

  • 1、当云变得更绸密时,温度也会跟着升高,最后,星云的中心温度不断升高,然后就形成核反应所产生的能量。
  • 2、贫*是浓缩*矿石过程的废品,被用于*武器核反应堆中。
  • 3、The devastating power of a nuclear reaction is both awe-inspiring and terrifying, capable of unleashing destruction on a scale unimaginable to mankind.
  • 4、The intricate dance of particles within a nuclear reactor, harnessing the energy of the atom, holds the potential to shape our future and redefine our world.
  • 5、The controlled release of energy from a nuclear reaction can provide clean, sustainable power, offering a glimmer of hope in our quest for a greener tomorrow.
  • 6、With great power comes great responsibility, and the management of nuclear reactions demands utmost caution and meticulous precision to ensure the safety of all.
  • 7、The birth of a star, ignited by the fusion of atomic nuclei, is a testament to the spectacular beauty and boundless energy hidden within the core of the universe.
  • 8、The catastrophic consequences of an uncontrolled nuclear reaction serve as a sobering reminder of the delicate balance between harnessing the power of the atom and the devastating potential it holds.
  • 9、The pursuit of nuclear fusion, the holy grail of clean energy, epitomizes humanity's unwavering determination to unlock the secrets of the universe and reshape our energy landscape.
  • 10、The intricate science behind a nuclear reaction, with its complex equations and fascinating phenomena, never fails to captivate the minds of aspiring physicists and astute researchers.
  • 11、The discovery and understanding of nuclear reactions have propelled humanity into a new era of scientific achievement, forever changing the course of human history.
  • 12、Within the heart of a sun, untold quintillions of nuclear reactions occur every second, unleashing an unimaginable amount of energy that sustains life on Earth.
  • 13、Nuclear reactors, harnessed with meticulous engineering precision, act as the powerhouses of civilization, providing electricity to millions with minimal environmental impact.
  • 14、The destructive force of a nuclear chain reaction can reduce cities to rubble and alter the course of nations, reminding us of the devastating powers we possess and the importance of peace.
  • 15、The microscopic world of atomic nuclei holds the key to unlocking the mysteries of the universe, revealing the intricate mechanisms that govern the laws of physics.
  • 16、The study of nuclear reactions not only encompasses the scientific marvels of the atom but also raises profound ethical questions about the responsible use of such formidable technology.
  • 17、The symphony of particles in a nuclear reaction, with its melodic cascade of neutrons and protons, dances to the rhythm of the universe, becoming a harmonious ode to creation.
  • 18、The potential for nuclear reactions to power interstellar space travel offers a vision of humanity's future, where the stars themselves become bridges to distant galaxies.
  • 19、The delicate equilibrium required to sustain a controlled nuclear reaction demands the brilliance of the world's greatest minds, ensuring our insatiable energy needs are met with the utmost safety.
  • 20、The immense energy released by a single nuclear reaction can alter the course of nature, forever transforming landscapes and leaving an indelible mark on the annals of time.
  • 21、The discovery of nuclear fission, the splitting of atomic nuclei, forever changed our understanding of the building blocks of matter, expanding our comprehension of the universe.
  • 22、位于坎伯兰郡附近的一个英国核反应堆石墨堆芯起火酿成核灾难.
  • 23、日本的新英雄“福岛50死士”坐在白色巴士里一闪而过走向核反应堆所在的工厂,他们包裹在白色的防护罩里,我们几乎看不到。
  • 24、催化剂据说能减少核反应的过渡阶段的激活能量.
  • 25、事实上,在盖茨看来,福岛核反应堆灾难说明,一方面,多年来核技术进步乏善可陈;另一方面,从创新和投资的角度看,核技术已经日臻成熟。
  • 26、科研所今天进行了一个热核反应的试验.
  • 27、黑衣人没有撤退,反而扩大了活动范围,他们的密令是要引爆热核反应弹头以摧毁整个研究所。
  • 28、兔子和乌龟聊天,乌龟说:科技发达了,你再快的飞毛腿也跑不过我的核反应堆。兔子说:*武器是限制使用的。乌龟说:生活新规则,永远是龟定。
  • 29、知之小工具是一部在线造句词典,其宗旨是让大家更快地造出高质量的句子.
  • 30核反应堆的核心构件必须从压力罩中取出来。
  • 31、核聚变是一种热核反应
  • 32核反应堆建筑是整个反应炉的外壳,以便保持内部恒温,不让任何东西进来。
  • 33、在实验室坐标系下,给出吸能核反应所要求的阈能,其结果与质心系下得到的结果完全一致。
  • 34、在1986年乌克兰发生切尔诺贝利核反应堆事件后,世界健康组织的发现生活在其附近患甲状腺癌的孩子数量急剧增长。
  • 35、如果是复杂模型,例如一张显示着将进入临界状态的核反应堆的图表,则做出如何防止熔炉的决策会很复杂。
  • 36、通过分析天然铜的活化本底谱,可以看出它是快中子核反应中的最理想的屏蔽材料之一。
  • 37、这个受控热核反应装置内部是用一系列电磁体作能源.
  • 38、在福岛核电站,高压水炮喷洒着水柱,给过热的核反应堆降温。
  • 39、呼吁以高浓缩*作为核反应堆燃料的国家改用低浓缩*.
  • 40、这些中子从核反应堆中产生,在减速剂的作用下减到难以置信的低速。
  • 41、热核反应,通俗地说,就是原子核燃烧.
  • 42、石墨广泛地用做核反应堆慢化材料、反射层材料和堆芯结构材料,在高温气冷堆中还用来做燃料元件。
  • 43、据赫尔辛堡日报周二报道,瑞典当局拘留了一名男子,知之小工具整理该男子在自家厨房里尝试自建一个核反应堆。
  • 44、当云变得更绸密时,温度也会跟着升高,最后,星云之中心温度不断升高,然后就形成核反应所产生之能量。
  • 45、燃料棒放置在反应堆中心,核反应就在这里发生。速度和反应是由控制棒和减速剂来控制的。
  • 46、燃料中子与原子碰撞这样一个核反应堆中极小的事件,会通过一个强有力的连锁反应启动巨大的能量。
  • 47、切尔诺贝利核电站的反应堆缺少防范设施,而福岛核电站有美国通用制造的防范设施,而且福岛核反应堆已经经历了一场地震和一场海啸,迄今为止,也只是部分核心熔毁而已。
  • 48、太阳的热核反应给人类以能量.
  • 49、针对核反应堆点堆动态非线性模型,提出了一种非线性状态反馈的中子通量密度恒值控制的新方法。
  • 50、当核反应堆的核心融化的时候,相互作用的核燃料会产生许多不同的放射性元素,他们的毒性各不相同。


核反应 héfǎnyìng

核反应 核反应(nuclear reaction),是指原子核与原子核,或者原子核与各种粒子(如质子,中子,光子或高能电子)之间的相互作用引起的各种变化。在核反应的过程中,会产生不同于入射弹核和靶核的新的原子核。因此,核反应是生成各种不稳定原子核的根本途径。



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