

  • 1欣赏高山,自然会在高山的巍峨中找到强悍和凝重;欣赏大树,自然会在大树的伟岸中获得自立和尊严;欣赏小草,自然会在小草的葳蕤中汲取执着与希望。
  • 2、远远望去,紫藤架上一片淡紫色。再近些看,那一簇簇紫藤花好像一串串葡萄挂在架上。如果近距离欣赏紫藤,它就更美了。
  • 3、Asthe sun set over the horizon, I found myself sitting on the secluded beach, marveling at the waves crashing against the shore with such force and elegance, truly appreciating the power of nature's creation.
  • 4、Watching my daughter perform on stage, I couldn't help but admire her bravery and determination to pursue her dreams, as she danced with grace and passion, captivating the audience with every move.
  • 5、AsI wandered through the bustling streets of a foreign city, I found myself enthralled by the vibrant tapestry of cultures, languages, and traditions, appreciating the beauty of diversity and the richness it brings to our world.
  • 6、The melody of the piano floated through the air, filling the room with a sense of peace and tranquility, and I closed my eyes, fully immersing myself in the beauty of the music, appreciating the talent of the musician.
  • 7、High up in the mountains, surrounded by towering peaks and lush greenery, I took a deep breath, appreciating the freshness and purity of the air, and feeling a deep connection with nature.
  • 8、AsI read a thought-provoking book, I found myself reflecting on the author's profound insights and unique perspective on life, truly appreciating the power of literature to broaden our horizons and deepen our understanding.
  • 9、Sitting by the riverside, I watched as the golden sun dipped below the water's edge, painting the sky with vibrant hues of red and orange, and I couldn't help but appreciate the breathtaking beauty of a sunset.
  • 10、From the delicate brushstrokes to the intricate details, every stroke of the calligraphy artwork displayed the skilled hands and deep cultural heritage of the artist, inspiring me to appreciate and preserve the beauty of traditional craftsmanship.
  • 11、In the quiet solitude of a mountain retreat, I found myself appreciating the simplicity and serenity of life, as I listened to the gentle rustling of leaves and felt the warmth of the sun on my skin.
  • 12、As the curtains rose and the performance began, I was captivated by the flawless synchronization of dancers, their graceful movements and powerful expressions, and I couldn't help but appreciate the beauty of dance as a universal language.
  • 13、The aroma of fresh flowers filled the room, their vibrant colors and delicate petals bringing a sense of joy and tranquility, and I couldn't help but appreciate the beauty and wonder of nature's creations.
  • 14、Watching my parents celebrate their golden anniversary, I was filled with a deep sense of admiration and love, appreciating the strength and resilience of their relationship, and feeling grateful for their unwavering support throughout my life.
  • 15、Standing on the edge of a mountain cliff, overlooking the vast expanse of untouched wilderness below, I felt a sense of awe and humility, appreciating the power and majesty of nature's grandeur.
  • 16、Listening to the heartfelt words and touching melodies of a song, I found myself appreciating the power of music to evoke deep emotions and connect people from different walks of life, transcending boundaries and barriers.
  • 17、Sitting in a crowded theater, I found myself completely engrossed in the gripping storyline of the play, appreciating the actors' impeccable performances and the director's ability to bring the characters to life.
  • 18、Looking at the breathtaking landscape before me, with lush green mountains, crystal-clear lakes, and vibrant wildflowers, I couldn't help but appreciate the beauty of our planet and the importance of preserving it for future generations.
  • 19、我的王冠叫做知足;这是国王难得欣赏的一种王冠。
  • 20、教师一字一句温馨和智慧的话语,能让学生感受到来自于教师的关爱重视指导和欣赏,这是教师职业所独具的人性感召力。这是教师职业的大爱带来的人性美!
  • 21、人们赞美牡丹,是因为它的富贵;欣赏荷花,是因为它出淤泥而不染;而我却与他人的眼光不同,我最喜欢梅花,是因为它的那种坚强不屈,傲雪斗霜的精神,他不畏严寒,在困难面前毫不退缩!
  • 22、热爱书吧!这是知识的泉源!只有知识才是有用的,只有它才能够使我们在精神上成为坚强、忠诚和有理智的人,成为能够真正爱人类,尊重人类劳动、哀心地欣赏人类那不间断的伟大劳动所产生的美好果实的人。高尔基
  • 23、不要在忙碌中迷失了自己,在学习之余,欣赏一下生活,会让你的心情像花儿一样绽放。
  • 24、来到大海边,只见一团耀眼的火球正慢慢往下沉。我走在柔软的沙滩上,找到一块光滑的大石头坐下,陶醉地欣赏着这美丽的夕阳。
  • 25、青春是美丽的风景线,有的人匆匆溜过,一无所获,到老了总是后悔莫及!有的人却欣赏到了那只属于他的精彩,令人神往,到老了总是回味无穷!这是两种截然不同的人,是否也给我们带来一丝感慨。
  • 26、我赞美蜡烛,因为它的奉献,燃烧自己,照亮别人。我欣赏蜡烛,因为它的古典,从容淡定,光亮柔和。我喜欢蜡烛,因为它的温馨,风韵雅致,绝肖佳人。
  • 27、当你在框架里面时,很难看见你要欣赏的图片。
  • 28、唯有你时时去欣赏别人,你才会体会到一种真爱的回报。
  • 29、有人赞叹坚忍不拔的青松,有人欣赏波澜壮阔的大海。有人喜爱使人陶醉的音乐,有人称赞振翅高翔的鸿雁。而我,却喜爱秋菊。因为它婀娜多姿,香味芬芳;因为它不畏严寒,傲视寒霜。
  • 30、表妹忙着捡地上的花瓣,妈妈边欣赏桃花边研究这里的桃花为什么开的这么鲜艳。我选了一块能看到整片桃花林的位置坐下,拿出准备好的画板和画笔,我要用我的画笔把这美丽的风景画下来,带给我的外婆的外公看,让他们也能感受一下这片桃花林的美。
  • 31、雨后的空气会有一点凉吧,那温度,刚好用来欣赏鸟雀们清灵的歌唱。走一径婉转的石子路,眺一眼滴水的柳枝,在几株广玉兰的旁边,邂逅一场音乐盛会,以漫天的水蓝为幕,以绚烂的彩虹为符,一串串跳跃的快乐轻舞飞扬。
  • 32、一朵小花在湖旁欣赏她那美丽的面孔呢!
  • 33、只有形式对心灵产生作用时,我们才能理解和欣赏一件作品;也只有通过形式,我们才能理解内容并欣赏一件作品。
  • 34、不要说谎,但可以在它被欣赏的地方说谎。
  • 35、世界上最纯洁的欢乐,知之小工具莫过于欣赏艺术。
  • 36、冬天,当天上飘着雪花,地上铺着雪毯,树上披着银装。小镇中央的湖面被洁白的雪笼罩着,就像是进入了银装素裹世界。幸运的游人在此时就可以欣赏到童话的美景了。
  • 37、恋爱是一朵绽放的最美丽的花,花开花落我依然会珍惜。恋爱是一首动人的最深情的诗,抑扬顿挫我依然会倾听。恋爱是一场轻柔的最温和的雨,晴空万里我依然会欣赏
  • 38、昨夜,我刚入睡,就听到滴滴答答的响声。春雨淅沥淅沥下个不停,整夜在滴滴答答地响,多均匀的节奏啊!像妈妈哼的摇篮曲,又像歌颂自然的赞美诗篇,我在它的怀抱中陶醉。我欣赏着漫漫地,睡着了。
  • 39、闪电和雷是大自然舞台上最奇特的灯光和音响,常能使人感到震撼和惊奇,但只要你懂得去听去欣赏,我觉得还是有让人叹为观止的地方。
  • 40、如果可以,和相爱的人牵手漫步。在找不到之前,学会自己欣赏风景。
  • 41、早晨去池边散步,欣赏着初开的荷花,闻着清香淡雅的花香真是其乐无穷!
  • 42、小草并不像大树那样得意洋洋地耸立着;更不像花朵那样姹紫嫣红、美丽迷人、芳香扑鼻。因此,很少人会欣赏它,爱护它。
  • 43、用欣赏的眼光看待孩子,让尊重伴随他们的成长。
  • 44、秋天,河水只剩下半尺来深,静的像一块无暇的翡翠闪烁着美丽的光泽,清澈见底。我常常坐在小河旁,津津有味的欣赏着这迷人的小河!
  • 45、莲花,它是我最欣赏的一种植物,它高尚的品质也是让我值得学习的,是我们所有人敬佩的。我时时刻刻都被它的中方精神深深的影响着。它在我的心中是最美最美的;是我心里的一大骄傲。
  • 46、冬姑娘在天寒地冻的校园里尽情地舞蹈,而我们只能缩在厚厚的棉衣中欣赏她的独舞……随着春天脚步的临近,冬姑娘渐渐告别了舞台,等待着下一个冬天的到来。
  • 47、友谊如一朵鲜花,我们相互赞美,彼此欣赏
  • 48、一进公园,就看见有一块石碑,上面写着:生态森林公园。在石碑后面有一片草地,草地绿油油的,踩上去软绵绵的。这里,有人在草地上野餐,有人在和朋友做游戏,有人则静静地躺在那儿闭目养神或欣赏着蓝天白云。
  • 49欣赏,不是每个人必会的,却是每个人都会的。欣赏,可以从不同的角度,也可以从不同的事物来欣赏。每个人都会从欣赏的角度分辨善恶美丑,但不是所有事物都只能看表面,还要学会欣赏事物的内心。
  • 50、漫步在这条长廊里,感受着那非同寻常的气息,欣赏着那葱葱郁郁的树木。因为当时正下着毛毛细雨,天上有雾,我竟有了一种腾云驾雾、飘飘欲仙的感觉……


欣赏 xīnshǎng

欣赏 (汉语词语) 欣赏是一个汉语词语,读音是xīn shǎng,意思是指领略观赏,也指认为好和喜欢。该词语在《移居》和《长安客话·碧云寺》等文献均有记载。



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