

  • 1、如何可以更加爱惜自己及更加洁身自爱
  • 2、如果你不洁身自爱,名声可能会受损。
  • 3、Ina society filled with temptations and distractions, it is crucial for us to uphold the principle of "洁身自爱" to protect our dignity and preserve our self-respect.
  • 4、Bypracticing "洁身自爱," one can cultivate a strong sense of self-worth and integrity, which serves as a shield against negative influences and allows us to navigate through life's challenges with grace and conviction.
  • 5、Attimes, society may try to pressure us to compromise our principles, but it is essential to remember that "洁身自爱" means staying true to ourselves and refusing to trade our morals for momentary gains.
  • 6、"洁身自爱" serves as a reminder that our body, mind, and soul are sacred, and we owe it to ourselves to prioritize our well-being and happiness above all else.
  • 7、"洁身自爱" instills a sense of confidence and self-assurance, enabling individuals to resist negative influences and stand firm in the face of peer pressure or societal expectations.
  • 8、Embracing the principle of "洁身自爱" empowers individuals to establish healthy boundaries, respecting themselves and others, fostering meaningful relationships built on trust and mutual respect.
  • 9、Bychoosing to live a life guided by "洁身自爱," individuals can inspire those around them and create a positive ripple effect, encouraging others to value and cherish their own worth.
  • 10、"洁身自爱" teaches us that true happiness and fulfillment come from within, and the pursuit of material possessions or validation from others will never satisfy our deepest desires.
  • 11、By practicing "洁身自爱," we create a positive self-image that radiates self-love, enabling us to attract healthy and fulfilling relationships in all aspects of our lives.
  • 12、"洁身自爱" encourages us to prioritize our physical and mental health, recognizing that self-care is crucial for our overall well-being and ability to thrive in all areas of life.
  • 13、"洁身自爱" empowers individuals to overcome societal expectations and norms that may limit their personal growth and encourages them to embrace their unique qualities and pursue their dreams fearlessly.
  • 14、Through practicing "洁身自爱," we develop the strength to let go of toxic relationships and environments that undermine our self-worth, allowing us to create space for new opportunities and positive influences.
  • 15、When faced with adversity or setbacks, "洁身自爱" reminds us to stay true to our values and seek solace and strength within ourselves, rather than relying solely on external validation or approval.
  • 16、"洁身自爱" emphasizes the importance of self-respect, encouraging individuals to set high standards for themselves and strive for excellence in all aspects of their lives.
  • 17、By internalizing the principles of "洁身自爱," we pave the way for personal growth and transformation, realizing our full potential and becoming the best version of ourselves.
  • 18、民政事务局局长何志平警告,倘若传媒不能洁身自爱,违反新闻道德,走上庸俗化之路,香港新闻自由将会死于安乐。
  • 19、他就是洁身自爱,但是他怕因果,所以只想著要消过去的业,但是他不能去造未来的福。
  • 20、如此看来,曾馨莹之所以能够成功走进豪门,一颗温柔贤惠的心给她加了不少分,再加上她很洁身自爱,身世也足够清白,自然能得到夫家人的赏识啦。
  • 21、祝你幸福,福禄双全,全能全智,志高行洁,洁身自爱,爱人以德,德才兼备,备尝艰苦,苦中作乐,乐善好义,义不取容,容光焕发,发财致富,富贵骄人,人寿年丰,丰衣足食!
  • 22、鑫尊地产企划部经理任莉表示,他们是“洁身自爱”才不得不放弃这项业务,并不是没有能力去做这项业务。
  • 23、且判决书多达两百九十六页,洋洋洒洒一共二十三万字,并引用庄子胠箧篇,以古讽今,痛批赵家父子“*贵犯罪”,不知洁身自爱
  • 24、知之小工具尽量原创和收集优质句子,使您在造句的同时,更能学到有用的知识.
  • 25、做孤雏只许洁身自爱。林夕
  • 26、叶子飘如此洁身自爱,岂又可无动于衷乎!倘若那叶子飘偶尔琐闻,必返回此地,为民除害!此乃正合敌意!


洁身自爱 jié shēn zì ài

《孟子 万章上》:“归洁其身而已矣。”





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