- 1、除了英语是其重要混合语,新话是其正式语言以外,它没有任何其他集中化的东西。
- 2、通过前面这些给我们带来的是汉语作为一门混合语的发展。
- 3、Inthe midst of chaos and confusion, she found solace in the harmonious fusion of melodies and rhythms that emerged from the band's unique blend of traditional and modern instruments.
- 4、The intertwining of two distinct storytelling traditions, combining the richness of oral folklore and the depth of written narratives, gave birth to a captivating and enchanting tale that captured the hearts of readers.
- 5、His captivating performance on stage showcased his incredible talent for seamlessly blending classical ballet with contemporary dance, leaving the audience in awe and admiration.
- 6、The fusion of modern technology and nature's delicate balance is showcased in this innovative architectural design, where the building seemingly emerges from the surrounding landscape.
- 7、The breathtaking beauty and fragility of the coral reef serves as a poignant reminder of the delicate mix of nature's wonders and the urgent need to protect our environment.
- 8、Inthe flurry of colors and shapes, the abstract painting seemed to capture the essence of emotions and thoughts, transcending language and cultural boundaries.
- 9、In the fast-paced world of business, success often lies in the ability to combine innovation with tradition, creating a unique blend that captures the attention of consumers.
- 10、The diverse population of the city creates a melting pot of ideas and perspectives, fostering an environment of creativity and innovation.
- 11、Through the fusion of dance and theater, the performers conveyed a powerful message of love and acceptance, reminding the audience of the importance of embracing diversity.
- 12、As I explored the bustling market, the eclectic mix of colors, scents, and sounds overwhelmed my senses, taking me on a sensory journey through different cultures and traditions.
- 13、The delicate balance between tradition and modernity is reflected in the architecture of this quaint town, where historic buildings seamlessly blend with contemporary design.
- 14、In the harmonious blend of different musical genres, the band captured the essence of cultural exchange and collaboration, creating a unique sound that resonated with listeners worldwide.
- 15、Through the fusion of fashion and art, the designer sought to challenge traditional notions of beauty and redefine societal norms.
- 16、As the rays of sunlight filtered through the vibrant mix of stained glass, the cathedral's interior became a mesmerizing kaleidoscope of colors and patterns.
- 17、Dzongkha是不丹的民族语言,是一种混合语。
- 18、什么是本地话、洋泾浜、混合语?
- 19、方块瑶文由汉字和仿汉瑶字组成,记录的语言是以汉语为主、瑶语为辅的汉瑶混合语。
- 20、黄帝崇拜的叙事,由古代、现代、本土、外来的因素编织而成,表面上首尾一贯,其实是一个混合语,而且一首一尾都是舶来品。
- 21、当某人说英文的混合语的时候总能逗人一笑。因为他们需要私生子拉丁语这么做。而且混合语或者默认语言一直在变。
- 22、我在烹饪上的敏感和进取心要远远高于语言和女人,在目前我还只能说一口西葡混合语、还没泡到一个巴西妞的时候,我就已经仅仅通过品尝和自我揣摩习得了豆饭的烹饪技巧,能做出令我所有的巴西朋友都感到惊讶的上好的豆饭。胡续冬
- 23、我们发展了一种共同的混合语,一种共享的词汇。
- 24、这种混合语的特点是:以元代北方汉语口语为基础,其中杂以蒙古语成分。
- 25、奇努克混合语:一种由努特卡语、奇努克语、萨利希语、法语和英语组合起来的混杂语言,旧时被用作太平洋西北岸地区的通用语。
- 26、在世界诸多语系和语种中,混合语、洋泾浜和克里奥尔语等“边缘”语言不为大众所了解。