

  • 1、桂林接力文化艺术有限公司想涉足动漫产业,但需提出怎样的申请条件和如何快速办结,企业颇感疑惑
  • 2、在你疑惑不解的时候,有一种声音告诉你答案,是希望;在你迷茫无助的时候,有一只手,冥冥中帮助你,是希望;在你穷困潦倒时,有一笔财富默默救助你,是希望;在你走投无路时,有一盏明灯为你照亮前行的路,是希望。
  • 3、AsI watched the vibrant sunset paint the sky in hues of orange and pink, I couldn't help but feel a sense of wonder and confusion about the mysteries of the universe.
  • 4、Standing in front of the intricate labyrinth, I couldn't help but feel a sense of bewilderment, unsure of which path to take in this journey called life.
  • 5、AsI listened to the orchestra's mesmerizing performance, I found myself immersed in the music, yet filled with a sense of perplexity about the emotions it evoked within me.
  • 6、While gazing at the night sky adorned with countless twinkling stars, I felt a mix of awe and puzzlement at the vastness and complexity of the universe.
  • 7、AsI flipped through the pages of the ancient manuscript, the faded ink and cryptic symbols left me with a profound sense of curiosity and confusion about its meaning.
  • 8、Watching the children gleefully playing in the park, I couldn't help but wonder about the fleeting nature of happiness and why it eludes us as we grow older.
  • 9、The intricate web of relationships among family members left me with a deep sense of perplexity, as I tried to comprehend the complexities of love, loyalty, and forgiveness.
  • 10、AsI walked through the bustling city streets, surrounded by a sea of strangers, I couldn't help but feel a sense of bewilderment, pondering over the stories hidden behind each passing face.
  • 11、The enigmatic smile of the Mona Lisa in the Louvre Museum left me with a profound sense of curiosity and fascination, wondering about the secrets she held within her timeless gaze.
  • 12、While reading a thought-provoking novel, I found myself filled with a sense of wonderment and confusion, as the author skillfully explored the complexities of human nature.
  • 13、As I observed the delicate dance of the autumn leaves, falling gracefully to the ground, I couldn't help but feel a sense of wonder and confusion about the cyclic nature of life.
  • 14、The cryptic riddles written on the ancient scrolls left me with a sense of intrigue and perplexity, as I delved into a world of hidden meanings and ancient wisdom.
  • 15、Watching the magician perform mind-boggling tricks on stage, I was filled with a mixture of awe and uncertainty, as I tried to unravel the secrets behind his illusions.
  • 16、The ever-changing landscape of technology left me with a sense of amazement and bewilderment, questioning how these advancements would shape our future.
  • 17、The intricate patterns of a snowflake landing on my palm filled me with a sense of wonder and confusion, as I marveled at the symmetrical beauty of nature.
  • 18、Standing at the foot of a colossal mountain range, I couldn't help but feel a mix of awe and perplexity, wondering about the forces of nature that shaped these colossal formations.
  • 19、Watching a thought-provoking documentary about the mysteries of the human mind, I was left with a sense of wonder and confusion about the limits of our understanding.
  • 20、韩涛除了震惊之外,满脑子的疑惑,拿着纤细的石笔,左右观量,任他绞尽脑力也说不出个所以然来。
  • 21、小白狗满脸疑惑地望着它,源自知之小工具嗅到一股陌生的凶气和野味.
  • 22、昨夜,我看到了UFO,它说是为了找回曾经遗留下的同胞,然后抢过我的手机,边拨打边开心道:终于找到了!我疑惑望过去,杯具地发现是你的手机号码!
  • 23、但现在,他们在共度了40年的婚姻生活后劳燕分飞了,我们疑惑,他们看似坚不可摧的婚姻为何破裂了,是否还有类似的惊人之举在等着我们。
  • 24、长假有疑惑山西晚报帮您早打问。
  • 25、张家人的习惯我算是知道了,无论他们在做什么事情,他们的脚永远在前进。除非迫不得已的时候,否则他们绝对不等,所以在普通人疑惑,谨慎,讨论的时候,他们早就跑到千里之外了。南派三叔
  • 26、Vincenti团队因善于解答艺术界的秘密而闻名于世。他谦恭地将自己的研究结果展示给罗浮宫来帮助澄清人们的疑惑
  • 27、那层层散落在草丛上的花瓣如一朵朵失去灵魂落魄的精灵,躺在那里一动不动。而我梦里的那份美丽,亦躲在心的某一个角落里微微叹息。不解、疑惑、苦闷便纷至沓来。发短信问候远在他乡的哥哥:“为何玉兰花昨日还如翻墨似的轰轰烈烈的盛开,而今天却是稀稀零零,满地狼藉……”。
  • 28、在一件令人疑惑的事情开始时,我们的信仰,来自于可以保证我们的探求将会有结果的事物上。
  • 29、这个世界的问题在于聪明人充满疑惑,而傻子们坚信不疑。罗素
  • 30、近来看了我贴的这些剧照,你是不是有点疑惑.
  • 31、惊吓恐惧紧张焦急矛盾疑惑
  • 32、美联储最近的政策声明颇让人疑惑,即使那些声明遵行美联储政策声明标准。
  • 33、当潜在客户观看广告的时候,他们就会产生疑惑,到底自己为什么要用“娇韵诗”产品呢?自己如何使用“娇韵诗”产品才能像这些模特呢?
  • 34、在这里有过爱情的痛与乐,在这里有过友情的忠诚与疑惑,在这里挥洒着青春的泪,别了我的校园。感谢您在青涩的青春里陪伴我。此短信送给所有毕业的学生。
  • 35、他总是到处耀武扬威,在我面前显得得意洋洋的,让我疑惑不解。
  • 36、直到他们认识本觉之前,疑惑不会完全消失。
  • 37、在这场政治运动中,大抵更多人是心怀疑惑,却又无法置身事外,鲍方便是其一。
  • 38、听你这番说明,让我茅塞顿开,过去的疑惑似乎一下子全没了。
  • 39、当你疑惑、需要灵感或力量时,请进入你的光之金字塔,我们会给你勇气,给你打气并激励你。
  • 40、人戒分日,人禁不息,不可以分食;方其疑惑,可师,可服。
  • 41、对于促进家庭生活重组、经济调整、性别角色重建的那些因素,人们是怨恨、疑惑还是感激?
  • 42、在合并开始的几个月之前,公司内部就已经充斥着各种不安全感和疑惑,谣言满天飞,没人知道公司以后会怎么样。
  • 43、他跪倒在地,把耳朵贴在地面上;幼熊们疑惑地面面相觑。
  • 44、当我打开“新闻周刊”的最新一篇文章,想要快速浏览一下巴黎时装周的消息时,我又一次为人们对女性形体的痴迷感到疑惑不解,这种现象如今是愈演愈烈了。
  • 45、这又会加剧投资公众的疑惑,进而导致滚雪球式的后果.
  • 46、也许往事的另一半是梦的方向,流着泪也好,到头来不过只是年年岁岁暮暮朝朝。也许生活永远无法给人满意的答复,更多时候总疑惑那些日复一日年复一年的回忆还值多少分量。
  • 47、清除疑惑,公正清廉廉生威。
  • 48疑惑足以败事。一个人往往因为遇事畏缩的原故,失去了成功的机会。最好的好人,都是犯过错误的过来人;一个人往往因为有一点小小的缺点,更显出他的可爱。莎士比亚
  • 49、她回答问题时吞吞吐吐,使我疑惑不已。
  • 50、当你爱一个人,如果你想占有这个人,表示你并不爱他,而且对于他的爱你也有所疑惑。那也就是为什么你制造了所有的安全措施,布满诡计、狡猾的套住他,让他无法离开你。奥修


疑惑 yíhuò

1、迷惑,不理解 2、怀疑,不相信 3、疑虑不安,犹豫不定 
疑惑 《疑惑》根据松本清张同名小说改编的悬疑电视剧,该剧由藤田明二执导,田村正和、泽口靖子等主演。 该剧讲述了金泽料理店金城楼的老板福太郎,其生前买有8亿的生命保险。于是妻子球磨子便因涉嫌为占有保险金,制造事故谋杀亲夫而被媒体和警方怀疑的故事。 疑惑 (汉语词语) 疑惑,汉语词汇。 拼音:yí huò 意思是对人和事物有疑虑和困惑。疑惑的神情,不相信,有疑心,迷乱。困惑不解,犹豫不定,难以决断等。




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