

  • 1、类比推理除了重点把握常见的词项间关系外,要学会比较选项间的细微差别,熟练运用遣词造句法和纵横对比法等解题方法。
  • 2、初中英语教师沈伟华便是一个杰出的例子,为代替死记硬背,沈老师自创改头换面联想法、联想归类法、类比法、图形法等一系列单词记忆法。
  • 3、The pain of losing a loved one is like a never-ending storm, tearing through your heart and leaving you shattered, while the joy of their presence is like a warm ray of sunshine, illuminating your soul and filling you with happiness.
  • 4、Life is like a marathon, testing our endurance and pushing us to our limits. It's the ultimate challenge that reveals our strength and determination, and the victory is even sweeter when we surpass our own expectations.
  • 5、Love is like a beautiful melody, resonating deep within our souls. It has the power to uplift us during our darkest moments and fill our hearts with a warmth that can never be extinguished.
  • 6、Friendship is like a blooming flower, delicate yet resilient. It requires nurturing and care, but when it blossoms, it radiates beauty and brings joy to our lives.
  • 7、Time is like a silent thief, stealing away precious moments and leaving us yearning for more. We often don't realize its value until it's too late, so let's cherish every second and make the most of what we have.
  • 8、Knowledge is like a vast ocean, waiting to be explored. The more we dive in, the more we discover the wonders of the world, and the thirst for knowledge becomes an eternal flame that keeps us curious and engaged.
  • 9、Happiness is like a butterfly, elusive yet enchanting. It flutters in and out of our lives, and though it may be fleeting, its impact can be everlasting, bringing a sense of contentment and fulfillment.
  • 10、Success is like a mountain, towering above us in all its grandeur. It requires perseverance and determination to climb, but when we reach its peak, the view is breathtaking, and the sense of achievement is unparalleled.
  • 11、Dreams are like stars, shining brightly in the night sky. They guide us and inspire us, reminding us to never stop reaching for the impossible and to believe in our own potential.
  • 12、Hope is like a seed, planted in the darkest of soils. It may take time to germinate and grow, but once it takes root, it sprouts into a beautiful flower, symbolizing resilience and renewal.
  • 13、Beauty is like a work of art, captivating our senses and stirring our emotions. It has the power to inspire, to uplift, and to remind us of the boundless creativity that exists in the world.
  • 14、Wisdom is like a lighthouse, guiding us through the treacherous waters of life. It illuminates our path, dispels our fears, and leads us towards clarity and understanding.
  • 15、Music is like a language that transcends barriers. It speaks to our souls, evoking powerful emotions and connecting us to the collective heartbeat of humanity.
  • 16、Courage is like a flame that burns brightly in the face of adversity. It empowers us to overcome our fears, to stand up for what we believe in, and to make a difference in the world.
  • 17、Memories are like precious treasures, tucked away in the depths of our minds. They hold the key to our past, shaping who we are today, and reminding us of the experiences that have shaped our journey.
  • 18、Patience is like a calm river, flowing steadily and gracefully through the obstacles it encounters. It teaches us to remain composed in times of uncertainty and to trust in the natural rhythm of life.
  • 19、Failure is like a stepping stone, paving the way for growth and self-discovery. It teaches us invaluable lessons, strengthens our resilience, and fuels our determination to try again.
  • 20、Family is like a shelter, providing warmth, support, and unconditional love. It is a sanctuary in which we can be our true selves and find solace in times of turmoil.
  • 21、Empathy is like a bridge that connects us to others, allowing us to understand their pain, their joy, and their struggles. It fosters compassion and kindness, reminding us of our shared humanity.
  • 22、好的习惯比法律还正确。欧里庇得斯
  • 23、方法主要应用秩和比法并结合参数和非参数检验。
  • 24、道家思想主张无为而治,法家思想主张以法治国,儒家虽然不完全反对法治,但认为礼治比法治更理想,主张以礼治为主,以法治为辅,将礼视为治国安民的根本大纲。
  • 25、礼节比法律更重要,它那高雅的特性为自己筑起了一道无法攻克的防护墙。爱默生
  • 26、采用调查问卷法和实验研究对比法,对在武术太极拳、太极剑选项教学中,配以相应音乐进行伴乐式教学实验。
  • 27、结论秩和比法作为一种非参数综合评价方法,可以与聚类分析联合应用于卫生服务评价。
  • 28、习惯法非但不比法令灵活,非但不必法令更容易适应新的条件,而且相反,它更趋向于抱残守缺、因循守旧、难以变化。
  • 29、为了克服传统泛音比法的这一弊端,提出了测定压电振子厚度振动机电耦合系数的高次泛音比法.
  • 30、因此制定法比法官造法更具有权威性和统一性.
  • 31、方法:在内科教学中,采用类比法、图表讲授法、病例教学法、演示法、反馈法、启发式教学法等多种教学方法。
  • 32、礼貌比法律更强有力。
  • 33、解题技巧遣词造句法、纵向对比法类比推理考查考生的推理能力,考生在做题时要将横向对比法和纵向对比法结合使用。
  • 34、结论运用秩和比法可以精确、直观地得到科学合理的评价结果,优于直接评分法。
  • 35、知之小工具在线造句词典-造句大全,几千词语的造句供您参考!
  • 36、这就要求考生要熟用纵横对比法和巧用遣词造句法。
  • 37、区分类比法与归谬法的同异,目的在于在论证中更好地运用这两种方法,使论证更具有说服力。
  • 38、根据气候相似性理论,运用欧氏距离模糊相似优先比法划定适宜上海进行园林植物引种的澳大利亚区域。
  • 39、另据日本共同社3月15日消息,福岛核电站3号机组附近测量结果显示,核辐射水平比法定标准高出400倍。
  • 40、习俗也许不如法律来得明智,然而它们向来比法律更受人欢迎。
  • 41、让法国的科学研究机构大为惊异的是,这个慈善机构对人类基因组的基础研究的资助,居然一度比法国**还要多。
  • 42、提出一种基于“半周期峰值比法”的周期识别新技术,它是全数字化的,不需使用任何附加的模拟电路和硬件支持。
  • 43、在此基础上,文章提出了财务危机间接成本估量的三种方法:实物期权法、经济附加值法以及逐期环比对比法
  • 44、接下来我将献上我的黄金购物指南:性价比法
  • 45、本文通过具体实例分析了用优势木对比法选取优树时应注意的问题,保证了优树的质量和种子园的建设。
  • 46、先师好生为难,自料武功稍高她一筹,实逼处此,只好胜了她,以免日後纠缠不清,於是问她怎生比法
  • 47、知之小工具尽量原创和收集优质句子,使您在造句的同时,更能学到有用的知识.
  • 48、本文通过大区对比法对浅翻深松改良低湿耕地的效果进行研究。
  • 49、彻底政治化的儒家比法家更可怕。杜维明
  • 50、同时本文将“频率变化比”方法应用到夹层玻璃板PVB损伤检测中,用推导出的有限元公式建立了频率变化比法的分析过程。


比法 bǐfǎ

比法 词语解释 亦作“ 比灋 ”。 核查统计户口财产的法令。《周礼·地官·小司徒》:“乃颁比灋于六乡之大夫,使各登其乡之众寡六畜车辇,辨其物,以岁时入其数,以施政教,行徵令。”《尉缭子·原官》:“好善罚恶,正比法,会计民之具也。”



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