- 1、一位重要的支持者,圣杰西杰克逊牧师,他是国家最有名的黑人领袖。
- 2、丧礼上,牧师描述了死者的美德和他们讨人喜欢的行为,以及非凡的前途。在座的人个个都暗自承认他说得对,他们以前真是有眼无珠,居然对这些熟视无睹,反倒死盯着这些可怜孩子的过错和毛病不放,心里不免感到难过。
- 3、With a gentle smile and open arms, the priest welcomed the lost souls seeking solace and guidance, offering them a sanctuary in which to find strength and hope.
- 4、Asthe priest held the trembling hand of a grieving widow, his comforting words brought her a sense of peace, reminding her that love and faith would carry her through the darkest of times.
- 5、Ina small village nestled amidst serene mountains, the priest dedicated his life to serving the community, spreading kindness and joy to all who crossed his path.
- 6、With steadfast determination, the priest silenced the whispers of doubt and fear that plagued his mind, embarking on a mission to restore faith and unity in a divided and troubled world.
- 7、Inthe midst of a chaotic city, the priest's quiet presence became a beacon of hope, offering solace and guidance to the lost souls who had forgotten how to listen to their own hearts.
- 8、The priest's eyes sparkled with a deep sense of empathy as he sat by the hospital bed, holding the hand of a dying patient, offering comfort and reassurance in their final moments.
- 9、With unwavering devotion, the priest set aside his own needs and tirelessly worked to lift others out of despair, proving that true righteousness lies in selfless acts of love and compassion.
- 10、The priest's sermons embraced a diversity of beliefs, nurturing a sense of inclusivity and understanding among the congregation, fostering a community where differences were celebrated rather than judged.
- 11、In the quiet solitude of his humble chamber, the priest immersed himself in prayer and contemplation, seeking divine inspiration to guide his congregation towards a deeper connection with their own spirituality.
- 12、The priest's presence radiated a sense of serenity and grace as he officiated the sacred ritual of marriage, uniting two souls in a bond forged by love and commitment, reminding them of the divine presence in their union.
- 13、With a compassionate heart, the priest listened intently to the confessions of the troubled souls, offering understanding and absolution, guiding them towards the path of forgiveness and self-acceptance.
- 14、The priest's words, spoken with unwavering conviction, ignited a flame of faith within the hearts of the congregation, inspiring them to believe in the limitless potential of their own spirits.
- 15、In a world plagued by darkness and despair, the priest's unwavering faith shone brightly, reminding others that even in the face of adversity, there is always a flicker of hope waiting to be kindled.
- 16、The priest's arms held the homeless child tightly, offering warmth and shelter, a living testament to the power of love and compassion in transforming lives.
- 17、The priest's tireless efforts to bridge the gap between different religions and beliefs became a testament to the unifying power of spirituality, fostering a world where love and understanding triumphed over division and hatred.
- 18、牧师劝告人们学习篱雀的生活方式不过如此。
- 19、医生很少给自己处方,牧师也不是永远按照他们说教的道理办事,律师也害怕为了自己的利益而诉诸法律,他们知道法律是一种锐利的工具,运用起来没有把握,刮得连一根毛也不剩,但不一定刮对了人。狄更斯
- 20、琼斯是她那个教堂里最虔诚的女子,一个礼拜日,通常都十分乏味的牧师在布道中讲到自己的生活,在演讲快要结束时,他突然高叫:“我要求每一个想进天堂的人都站起来。”。
- 21、教区牧师作了一次布道,宣讲*博的危害。
- 22、这样的牧师也许可以成为好的牧犬,但决不是一个善良的牧羊人。
- 23、当他布道完毕之后,人们泪流满面。牧师回到了圣器安置所内,亦热泪盈眶。
- 24、可是那个家庭牧师的恶毒,浮夸的言论影响到了他的情绪,夺走了他的怡然自得的活力。
- 25、“所有基督徒都是伪君子”“牧师只喜欢钱”或任何其他事情做借口,这些只是一些幌子,而实际则是一个内心忠诚不忠诚的问题。
- 26、陈义圣牧师则返回美国进入三一神学院继续深造。
- 27、“毫无疑问,”埃德蒙说,“托马斯爵士了解教区牧师的职责。我们应该希望,他的儿子能表明自己也懂得这种职责。”。
- 28、村里的牧师总是祈祷丰收,看来今年他的工作做得不错呀!
- 29、堪萨斯有好几个严重事故处理小组,自由纪念医院的牧师史蒂夫史密斯告诉我们。他从2006年就开始带领他的志愿者小组,直到上周退役了。
- 30、那一天,他带着他的诺言与一支装备齐全的牧师探险队出发了。
- 31、中文部浸礼习道班四月份开班,请向许蓁蓁牧师报名.
- 32、小珠儿的眼中闪着妖气,当她仰望牧师时,脸上带着那种调皮的微笑,使她的表情时常都是那么鬼精灵似的。
- 33、我们这些没有在爱中说诚实话的牧师,反而降低标准来安抚人,为何这麽瞻徇情面?
- 34、意识到魔法牧师必定把他的的警告置诸脑后,他为老师被残忍的杀害伤心不已。
- 35、拿破仑的私人医生曾声称他在给拿破仑做尸体解剖的时候切下了这位伟人的小*鸡,并于1821年把它转手给了一位科西嘉的牧师。
- 36、他们到达客店时,牧师和本村医生正在翻阅陌生人的日记.
- 37、此时,议事厅中已经作完场前祈祷,可以听到丁梅斯代尔牧师先生开始布道的声音了。
- 38、在国王座位下的另一扇门此时打开了,牧师、歌唱家、舞蹈家和音乐家从里出来,围笼在这对男女周围,婚礼很快就结束了,然后响起了愉快的钟声,人们向他们欢呼。
- 39、陈义圣牧师夫妇则在杨梅教会协助教会外展事工及培育教会领袖。
- 40、本曲献给徐立牧师师母,以及一切为神摆上期待永恒不朽冠冕的神仆们。
- 41、他是神父所委任的塞勒姆,上帝的和平,因此,无论国王和牧师。
- 42、第三年过去了,瞻礼日那天,牧师来到礼拜堂,他要向人们展示主的伤痕,向他们诉说上帝的愤怒。
- 43、17世纪的英国诗人、讽刺作家、律师和牧师约翰?多恩曾说过:没人是一座孤岛。
- 44、他们在教堂里,只传道,知之小工具穿牧师的制服、或望弥撒。
- 45、简?爱的父亲是一个一贫如洗的乡村牧师,母亲虽出身豪门,但因违背了祖父的愿望嫁给一个穷人而没有得到一分钱的财产。
- 46、那儿是牧师住宅,房子显得很整洁,据我所知,牧师和他的妻子都是正派人。
- 47、牧师恩雅:把你们的呼声借给我们,是时候拯救我们的人民了!
- 48、牧师以“四海皆兄弟”的意义为主题,向聚会的群众发表演说。
- 49、多少有些出人意料,后妻给他生了三个儿子,因此在最小的儿子安琪尔和老牧师父亲之间,好像差不多缺少了一辈人。
- 50、我不想住在一辆拖车里或是教会的牧师住宅区,或是一个拥有哈蒂快餐店和两盏交通灯的小镇。