- 1、草丛里的山菊花开得正艳,给厚厚的荒草增添了生气,山菊花,秋天山林的宠儿,黄的,粉的,吐露着芬芳,争奇斗艳。点缀了大山,渲染了心情。
- 2、为什么人会感到无聊?人感到无聊是因为人生活在别人给予的没有生气的模式中,抛弃这些模式,走出这些模式!
- 3、Surrounded by a cluttered and chaotic workspace, I felt a surge of anger washing over me, as my efforts to stay organized and focused were constantly undermined.
- 4、AsI listened to the hurtful words spewing from their mouths, I felt my face burning with anger, realizing that even the ones closest to us could cause immense pain.
- 5、The constant disregard for the environment, with litter strewn across the once pristine beach, filled me with a visceral anger towards those who seemed oblivious to the destruction they were causing.
- 6、Their blatant disrespect towards the elderly filled me with an indignant anger, as I witnessed their callousness and lack of compassion towards those who have lived a lifetime.
- 7、Watching a man abuse his power, exploiting the vulnerable for personal gain, sent a surge of anger through me, as I questioned how someone could be so heartless and cruel.
- 8、The blatant inequality in society, with the privileged few enjoying extravagant luxuries while the majority struggled to make ends meet, fueled my anger and ignited a flame for change within me.
- 9、The betrayal I felt by a close friend was like a fire engulfing my heart, as anger coursed through my veins, and I questioned how someone I trusted could have deceived me so deeply.
- 10、The constant barrage of negative news, filled with violence and intolerance, fueled a growing anger within me, as I yearned for a world where peace and acceptance prevailed.
- 11、In a society that constantly oppressed and silenced women, I felt a righteous anger burning inside me, as I fought to break free from the shackles of patriarchy and demand equality.
- 12、The relentless bullying and belittlement by my classmates ignited a fiery anger within me, as I vowed to stand up for those who couldn't defend themselves, and create a safe space for all.
- 13、The sight of innocent animals abused and mistreated filled me with a deep anger, as I championed their right to live a life free from cruelty and exploitation.
- 14、The relentless pollution and destruction of our natural habitats filled me with a deep anger towards humanity, as I recognized the consequences of our irresponsibility and the urgent need for change.
- 15、The abuse and exploitation of child labor in sweatshops left me consumed with anger, as I worked tirelessly to bring awareness to this issue and ensure that all children have the right to a childhood.
- 16、The callousness and indifference towards the suffering of refugees, escaping war-torn countries, filled me with an overwhelming anger, as I believed that compassion and empathy should be our guiding lights.
- 17、The manipulation and deceit of politicians, prioritizing personal gains over the needs of the people, fueled a fiery anger within me, motivating me to fight for honest leadership and a government that serves its citizens.
- 18、如果要打孩子,请你注意,你是否是在生气时打他,因为如果这样,会有使孩子终生残废的危险。冷酷地打一巴掌既不可以,也不应该。
- 19、他有一颗冬瓜头,生气的时候脸一下子拉得很长,非常像马。
- 20、人的天性虽然是隐而不露的,但却很难被压抑,更很少能完全根绝。即使勉强施压抑,只会使它在压力消除后更加猛烈。只有长期养成的习惯才能多少改变人的天生气质和性格。弗兰西斯·培根
- 21、海洋是个魔术师,一会安安稳稳,一会又生气了,一会又调皮的掀起浪花。
- 22、希腊哲学家哀皮克蒂特斯说:“计算一下你有多少天不曾生气。在从前,我每天生气;有时每隔一天生气一次;后来每隔三四天生气一次;如果你一连三十天没有生气,就应该向上帝献祭表示感谢。”减少生气的次数便是修养的结果。
- 23、松树郁郁苍苍,生气勃勃,傲然屹立。虽是坐在车子上,一棵棵松树一晃而过,但它们那种不畏风霜的姿态,却使人油然而生敬意,久久不忘。
- 24、天地以生气成之,画以笔墨取之。
- 25、老师的脸色很难看,可能又跟谁生气了。
- 26、她长得很纤弱。脸是鹅蛋形的,加上一双明净的大眼睛,眼睛上面是弓形的,像是画上去的眉毛。一个小巧笔直的鼻子,一个圆圆的。像生气似的嘟着小嘴。她的气色不太好,总是有些苍白。
- 27、生气四害:血压变高,血脂变稠,血色变紫,血管变细。引发脑塞,心肌梗死!
- 28、姐夫围着电脑念了我一晚上,一反常态的我...不但没有像以前那样生气反驳...反而心里很开心。
- 29、生气只是拿别人的错误来惩罚自己。
- 30、和白痴生气是冒着使我们自己也会变成白痴的危险源自知之小工具。福楼拜
- 31、良好的家庭传统有助于家庭成员相互尊重,有助于家庭建成一个友爱的生气勃勃的集体。
- 32、哥哥犯了错误,妈妈很生气,经弟弟添油加醋一形容,妈妈更是火冒三丈。
- 33、如果敌人让你生气,那说明你没有胜他的把握。
- 34、母亲的心是水做的,生气的时候是冰,暖一暖还是水。
- 35、生气往往会蒙蔽我们的判断力。
- 36、竹笋的用处可大啦!小的时候,它能让人们饱肚;长大了,它能造好多东西,竹房子竹家具都有。自然更少不了筷子竹篮什么的。他还能让森林变得更加有生气,环境更美!古人不是说“宁可食无肉,不可居无竹”吗?
- 37、少说话,多做事,常常学习少生气。看眼色,提建议,进退攻守有心计。敬老手,护新手,圈内做事讲和气。别怨言,别管事,份内份外分清楚。负责任,守秩序,工资升迁要牢记。
- 38、九州生气恃风雷,万马齐暗究可哀。龚自珍
- 39、生气是拿别人的错误来惩罚自己。
- 40、音乐是一种自由的、生气勃勃的艺术,一种充满新鲜空气的艺术。德彪西。
- 41、大约七点钟,天空中呈现出一片蔚蓝色,还有一颗星星和一轮镰刀似的月牙儿挂在空中。我想大概是哪颗星星乱跑和爸爸妈妈走散了,月亮“阿姨”来找它吧。月亮“阿姨”找到了那颗星星,生气得脸都发青了。
- 42、这个战士两只大眼炯炯有神,一张圆脸生气勃勃。
- 43、你把“忾”解释为“生气”,未免有点牵强附会吧!
- 44、我爷爷头发花白,鼻梁上架着一副黑眼镜。还有额头上有几条皱纹,他长的很高。皮肤有点粗糙,他的性格是有时会生气,有时很好。
- 45、家中养鱼、养狗、种竹、种蔬四事。皆不可忽。一则上接祖父以来相承之家风,二则望其外有一种生气。登其庭有一种旺气。
- 46、瞧他那种风流倜傥,玩世不恭的样子我就生气。
- 47、你有点灵气,我有点傻气;你有点秀气,我有点土气;你有点香气,我有点烟气;如果你生气,我不会发脾气。
- 48、阳春三月,杏树开花了,那粉红色的小花,千姿百态;淡淡的花香,引来了成千上万的蜜蜂,哩噢嗡嗡,热闹非凡,给山乡带来了蓬勃的生气。
- 49、她一点儿笑模样都没有,又跟谁生气了?
- 50、寡言语以养气,寡思虑以养神,寡嗜欲以养精,精生气,气生神,神自灵也。是故精绝则气绝,气绝则命绝也。是故精气神,人身之三宝也。