherhood.
  • 12、The sting of betrayal cut through her heart like a thousand tiny knives, leaving behind a lasting pain that no apology or explanation could ever fully heal.
  • 13、As the flames licked at his skin, he was engulfed in a fiery torment that seemed to amplify the emotional pain of losing everything he held dear in the devastating fire.
  • 14、With every step, the weight of grief settled heavily on her shoulders, causing her legs to ache under the burden of sorrow that she carried day in and day out.
  • 15、The agonizing pain of rejection gnawed at his self-esteem, leaving behind deep scars that would take years to heal, if ever.
  • 16、The all-consuming ache of unrequited love consumed her every waking moment, as she yearned for a connection that would forever elude her grasp.
  • 17、The physical pain of childbirth paled in comparison to the overwhelming wave of emotions that swept over her as she held her newborn child, a bittersweet mixture of joy and the realization of a lifetime of responsibility.
  • 18、The stabbing pain in her temples during the tense examination served as a cruel reminder that her future and the dreams she had for herself hinged on this one crucial moment.
  • 19、With his broken heart mended and fortified by time, he found solace in knowing that the pain he had endured had shaped him into a stronger, more empathetic person.
  • 20、用注射笔自我注射较安全且容易,而且方便,疼痛感较低,需要较少的滤泡刺激素且疗程较短。
  • 21、银环蛇,又称金钱白花蛇,毒性极强,被银环蛇咬伤后,起初感觉不明显,疼痛感小,但几小时后就会因呼吸麻痹而死亡。
  • 22、这些水母的触须虽然没有毒,但一旦被蜇还是可能会起疹,并伴有刺痛感
  • 23、柯志今年68岁,今年8月的一天,他突然觉得嗓子很不舒服,跑了多家医院都没有被确诊,疼痛感越来越明显,嗓音还发哑。
  • 24、早期口腔溃疡可出现在舌尖、舌缘、唇、颚、口底等区域,大小不一,呈圆形或椭圆形,表面有黄色假膜,周围有充血红晕,灼痛感明显。
  • 25、痛这东西,在很多情况下会因为别的痛感减轻和抵消。所谓感觉,说到底都是相对的。村上春树
  • 26、在这个世界上,没有人真正可以对另一个人的伤痛感同身受。你万箭穿心,你痛不欲生,也仅仅是你一个人的事。辛夷坞
  • 27、患者右手拇指指腹点按于左手劳宫穴上,按而揉之,使穴位产生局部酸胀痛感,并活动左手手指,以加强指压的感觉,再指腹轻揉局部放松。
  • 28、我顿时愕然,因为我就是一个年届六旬的老人,面对这一新险种,有一种强烈的被掴耳光的疼痛感
  • 29、明尼苏达大学的研究人员开展了一系列研究,他们让研究对象在参加一项承受轻度疼痛的实验前数钱,结果发现这些人比之前没数钱的人感到的痛感轻。
  • 30、内心那处真实又无法显像的伤口,由于长久未愈,发作起来犹如病症,最严重时,突如其来的痛感能令他意识在瞬间陷入空白,眼睛不得不闭上,人像骤然被拖入黑暗的甬道,四肢皮肤会犹如接触地下墓穴中阴寒的风而立即紧缩。吴沉水
  • 31、如果你每30,40分钟站立休息一会或者舒展一下双脚,这样可以减少肌肉疲劳而产生的酸痛感
  • 32、专家指出,坐骨神经痛的痛法是从腰部痛起直达脚踝部的,而由假性坐骨神经痛引起的屁股痛,是腰部不痛而臀部最痛,且有压痛感
  • 33、拒吃也是一种“判决”,群起拒吃更是一种“经济严刑”,当问题商家门可罗雀时,他们才会有真切的痛感
  • 34、照此类推,若有刺痛感,则说明鱼骨仍在。
  • 35、前列腺、膀胱、盆底的病变可引起相似的疼痛感觉.
  • 36、在高浓度情况下,这些气体可能造成眼、鼻的刺痛感,导致类似肺炎的症状,在某些极端情况下还可能致人死命。
  • 37、在巴勒莫一家医院里动个简单手术,就可以一劳永逸地免除痛感.
  • 38、我有点想报复她,几年前失去晓晓的痛感,又拨开腐旧的纱布,用撕裂来传递着那份心悸和伤痛。
  • 39、用这种姿势走路,你会觉得胸和腰轻微受力,胸骨和腰骨有轻微痛感,不要紧张,这说明腰骨周围的韧带正被渐渐拉长,腰椎关节也处于延展状态。
  • 40、清晨,我慢步于校园主干道上,空气凉凉的,轻轻地抚摸着我的脸、我的发丝,让我全身心地放松,顿时全身的疲惫没有了,身上的酸痛感也没了,只感觉到一缕缕凉凉的清泉流入内心,正如同火热的夏天吃着冰凉的西瓜!
  • 41、肢体残缺就失去痛感了。倒是那些手指僵直、神经正在坏死的麻风病患者的痛楚很大—疼得几乎无法忍受;但另一方面这种疼痛在某种程度上又防止了手指腐烂。格雷厄姆·格林
  • 42、这种疼痛感使我没有余闲来考虑其他的事,费了很大劲才勉强坐起来。
  • 43、这种疼痛感随着继续跑步愈发厉害并将会典型地导致跛行。
  • 44、知之小工具尽量原创和收集优质句子,使您在造句的同时,更能学到有用的知识.
  • 45、*品把吸*者变成植物。植物没有痛感,在静止的生物体内,痛是无意义的。*品是止痛剂。植物不像人或动物,它没有力比多。*品取代性冲动。结出种子就是植物的性*,而**的作用就是要推迟结种。威廉·巴勒斯
  • 46、我们会为了一些不值得的人或事痛彻心扉,但若假以时日,就会失去痛感,甚至模糊了伤口的位置。轰叔
  • 47、依然没有人知道为什么人类会在这种疼痛感中发现愉悦,罗津博士认为这是一种刺激感,和坐过山车时获取的乐趣相类似。
  • 48、说话的同时,还咧着嘴笑,但因为疼痛感,使得面容扭曲,看起来不伦不类。
  • 49、“如果你去一个健身房锻炼然后感觉到疼痛,你可能就会停止了,”他说,“所以假若一点咖啡就能减少疼痛感,那它就可能帮助更多的人忍受得了那种疼痛从而达到他们的健身目标。”。
  • 50、试用者在拔毛后,普遍反映拉毛疼痛感减弱,拔后舒适度增加。


痛感 tònggǎn

痛感 痛感,指痛苦的感觉或深切地感动。如:毛泽东 《的序言和跋》:“我现在还痛感有周密研究中国事情和国际事情的必要。”



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