

  • 1、但被击败的阴魂在头顶环绕,叛军面临残酷的抉择,要么逃亡临近埃及的边境,要么在班加西深沟高垒,死战到底。
  • 2、反对派势力的控制和其他东部城市班加西说,他们已经成立了一个全国委员会,充当反卡扎菲运动的政治面貌。
  • 3、Standing on the sandy beach, I felt the warm breeze of Benghazi caress my skin, reminding me of the resilience and beauty of this coastal city.
  • 4、AsI explore the ancient ruins of Cyrene, a sense of wonder and reverence washes over me, connecting me to the rich history and cultural heritage of Benghazi.
  • 5、Inthe face of adversity and challenges, the people of Benghazi display an unwavering spirit and determination, inspiring me to never give up on my dreams.
  • 6、The spectacular sunsets over the Mediterranean Sea, witnessed from the rugged cliffs of Benghazi, captivate my soul and remind me of the eternal beauty of nature.
  • 7、With every sip of traditional Libyan tea offered by the hospitable locals, I feel a sense of belonging and warmth, as if Benghazi is embracing me as one of its own.
  • 8、The aroma of freshly baked pastries wafts through the air, enticing me to indulge in the authentic flavors of Benghazi, a culinary experience that leaves me craving for more.
  • 9、AsI stroll along the renovated waterfront promenade, lined with palm trees and contemporary sculptures, I am amazed by the city's commitment to reinvent itself and embrace the future.
  • 10、The echoes of laughter and music fill the air during the lively festivals and cultural events that take place in Benghazi, creating an atmosphere of celebration and unity.
  • 11、The grand architecture of the Red Castle, standing tall and proud in the heart of Benghazi, symbolizes the strength and resilience of its people, who have overcome countless obstacles throughout history.
  • 12、The vibrant art scene in Benghazi, showcased in its galleries and street murals, offers a glimpse into the creative souls of its residents, inspiring me to pursue my own artistic passions.
  • 13、The tranquil gardens and parks scattered throughout Benghazi provide a sanctuary of peace and tranquility, inviting me to reflect and find solace in the midst of a bustling city.
  • 14、The rhythmic melodies of traditional Libyan music resonate through the air, awakening a sense of nostalgia and appreciation for the cultural heritage that thrives in the streets of Benghazi.
  • 15、With every interaction and conversation, I am amazed by the kindness and generosity of the people of Benghazi, who welcome strangers with open arms and genuine smiles.
  • 16、The azure waters of the Mediterranean Sea, lapping against the sandy shores of Benghazi, offer a sanctuary for relaxation and reflection, where I find solace and inner peace.
  • 17、From the ancient Greek city of Apollonia to the bustling modern-day Benghazi, the city's evolution throughout history is a testament to the resilience and adaptability of its people.
  • 18、As the sun rises over Benghazi, illuminating the city's golden buildings and vibrant markets, I am reminded of the boundless opportunities and potential that lie within this extraordinary place.
  • 19、The narrow, winding streets of the old town in Benghazi are filled with hidden gems, from traditional markets to cozy cafes, each offering a unique and memorable experience.
  • 20、The intellectual discussions and debates that resonate within the walls of Benghazi's universities and cultural centers fuel the city's quest for knowledge and intellectual growth.
  • 21、2011年3月4日,班加西,一名男子点燃火焰观查地下监狱。这是利比亚领导卡扎菲部队的总部之一。
  • 22、但是卡扎非的代理外长卡里德卡伊姆断然说道,“我们并没有要进入班加西市的目的。”。
  • 23、法国的努力是否还不够强硬呢,支持卡扎非的**军可能已经深入到了反叛军占领的班加西市区内部,卡扎非也已经宣誓他不会对反叛者存有怜悯之心。
  • 24、而有班加西两倍大的的黎波里,却只有5个代表。只有不到一半的全国过渡委员会成员迁入首都,他们还在等待视频会议设备来联系这两个利比亚最大的城市。
  • 25、来自利比亚各地的代表首次在东部城市班加西召开会议,宣称他们是国家的合法**。
  • 26、驻马耳他使馆租用的“罗马巡洋舰”号启程时,利比亚班加西港域大浪滔天,气象部门预报,将出现1953年以来最大的海上风暴。
  • 27、一架军用飞机在利比亚坠毁,只因为驾驶员和副驾驶员拒绝执行命令,向班加西投弹。
  • 28、危情过后,我问他是否愿意回到班加西告诉父母伊萨姆的死讯,他满眼含泪,说已经差人告知父母了,并要他们不要流泪。
  • 29、塔朱拉居民表示感谢,在许多方面的班加西旅。
  • 30、接下来,在周六破晓之前,他攻击叛军首府班加西的心脏地区,并派出火箭、坦克以及地面部队进入平民居住区。
  • 31、在安理会投票之前,卡扎菲在黎波里电台节目宣称他将于当晚进攻班加西,这使得投票更加紧迫。
  • 32、萨科齐和正在班加西访问的美国国会共和党参议员麦凯恩同一天表态,支持动用利比亚**海外遭冻结资产资助反对派。
  • 33、为此,苏联相继在古巴的哈瓦那、圣地亚哥、西恩富戈斯、马里亚瑙建立了海空军基地;在利比亚的阿克巴本纳菲、的黎波里、班加西等地取得基地的使用权。
  • 34、据新加坡联合早报网报道,美国总统奥巴马说,疑似2012年美国驻利比亚班加西领事馆袭击事件首谋的哈塔拉,在15日被捕后,正被押解前来美国途中。
  • 35、而有班加西两倍大的的黎波里却只有五位代表。只有不到一半的NTC成员迁移到了首都,他们在等待视频会议设备把利比亚最大的两座城市联系起来。
  • 36、在40多年中,卡扎菲通过对班加西附近这些部落的隔离、贫困化、有时甚至消灭来维持统治。




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