

  • 1、各种五彩缤纷标奇立异的花束令人目不暇接。
  • 2、就在陆凡准备去洗手间的时候,三名一身标奇立异打扮的学生突然走进了课室。
  • 3、The artist's abstract painting, with its unconventional brush strokes and vibrant colors, challenges the viewer's perceptions and embraces the essence of "标奇立异".
  • 4、The technology company's groundbreaking innovation, a product that revolutionizes the industry with its innovative design and functionalities, exemplifies their commitment to "标奇立异".
  • 5、Asa writer, she constantly pushes the boundaries of conventional storytelling, infusing her prose with unexpected twists and turns that captivate readers and exemplify the concept of "标奇立异".
  • 6、The architect's avant-garde building design, with its unconventional angles and futuristic elements, stands as a testament to his commitment to "标奇立异" and pushing the boundaries of traditional architecture.
  • 7、The fashion designer's runway collection, with its unconventional fabrics, asymmetrical cuts, and daring color combinations, truly embodies the essence of "标奇立异" in the world of haute couture.
  • 8、The dancer's extraordinary choreography, with its unconventional movements and fluidity, captivated the audience and showcased the true meaning of "标奇立异" in the realm of performing arts.
  • 9、The musician's album, with its eclectic soundscapes and unconventional compositions, pushes the boundaries of traditional music genres and embraces the concept of "标奇立异" in the world of melodies and harmonies.
  • 10、In a sea of mundane advertising campaigns, their unique and eye-catching marketing strategies truly capture the audience's attention and demonstrate the power of "标奇立异" in the business world.
  • 11、The writer's thought-provoking novel, with its unconventional narrative structure and unexpected plot twists, challenges readers' expectations and embodies the essence of "标奇立异" in the world of literature.
  • 12、The photographer's captivating series of images, with their unconventional compositions and unique perspectives, showcase the true meaning of "标奇立异" in the realm of visual storytelling.
  • 13、The entrepreneur's groundbreaking business idea, with its disruptive approach and unconventional strategies, challenges the status quo and embraces the concept of "标奇立异" in the world of entrepreneurship.
  • 14、The filmmaker's experimental movie, with its unconventional storytelling techniques and abstract imagery, pushes the boundaries of traditional cinema and embodies the essence of "标奇立异" in the realm of motion pictures.
  • 15、The fashion designer's collection, with its unconventional use of materials and avant-garde silhouettes, challenges societal norms of beauty and embraces the concept of "标奇立异" in the realm of style and aesthetics.
  • 16、The scientist's groundbreaking research, with its unconventional methodologies and unexpected findings, revolutionizes the field and exemplifies the spirit of "标奇立异" in the realm of scientific discovery.
  • 17、The architect's innovative skyscraper design, with its unconventional structure and sustainable features, exemplifies their dedication to "标奇立异" and building a better future.
  • 18、她曾透露,梳双辫并非标奇立异,只是贪方便,因为花五分钟便梳好,但龚母常唠叨她一点都不像大人,龚如心却不以为然。
  • 19、部分人标奇立异,用木槌敲碎物件,也引来路人注意。
  • 20、点击图片进入下一页这位瑞典25岁男子起名字标奇立异
  • 21、以什么标奇立异?酒味醇厚与众不同。
  • 22、她梳小辫也并非标奇立异,只是贪方便,因为花五分钟便可梳好。
  • 23、发起人并不是什么标奇立异的艺术从事者,相反,在他未脱下衣服前,他只是一个四十六岁的网上市场经纪,他的名字叫约翰·奥度华。
  • 24、在20世纪之初,高剑父尝试将“现代事物”如飞机、汽车、电线杆等引入中国画中,因而有“标奇立异”、“画界叛逆”之称。
  • 25、知之小工具在线造句词典祝您造句快乐,天天向上!
  • 26、黄成荣指出,过去的研究发现,经常揶揄别人、不懂社交礼仪、外表标奇立异、财大气粗、欠缺同理心的人均会容易被人讨厌。
  • 27、这两个小弟从进入课室开始便没有说过任何话,虽然他们的做形和伍景熙一样标奇立异,但从他们的小动作中。
  • 28、佛学是生命之学。研究佛学,不是为了标奇立异,不是为了技能和温饱,而是为了庄严自己,超脱自己,为自己的生命找寻一个安顿的世界。浴佛节分享心得。
  • 29、此外他们觉得穿著传达标奇立异宗教信息的衣着,不但表现出他们是忠实信徒,而且是追贴潮流的一族。
  • 30、但英女王对帽子的选择引起一阵风潮,几乎抢去一众爱打扮或标奇立异女士的风头。


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