

  • 1、他说,布雷维克将于25日被移交奥斯陆市法院,届时,布雷维克会进一步坦白他的犯罪动机
  • 2、在当局追查嫌犯的犯罪动机时,奥斯陆展开了悼念死者的活动。
  • 3、The character's deep-rooted envy and desire for material wealth became the driving force behind his criminal motives, leading him to steal and deceive others, ultimately destroying his own life in the pursuit of material gain. (64 words)
  • 4、Ina world consumed by economic disparity, the protagonist's criminal motives emerge from the desperation of a marginalized individual, resorting to illegal activities as the only means to provide for their loved ones and escape the cycles of poverty that have haunted them for generations. (65 words)
  • 5、The protagonist's twisted obsession with power and control manifests itself in their criminal pursuits, the allure of domination becoming an insatiable force that drives them to manipulate, deceive, and destroy those who dare to stand in their way. (55 words)
  • 6、Asthe scars of a shattered childhood haunt their every waking moment, the protagonist's criminal motivations find solace in the infliction of pain and suffering upon others, their twisted desire for revenge consuming their every action and guiding them down a path of twisted redemption. (69 words)
  • 7、Within the depths of their tormented soul resides a festering anger, born from a lifetime of mistreatment and betrayal, propelling them towards criminal acts as a means to reclaim a sense of power and control, even if it means descending into the very darkness they so despise. (71 words)
  • 8、The protagonist's criminal motives find their roots in a broken heart, the anguish of lost love morphing into a vengeful obsession that drives them to commit unthinkable acts of violence and deceit, all in the name of a love that was taken away. (55 words)
  • 9、The relentless pursuit of status and approval becomes the catalyst for the protagonist's criminal motives, leading them to manipulate and exploit others in a desperate attempt to fill the void within their own shattered self-esteem, leaving a trail of destruction in their wake. (63 words)
  • 10、Driven to the brink of insanity by a society that shunned and ridiculed them, the protagonist's criminal motivations are fueled by a desire to prove their worth, to make those who dismissed them pay for their ignorance, and to leave an indelible mark on a world that sought to crush them. (66 words)
  • 11、The protagonist's unwavering loyalty to their family, coupled with a haunting past of betrayal, fuels their criminal motivations, pushing them to break the law in order to protect the ones they love, blurring the lines between right and wrong in a morally ambiguous battleground. (68 words)
  • 12、The protagonist's criminal motivations are a manifestation of their constant struggle for survival in a ruthless and unforgiving world, navigating the treacherous waters of organized crime to secure a place of power and influence, where they can finally feel the sweet taste of victory amidst the chaos and despair. (69 words)
  • 13、The burning rage that consumes the protagonist's every fiber forms the bedrock of their criminal motives, their thirst for revenge against a merciless society propelling them towards a path paved with deceit, manipulation, and relentless violence, until they become the very embodiment of the darkness they sought to conquer. (75 words)
  • 14、Haunted by a traumatic event that shattered their innocence, the protagonist's criminal motivations are driven by a desperate desire to reclaim control over their own destiny, resorting to illicit activities to rewrite the narrative of their life and to prove that they are more than just a victim of circumstance. (68 words)
  • 15、The protagonist's criminal motives are rooted in a deep-seated disillusionment with a society plagued by superficiality and greed, their actions serving as a wake-up call, a painful reminder that beneath the veneer of civility lies a dark underbelly of corruption that demands attention and reform. (66 words)
  • 16、这种判决不考虑罪犯的犯罪动机,也不考虑他的生活境遇。
  • 17、在侦查工作中,研究和应用犯罪心理痕迹,对分析犯罪分子的犯罪动机、实施犯罪活动的过程以及“刻画”犯罪分子均大有裨益。
  • 18、“犯罪动机极其卑劣......手段特别残忍......后果特别严重,”法院法官说。
  • 19、问起犯罪动机,他说自己在娱乐场所玩腻了,想再找点刺激。
  • 20、余达松拒绝就该案的犯罪动机作出评论,但指出下一步调查重点是锁定其它镪水袭击事件的嫌疑人。
  • 21、路易斯拒绝猜测犯罪动机
  • 22、关于唐犯罪动机的争议和假设由于缺少实则性的资信而不得要领。
  • 23、相对较轻的犯罪带来的亵渎影响,随罪人的犯罪动机,是否出席祭祀仪式和是否悔改而变化。
  • 24、法院没有澄清她可能的犯罪动机,但检察官说,她与邻居之间的关系非常不好。知之小工具整理
  • 25、初步调查其犯罪动机为敲诈钱财。
  • 26、但一个人的犯罪动机能通过他的过去来预测吗?
  • 27、从唐峥华处搜缴出了陈娇的个人物品以及邓浩与陈娇的手机短信,可证明唐峥华有犯罪动机、作案条件。
  • 28、引起犯罪行为的一个重要原因是犯罪人的犯罪动机




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