

  • 1、我参加了EF英孚海外游学悉尼的8周课程,这真是一段印象深刻的经历。
  • 2、他说,自己曾在北京旅游学院学过旅游心理学,所以知道如何应付旅途中的一些紧急情况。
  • 3、During my recent study abroad trip, I embarked on a transformative journey of "game-learning", immersing myself in a foreign culture while exploring the interconnectedness of global education.
  • 4、Through the unique experience of "study-vacation", I not only enhanced my academic knowledge but also developed essential life skills such as adaptability, independence, and cultural sensitivity.
  • 5、The opportunity to participate in a "learning expedition" enabled me to discover hidden talents and passions, as I engaged in hands-on projects and collaborated with individuals from diverse backgrounds.
  • 6、"Travel-study" has not only expanded my academic horizons but has also ignited a sense of curiosity and wonder within me, fostering a lifelong love for learning and exploration.
  • 7、The enriching experience of "educational tourism" has not only deepened my understanding of different cultures but has also enabled me to connect with individuals from all walks of life, cultivating a global mindset.
  • 8、The concept of "study abroad" has opened doors to incredible learning opportunities, allowing me to engage with renowned academics, visit esteemed institutions, and delve into subjects that have sparked my intellectual curiosity.
  • 9、Through the immersive experience of "educational travel", I have developed a profound appreciation for cultural diversity and a heightened sense of global citizenship, shaping me into a more compassionate and empathetic individual.
  • 10、"Immersion-based learning" has empowered me to break free from the confines of traditional education and actively participate in experiential learning, fostering a deep understanding of real-world issues and their global impact.
  • 11、The transformative power of "academic tourism" has not only broadened my knowledge but has also pushed me to step out of my comfort zone, enabling personal growth and self-discovery.
  • 12、Participating in a "study exploration" program has allowed me to transcend traditional classroom boundaries, engaging in experiential learning that is not only academically rigorous but also profoundly inspiring.
  • 13、Through the unique experience of "educational travel", I have gained a newfound appreciation for the interconnectedness of knowledge, realizing the significance of interdisciplinary education in addressing global challenges.
  • 14、The immersive nature of "study abroad", where I became a student of the world, has sparked a passion for lifelong learning and a desire to continuously explore new cultures, languages, and perspectives.
  • 15、The concept of "study exploration" has empowered me to step outside the confines of traditional education, actively seeking knowledge and experiences that will shape me into a well-rounded and globally aware individual.
  • 16、The transformative power of "edu-tourism" has allowed me to challenge my preconceived notions, confront my biases, and cultivate a deep sense of empathy and cross-cultural understanding.
  • 17、Through the immersive experience of "study-vacation", I have forged lifelong friendships, created lasting memories, and developed a network of global connections that will continue to inspire and support me throughout my academic journey.
  • 18、The concept of "educational travel" has not only broadened my intellectual horizons but has also fostered personal growth, resilience, and a sense of self-confidence, equipping me with the necessary tools to navigate an increasingly interconnected world.
  • 19、1872年这一年看到了艺术基金会美术协会的展览,旅游学院作为一个计数器。
  • 20、同时我们也是留学、游学、青年旅行方面的专家.
  • 21、目前以游学及留学咨询、国际交换生为核心,拥有个人DIY留学服务、短期特色课程培训服务、文化传播等多个发展平台。
  • 22、大学四载,游学江城,博览群书,触类旁通,涉猎广泛,过目不忘。
  • 23、电视虽好看,书山要攀登。网络再迷恋,学海更神奇。社会大舞台,校园最直白。珍惜书山路,畅游学海中。通知已到达,随时去报道。崭新校园里,等你捷报来!
  • 24、否则请直接交回旅游学院。
  • 25、他说在北京旅游学院学习时学过旅游心理学,所以对旅途中一些紧急情况知道如何应对。
  • 26、本文研究以营销学理论和研究方法为主线,以社会学、心理学的基本理论为深层基础,结合旅游学相关理论及旅游饭店业的实践例证展开探讨。
  • 27、朗费罗刚一毕业,就成了第一名教授,人们认为该给予他一个到欧洲游学的机会。
  • 28、我的第一份工作是在普吉岛的一个旅游学院教书。
  • 29、郭然老师介绍说,由于现在社会生活的快节奏和高压力,很多白领在忙碌的工作之后会弹性疲乏,国际游学正是白领们回归生活放慢节奏的绝佳选择。
  • 30、在和受骗的女子们交流后,陈珂才发现,她在日本游学的经历,袁某全部移花接木地说成是他自己,还变成他哄骗女孩子的谈资。
  • 31、最后结合生态旅游学理论,提出矿区景观格局优化措施,以此对其不合理的旅游开发和管理提出合理的意见。
  • 32、中国小游学生独自踏上回中国的路。
  • 33、近日,一年一度的美食节又在上海市商贸旅游学校火爆登场。
  • 34、现在找到工作,希望快点存钱就能去美国游学.
  • 35、“三沈”昆仲少年立志,勤学苦读,弱冠之后,游学中外,学贯古今,成为我国“五四”新文化运动的先驱和享誉国际的文化大师。
  • 36、现就读于湖北省旅游学校。
  • 37、空间结构研究既是区域科学研究的主要内容,也是旅游学研究的前沿问题。
  • 38、毕业后我参加了北京旅游学院的夜校。
  • 39、空间结构的研究既是区域科学研究的重要内容,也是旅游学研究中的核心问题之一。
  • 40、这个暑假,我参加了义守大学的海外游学计划。
  • 41、再又从陈球学习了《律令》,而后,又游学各地,于幽、并、兖、豫各地,遍访名儒,转益多师,虚心向他们学习。
  • 42、临走时郑国泰正色拜托了王千山一件事情,告诉王千山自己乡试之后,要到南方游学,出去开阔眼界,想请王千山帮忙买上一匹牙口五岁左右的好马,定一辆马车。
  • 43、与此同时,继7月份启动的“人文岭南少年行”后,诗歌节组委会正在联手知名游学品牌“新思路”,推出以诗歌节为主题的游学路线。
  • 44、谢谢柳兄弟的抬爱,实在是,在下才疏学浅,爱莫能助啊,徐某今日正准备去别处游学
  • 45、至于郭嘉,他本身是四处游学增长见识,可以在县衙试一试,也让郭嘉见猎心喜。
  • 46、六月骄阳炎炎热烈,一片祥云掠过头顶。捷报如雨润在心田,亲朋好友舒展欢颜。十年梦想今朝实现,畅游学海幸福绵绵。锦绣前程正在前方,灿烂未来已然启航。
  • 47、记者采访数家海外游学机构,获悉另一个令人吃惊的现象,动辄花费数万元钱送孩子出国游学的,许多并非殷实之家,而是收入不高的工薪阶层。
  • 48、南阳师范学院环境科学与旅游学院、院长。
  • 49、中山大学旅游学院旅游管理与规划系副主任刘逸博士告诉记者,环境心理学认为,人与环境之间存在一种关系。
  • 50、我的一个好朋友也参加了那里的一个寄宿游学计划.


游学 yóuxué

游学 (词语解析) 游学是一个词语,读音yóu xué,意思是指远游异地,从师求学;以所学游说诸侯,求取官职的人。出自《北史·樊深传》:“游学于汾晋间,习天文及算历之术。”



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