- 1、中新社旧金山11月23日电美国西部多个州连日来连续被狂风暴雪袭击,伴有低温、冻雨及山洪,在多地造成百余起车祸,至今已有8人死亡,数人重伤。
- 2、长达四个月的狂风暴雪,终於在元旦的头一天,悄悄地结束。
- 3、The fierce wind howled and the snow fell relentlessly, creating a scene of chaos and uncertainty, as if Mother Nature herself was expressing her anger and frustration.
- 4、Inthe midst of the raging blizzard, the unyielding wind whipped through the barren landscape, stripping the trees of their leaves and leaving an eerie silence in its wake.
- 5、Asthe blizzard roared through the town, people huddled together, trying to find solace and warmth amidst the cold, their faces etched with determination and resilience.
- 6、The relentless assault of the howling gales and the blinding white snow created a vivid contrast against the calmness and serenity that once filled the now desolate streets.
- 7、Nature's fury unleashed in the form of the relentless blizzard, transforming the familiar landscape into an alien, hostile environment, testing the limits of human endurance.
- 8、Asthe blizzard raged on, the sound of the wind became a haunting symphony, a true testament to the awesome power and untamed beauty of the natural world.
- 9、With each gust of wind and every snowflake that landed, the harsh reality of the storm sank in deeper, forcing us to confront our own vulnerability and mortality.
- 10、The fury of the storm enveloped everything in its path, leaving behind a trail of destruction and desolation, a reminder of the transient nature of human existence.
- 11、Snowflakes danced in the air, as if celebrating the intense power and beauty of the blizzard, while at the same time reminding us of our own insignificance in the face of nature's might.
- 12、In the midst of the relentless blizzard, the world seemed to shrink, leaving only the wind and snow as the protagonists of this fierce battle between man and nature.
- 13、With each step through the knee-deep snow and each gust of the icy wind, the strength and endurance of the human spirit were tested, reminding us of the incredible resilience and determination that resides within us.
- 14、The storm raged on, as if nature had unleashed her own fury upon the world, punishing those who dared to ignore her warnings and reminding us of the consequences of our actions.
- 15、The blizzard's icy grip tightened around the town, turning it into a frozen fortress, where only the most resilient and brave souls could survive and thrive.
- 16、The blizzard's fury echoed through the night, as if demanding to be heard, reminding us of the immense power that lies within the natural world and the need to respect and protect it.
- 17、The blizzard's relentless assault seemed to wash away the trivialities of everyday life, leaving only the raw essence of existence, as if forcing us to confront the fragility and impermanence of our own lives.
- 18、预计狂风暴雪将从太平洋西北部边海鄂霍此克海登陆堪察加半岛,数个地区已经下起了雪。
- 19、充斥着狂风暴雪的画面中,只见魅小淼的魔物越野笔直向前冲;与此同时,光皮啸雪却似乎在一点一点减速,两车距离开始缩短。
- 20、知之小工具在线造句词典祝您造句快乐,天天进步!
- 21、狂风暴雪新年前夕肆虐全欧洲。
- 22、当然迎风冒雪锻炼的,毕竟是少数,狂风暴雪还是给市民出行带来了极大的困难。
- 23、它常在狂风暴雪时出现,或多次降雪、地面积雪很深后遇上5-6级大风,松散的积雪被卷起使天空中的能见度下降。
- 24、团长啊这里的天气真是见鬼,刚才还有太阳,现在就狂风暴雪!
- 25、奥巴马专机着陆引起狂风暴雪。
- 26、风雪能使人跌倒,也能催人坚强。如能学懂在人生中的狂风暴雪中漫舞,你将会绽放成一朵更铿锵利落的迷人小菊。
- 27、新一轮狂风暴雪再袭纽约2012年11月09日00:00。
- 28、少年经过了春天的历练;通过了夏天的洗礼;走过了秋天的清冷;闯过了冬天的狂风暴雪,已经拥有了腾飞的翅膀。
- 29、狂风暴雪之中,莫迪尔?风暴之语跨着简陋的旅行肩包,在风雪中艰难的挪动着。
- 30、我的快乐……也许就是好好地睡上一觉,什么都不想,什么也不用害怕……外面狂风暴雪,但屋中安静无比。心爱的人就在身旁,默默地注视我并不说话……今何在
- 31、本就天寒地冻的时节,再加上狂风暴雪,猎户们即便是猫在家里,围着火盆都得裹得严严实实。
- 32、据人民网消息,英国各地连日来遭遇狂风暴雪等恶劣天气侵袭。
- 33、冬日的长白上上经常是狂风暴雪,但是这块山腹的周围,确实永远都是好天气。
- 34、尹琳加拿大东部地区遭遇罕见狂风暴雪。
- 35、据俄罗斯媒体13日报道,强大的气旋日前侵袭了俄罗斯远东地区,给哈巴罗夫斯克州,滨海边疆区和萨哈林岛带来狂风暴雪。
- 36、当时狂风暴雪掀起高达5米巨浪,货船支持不住,船身开始倾斜,数小时后最终在厄兰岛和哥得兰岛之间海域翻船,船员们随即发出紧急呼救。
- 37、狂风暴雪侵袭全球多国印度强寒流夺命过百。
- 38、狂风暴雪温最低,房前屋后大雪积。送你一件毛皮衣,健康温暖好福气。送你一双棉靴子,走向光明立壮志。送你一顶风雪帽,鸿运当头阳光丽。愿大寒吉利!