

  • 1、魔力鸟还在不断的书写着自己的狂人日记,实际上在我看来狂人日记就是一部发人深省的励志日记。
  • 2、阳光微凉琴弦微凉,风声疏狂人间仓皇,呼吸微凉心事微凉,流年匆忙对错何妨,你在尘世中辗转了千百年,却只让我看你最后一眼,火光描摹容颜燃尽了时间,别留我一人孑然一身,凋零在梦境里面。银临
  • 3、The madman wandered through the empty streets, his eyes wild with despair, his heart heavy with the weight of a world that no longer made sense to him.
  • 4、Inthe depths of his madness, the madman laughed and danced, oblivious to the judging eyes that stared at his unconventional gyrations.
  • 5、The madman, with his unkempt hair and torn clothes, recited nonsensical poetry to the moon, where only the night sky could fully understand his fragmented mind.
  • 6、The asylum became his home, a sanctuary for the madman where he could scream his demons into the night, finding solace in the echoing silence that enveloped him.
  • 7、The madman's laughter filled the room, a haunting melody that sent shivers down the spine of anyone unfortunate enough to cross his path.
  • 8、The townspeople avoided eye contact with the madman, fearing that his madness would infect their own sanity, yet secretly drawn to the enigmatic allure that surrounded him.
  • 9、Locked within the confines of his mind, the madman painted vivid dreams onto the walls of his cell, creating a world of beauty and escape that only he could fully comprehend.
  • 10、The madman's rants were like a symphony of madness, each word carefully chosen to pierce the veil of normality and expose the fragile illusions that society held dear.
  • 11、Society dismissed the madman as a lunatic, oblivious to the profound truths hidden within his ramblings, truths that only the mad were brave or foolish enough to acknowledge.
  • 12、The madman's eyes burned with a fire that could not be extinguished, a relentless flame fueled by a passion so intense that it bordered on insanity.
  • 13、The madman's laughter echoed through the corridors, a haunting reminder that sanity was but a thin veil separating humanity from chaos.
  • 14、In the madman's dreams, rivers of color flowed freely, washing away the grays of reality and offering glimpses of a world where madness was the truest form of liberation.
  • 15、The madman's words were a double-edged sword, both a curse and a blessing, as they cut through the facade of normalcy, revealing the hidden depths of human desolation.
  • 16、The madman danced in the rain, his face uplifted toward the heavens, his soaked clothes clinging to his ecstatic body, free from the constraints of societal norms.
  • 17、The madman's eyes held a haunting sadness, as if they carried the weight of a thousand lost souls, etched forever in the depths of his tortured mind.
  • 18、The world appeared dull and lifeless to the madman, its colors faded and its sounds muted, for only in madness could he truly taste the vibrancy of existence.
  • 19、The madman's thoughts raced like wild horses, each one more untamed than the last, leaving a trail of fragmented ideas in his wake, forever elusive and ungraspable.
  • 20、Society deemed the madman a threat, locking him away in a sterile world of white walls and silent corridors, blind to the fact that it was their fears that truly confined them.
  • 21、皇马“签”走了狂人,穆里尼奥挥别刚刚夺得欧冠的国米,正式入主伯纳乌,开始书写皇马“狂人日记”。
  • 22、科学狂人沃尔沃把我视为科学上的先知,非要邀请我到他的炮场指导工作。
  • 23、我能,我可以认为你在配合那个楚狂人冒充我吗?这个川耗子有明显冒充我的意图,有你这末一配合,所有人都会认为是我。
  • 24、2G内存和500G硬盘早已不能满足下载狂人和游戏达人的需要。
  • 25、而曹禺对面的杜发更是蛮横至极,面对着足坛颇负盛名的“数据狂人”。
  • 26、如果是这样的话,咱们就齐心合力起来,好好的计划一下,至于最后谁能够获得癫狂人的境界传承,那就各凭运气和缘分吧,大家觉得这个主意怎么样?
  • 27、燕麦麸在去年成为保健狂人的最爱。
  • 28、在日本国会议员、**官员、战争狂人的鼓动之下,歇斯底里般的战争狂热,在日本朝野、全国范围勃然而起。
  • 29、极度恐怖变态的恋尸狂人!!!真是变态我被这张照片雷到了。
  • 30、优秀的科学家必定是某种程度的狂人
  • 31、据安欣说,娘亲是个游戏狂人,虽然不懂英语,但像“吞食鱼”和“植物大战僵尸”这样的游戏,娘亲都能摸索着过关。
  • 32、面对困难,我们要像鲁迅那样,做狂人的世界,做啊Q的心态,做坟头上的花环,做呐喊中的声音,做被夕拾的朝花……
  • 33、东郭闾想了解一下竞走狂人南宫贺,南宫贺是竞走竞技赛的冠军得主。
  • 34狂人斩丝毫不动动脑,劈口就说道,丝毫没有想到自己本来就是个半路杀出的强盗。
  • 35、后主时,有桑门,貌若狂人,见乌则向之作礼,见沙门则殴辱之。
  • 36、本届选秀一共出了三个全明星大前锋,两个刷分狂人,然而95年的最佳新人却归属于这只来自多伦多的小飞鼠。
  • 37、卡丁车场不仅是一个简单的休闲、娱乐场所,更是赛车狂人们的圆梦之地。
  • 38、我将永远不会替山达基做人情,这教会是狂人罗恩贺伯特创立的。
  • 39、体刑是为轻狂人而设,鞭笞是为愚人背而备。
  • 40、大家熟悉的七喜狂人来喽,喜欢他你就下载到手机上吧吧!
  • 41、行天下千钧拳空握,偏偏只提美酒不屑提颠沛坎坷,琐碎招式有大开合,青竹棍点开桃花烁烁,看醉狂人笑我。荀夜羽
  • 42、骄傲的人喜欢见依附他的人或谄媚他的人,而厌恶见高尚的人。……而结果这些人愚弄他,迎合他那软弱的心灵,把他由一个愚人弄成一个狂人。斯宾诺莎
  • 43、疯子依旧是狂人般的战斗方式,风之漩涡连连爆发出,而电鼠和郭福成为了疯子这个战斗不留后路的家伙掠阵,郭武林已经一夫当关万夫莫开了。知之小工具
  • 44、经过2年的默默打拼,分媒进入了其历史上的第3个年头,即被分媒人笑称的“狂人日记”终于高调开篇。
  • 45、一个有理智的人恋爱时,可能像一个狂人,但他绝不会像一个傻子。
  • 46、但追求战争的狂人应该统统给他们穿上紧身衣.
  • 47、开始辩解,就像一个科学狂人在对一个持怀疑态度的理性主义者解释他的古怪新发明--做*。伊恩·麦克尤恩
  • 48、头号战犯被处以极刑,这是一切战争狂人罪孽深重的下场。
  • 49、一个狂人想问题是没有理智的,当他疯狂时是什麽事情都乾得出来的。
  • 50、我本楚狂人,凤歌笑孔丘。手持绿玉杖,朝别黄鹤楼。五岳寻仙不辞远,一生好入名山游。李白


狂人 kuángrén

1、疯狂的人 2、狂妄自大的人 
狂人 (词语解释) 狂人,是指性格放荡不羁,做事风风火火,干净利落。强烈追求极至和绝对的人。本意为“疯子,精神不正常者”,是贬义。




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