

  • 1、国庆到来举国欢,红灯高挂张灯彩。锣鼓喧天鞭炮鸣,庆祝祖国生日来。齐心协力建国家,不畏辛苦不畏难。祝愿祖国永昌盛,民富国强立世界。国庆快乐!
  • 2、在此期间,脱皮掉肉,劳形劳神自不待言,单是摆脱名利、浮躁、浅薄、畏难等等人性弱点的束缚,就需要非同寻常的意志。
  • 3、When faced with the immense challenge of climbing Mount Everest, he did not succumb to fear but instead embraced the opportunity to conquer his own limits and overcome the fear of difficulties.
  • 4、The true measure of a person's character is not how they handle the easy tasks, but how they confront and overcome the obstacles and adversities that come their way.
  • 5、Overcoming the fear of failure and daring to venture into uncharted waters, she embraced the challenges that laid ahead, determined to surpass all expectations and achieve greatness.
  • 6、Life's greatest achievements are often born from the courage to face, confront, and conquer the fear of difficulties.
  • 7、The road less traveled may be fraught with challenges and obstacles, but it is through overcoming these difficulties that one truly discovers their inner strength and potential.
  • 8、Inthe face of adversity, some choose to cower, while others rise above their fears and embrace the challenges head-on, proving that the true power lies in the ability to overcome the fear of difficulties.
  • 9、The fear of difficulties is like a prison that keeps us confined within our comfort zones, but only by breaking free from its constraints can we truly experience personal growth and transformation.
  • 10、Itis in the moments of greatest fear and trepidation that we discover the depths of our courage and tenacity to overcome the most formidable difficulties that life throws our way.
  • 11、Greatness is not achieved by avoiding difficulties, but by embracing them and using them as stepping stones towards success.
  • 12、Those who are willing to face the fear of difficulties with unwavering determination and resilience are the ones who eventually emerge victorious, their lives shining as beacons of inspiration to others.
  • 13、Success is not guaranteed to those who fear difficulties, but to those who confront them head-on and persevere, knowing that every challenge is an opportunity for growth and self-improvement.
  • 14、The fear of difficulties is merely an illusion, for within each obstacle lies the potential for great triumph and personal growth.
  • 15、When faced with insurmountable difficulties, it is not the size of the challenge that matters, but rather the size of one's courage and determination to overcome it.
  • 16、The fear of difficulties can be debilitating, but it is through pushing past our comfort zones and embracing challenges that we discover our true potential.
  • 17、The greatest achievements in life are often the result of facing the fear of difficulties with unwavering determination and an unyielding spirit.
  • 18、It is through overcoming the fear of difficulties that we not only grow stronger as individuals, but also inspire others to face their own challenges with courage and resilience.
  • 19、Those who choose to shy away from difficulties may never realize their true potential, for it is only through facing and conquering them that we discover the power that lies within.
  • 20、The fear of difficulties may be paralyzing, but it is through taking bold and decisive action that we break free from its grip and embark on a path of true self-discovery and personal growth.
  • 21、你看你,才走了几步,就有了畏难的情绪!能有多远?
  • 22、做事不畏难,自无难人事。
  • 23、世之乱也,上下纵于亡等之欲,奸伪相吞,变诈相角,自图其安而予人以至危,畏难避害,曾不肯捐丝粟之力以拯天下。
  • 24、管理者不能因为事小而不当回事,睁一只眼闭一只眼放任自流;也不能因为难管而畏难退缩,怕啃硬骨头硌着牙;更不能因为利益诱惑而涉足其中、枉法营私。
  • 25、我们不畏难,也不惜力,并不是想仅做巧事,事半而功倍,但我们还是愿意求得出一招能够影响全局乃至满盘皆活的效果。
  • 26、造网在线造句词典祝您造句快乐,天天进步!
  • 27、安于现状,不求进取,怕吃苦受累,没有迎难而上、抢抓机遇、负重奋进的信心和决心,常常是畏难发愁,等待观望,坐失良机,被动应付。
  • 28、蛇年到,蛇年到,“画蛇添足”将福添;锦上添花乐无边;“杯弓蛇影”如坎坷,勇往直前不畏难;愿你蛇年迎新福,踏着祥云享生活。
  • 29、32并认为,沙俄、日本之所以“挟我”、“轻我”,“皆以中国守一隅之见,畏难苟安,不能兴奋。
  • 30、他按着贤者的指引,一直沿着一个方向走着,不论遇到何种的困境,他都没有丝毫的畏难
  • 31、披荆斩棘创大业,卧薪尝胆不畏难;已是扶摇青云上,睥睨网文谁比肩?明日辉煌应在望,前辈风流今再攀!夜的邂逅。
  • 32、总要将那宝马取了回来,亲自驰往京师,恭呈御览,那时才显得某不是畏难苟安之辈。
  • 33、想吃吃,想喝喝,困难党来帮你搁;悠闲点,开心点,党会帮你把梦圆;别怕苦,莫畏难,党会陪在你身边;七一到,愿你笑,党会一直把你罩!
  • 34、事勿忙,忙多错。勿畏难,勿轻略。李毓秀
  • 35、从学生的实际出发,帮助学生克服学习上的困难,逐步消除畏难情绪,建立学好英语的信心。
  • 36、所以才有畏难喜逸的妖王,甘愿冒险也要滞留在人界。
  • 37、有的高校“小进即满”,产生了“松口气”的思想;有的市在大学生公寓建设上存在有畏难情绪,统筹力度不够大,工作措施也不够到位。
  • 38、瞳孔微微一缩,王振海心中也不禁微微一动,倒不是被墨林几句话威胁了,可想到若是姜世离真的畏难离开,或是被斩杀,也不由有些犹豫。
  • 39、30每日练功习舞,从未畏难间断,艰苦磨炼她却倍感甘甜。
  • 40畏难的意识在脑海中如乌云一样遮挡住了前进的方向,心里沉甸甸的。
  • 41、狄林早已经经验十足,当然不会畏难,只沉下心来,一笔一笔地慢慢调整,一点一点地渐渐提高……
  • 42、小天你记住,万不可如此,修炼一途,切不可畏难、畏惧,否则,终修不成大器。
  • 43、陈素下定决心要救父亲,秦仲既然说出了希望所在,他又怎能畏难而退。
  • 44、征途重险不畏难,父子同心敌胆丧。
  • 45、三是强化创新进取意识,克服求稳怕乱的思想和畏难情绪,下力气破解改革发展中出现的难题。
  • 46、美国中文学校的老师感到最头疼的问题是学生学汉字畏难情绪严重。
  • 47、物理是非常抽象而且难懂,所以一般来说学生会对这门课程产生畏难情绪,从而对学习没有什么兴趣。
  • 48、面对新形势新任务,我市党员干部队伍中出现了一些工作畏难、不敢担当、求稳怕乱、活力减退的现象,担心干多错多被追责的情况有所增加。
  • 49、……为人臣虚心待令,不辞贱不畏难,尽心任事不懈于位,忠也。
  • 50、但是陈兆军也发现,由于陈兆平现在基本上是靠自学,很多问题一下也搞不清楚,渐渐的开始有了畏难情绪,有点打退堂鼓了。


畏难 wèinán

畏难 畏难,是汉语词汇,出自《庄子·让王》,解释为畏惧艰难。



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