- 1、北京大学比较文学与比较文化研究所博士生。
- 2、其中“意欲说”和“人生三路向说”是他在比较的过程中所得出的自己独特观点,也是他比较文化观的核心内容。
- 3、Ina world where globalization has made comparisons between cultures inevitable, it is crucial to appreciate and understand the nuances that distinguish them, thereby fostering harmony and avoiding misunderstandings.
- 4、Comparison of cultures enables us to appreciate the diversity that exists in the world, enriching our own perspectives and broadening the horizons of knowledge we hold.
- 5、The beauty of cultural comparison lies in the discovery of shared values and traditions that transcend borders, reminding us of our common humanity and the universal quest for happiness and fulfillment.
- 6、Cultural comparison serves as a bridge between nations, facilitating understanding, respect, and cooperation among different peoples, fostering an environment of peace and progress.
- 7、Byappreciating the diverse perspectives that different cultures offer, we can challenge our own preconceived notions, opening our minds to new ways of thinking and problem-solving.
- 8、Through the lens of cultural comparison, we can reevaluate our own cultural biases, fostering tolerance and inclusivity, and ensuring a more equitable society for all.
- 9、Cultural comparison reveals the intricate tapestry of humanity, highlighting the richness in history, arts, traditions, and customs that make each culture unique and worth celebrating.
- 10、Through the comparative study of cuisine, we can appreciate the diverse flavors, ingredients, and culinary techniques that shape different cultures, enhancing our own gastronomic adventures and promoting cross-cultural appreciation.
- 11、The exploration of cultural expressions, such as music, dance, and art, through a comparative lens, allows us to celebrate the universal language of creativity while embracing the unique artistic contributions that different cultures bring to the table.
- 12、The study of cultural etiquette and social norms enables us to navigate unfamiliar territories with grace and respect, fostering positive and mutually beneficial interactions with people from different backgrounds.
- 13、Comparative studies of cultural celebrations and festivals reveal the power of communal rituals in fostering unity, joy, and a sense of belonging, reminding us of the essential human need for collective experiences and shared celebrations.
- 14、By examining the ways in which different cultures approach conflict resolution, we can learn valuable lessons on peaceful dialogue, mediation, and reconciliation, encouraging a more harmonious global community.
- 15、根据几种不同的当代文化,比较文化与语言学提供了关于早期美洲的有说服力的证据。
- 16、在此种话语场景下的民族文化重建,只能是一种缺乏比较文化视野的自我想象。
- 17、比较文化的一贯性不可能被忽略。
- 18、二者都是在跨文化的基础上进行的,因而应具有自觉的比较文化视野。
- 19、从比较文化学和组织行为学的角度,分析比较了西欧、美国、日本、中国企业文化的主要特点。
- 20、通常存在于阅读活动中的“误读”现象,在比较文学和比较文化研究领域中指的是在跨文化交流中人们对他者文化的或积极或消极的变异性理解。
- 21、本文从比较文化学和发生学视角,剖析在英雄时代希腊史诗产生的重要因素,认为催生希腊史诗有三大因素,即民族的频繁迁徙、商业民族的激烈战争、迟到的字母文字。
- 22、我们应该进而探讨翻译的文化意义和历史作用,或者更进一步把翻译同比较文化这个新学科结合起来。
- 23、本文将对史景迁著作及期刊论文中所呈现的中国图景,从以上四个主要方面建立分析框架,进行比较文化理论与文化认知视野下的阐释解读。
- 24、孙景尧,上海师范大学教授,国家重点比较文化与世界文学研究中心主任。
- 25、一开始,译介学主要以比较文化角度研究文学翻译以及翻译文学。