

  • 1、对地球而言,获得菩萨级别振动将逆转她全球星象图的极性.
  • 2、你可以将其焊到电磁体上,也可以只与两根电线连接,极性不是很重要。
  • 3、Despite facing numerous challenges, she always maintains a positive and optimistic outlook on life, embracing every difficulty as an opportunity for growth.
  • 4、The film left a lasting impact on me, as it beautifully depicted the contrasting polarities of love and hatred, hope and despair, and life and death.
  • 5、The breathtaking sunset over the horizon filled my heart with a sense of tranquility and peace, reminding me of the astounding polarity of nature's beauty.
  • 6、Asshe read the heartfelt letter, a wave of mixed emotions swept over her - a stark polarity between overwhelming joy and heartbreaking sadness.
  • 7、The charismatic leader evoked polarizing feelings among the crowd, with some vehemently supporting his visionary ideas while others fiercely opposing his controversial methods.
  • 8、Inthe realm of music, the composition skillfully plays upon the polarity of fast-paced melodies and calming harmonies, creating a captivating and dynamic auditory experience.
  • 9、Despite their contrasting opinions and differing perspectives, the spirited debate between the two intellectuals shed light on the complex polarity of societal issues.
  • 10、The ebb and flow of life's experiences and emotions encapsulate the inherent polarity of human existence, as we navigate through happiness and sorrow, success and failure.
  • 11、The vibrant artwork captured the essence of duality, with contrasting colors and shapes symbolizing the inherent polarity of light and darkness, creation and destruction.
  • 12、Losing a loved one creates an indescribable polarity of emotions - overwhelming grief and aching loss intertwine with cherished memories and profound gratitude for their presence in our lives.
  • 13、The delicate dance between truth and deception reveals the intricate polarity of human nature, as we strive to find balance between honesty and strategic manipulation.
  • 14、The courageous protagonist embarked on a journey of self-discovery, facing the internal polarity of self-doubt and determination, fear and unwavering faith in her abilities.
  • 15、The contrasting landscapes of the majestic mountains and calm ocean mirror the polarity of nature itself, highlighting the delicate balance between power and serenity.
  • 16、In the realm of literature, the author skillfully explores the multifaceted polarity of love and hate, as characters navigate the tumultuous depths of passion and animosity.
  • 17、The battle between good and evil presents an eternal polarity in countless narratives, serving as a stark reminder of the continuous struggle between righteousness and malevolence.
  • 18、The exquisite floral arrangement showcased the inherent contrast and beauty within each flower, reminding us of the delicate polarity of life's moments - the ephemeral and eternal.
  • 19、The discovery of scientific breakthroughs often arises from the exploration of conflicting theories and experimental results, revealing the essential polarity of knowledge and ignorance.
  • 20、The mesmerizing ballet performance mesmerized the audience, portraying the poignant polarity of strength and vulnerability, grace and precision, passion and control.
  • 21、有效的课堂提问能匆匆入学生思维的发铺、调动学生学习积极性
  • 22、研究表明,经烷基或芳基硅烷基团保护的极性单体与乙烯在MHNB催化作用下,通过共聚可以得到结构新颖的功能性超支化聚乙烯。
  • 23、企业家只有两只眼睛不行,必须要有笫三只眼睛。要用一只眼睛盯住内部管理,最大限度地调动员工积极性;另一只眼睛盯住市场变化,策划创新行为;第三只眼睛用来盯住国家宏观调控政策,以便抓住机遇,超前发展。
  • 24、今天我们提问已大大地超出了课文的范围,反映了我们同学学习的积极性及强烈的求知欲望。
  • 25、开展小发明、小制作活动,调动了全校学生的积极性和创造性,他们八仙过海,各显神通,纷纷拿出成果向国庆献礼。
  • 26、这样充分调动了全班的积极性,而被选中的学生为了不负众望也是全情投入,排练非常认真。
  • 27、以紫外荧光光谱为检测手段,比较研究了溶剂极性及盐酸胍对碳酸酐酶构象的影响。
  • 28、农民们学科学用科学的积极性空前高涨。
  • 29、有章可循,才能更有力地说服每位职工,充分调动他们的积极性.
  • 30、结果形成了一套比较成熟的护理组长带班制、弹性排班制,充分调动了急诊科护士的工作积极性
  • 31、实际上,**为重分配财富和收入所做的种种努力,只会扼杀生产积极性,并导致普遍贫困化。
  • 32、但欧元债的批评者认为,在目前的框架下创建欧元债市场,实际上将削弱预算纪律,打击弱国实现金融有序性的积极性
  • 33、用文学艺术的号召力、感召力调动各族群众的积极性,促进欠发达地区区域经济的发展。
  • 34、测井时,主电极通以恒定的电流,屏蔽电极通以极性相同的辅助电流,自动调节屏蔽电极上的电流,使得两个屏蔽电极上保持相同的电位。
  • 35、学生们的积极性一下子就被调动起来,有的把将军的哥哥塑造成了一个爱占便宜的小人,有的把他塑造成一个不讲理的蛮汉,也有的把他塑造成了一个正人君子。
  • 36、面粉的焙烤品质同极性脂类的含量成正相关,尤其是糖脂。
  • 37、加上农户不能退社,大大损害农民参加生产活动的积极性
  • 38、此次主题教育,上级机关必须改变以往“大包大揽”、“只统不放”、“一抓到底”的做法,尊重基层官兵在教育中的主体地位,最大限度地调动官兵的积极性
  • 39、利用简单的工艺手段合成了多锂引发剂,并且利用异戊二烯的增溶作用很好的解决了多锂引发剂在非极性溶剂中的溶解问题。
  • 40、在交通不便的农村,农民要将产品送到集市上去卖,往往要早出晚归,这不仅增加了农产品的收购难度,也挫伤了农民的生产积极性
  • 41、造句尽量原创和收集优质句子,使您在造句的同时,还能学到有用的知识.
  • 42、企业领导者要知人善任,用人不疑,充分调动员工的工作积极性,鼓励他们在工作中发挥自己的聪明才智。
  • 43、研究结果表明,电场中带电烟尘粒子的凝集受粒子表面电荷分布和电荷量、粒径、粒子所带电荷的极性以及中性电荷粒子的影响。
  • 44、本文将定标粒子理论应用于极性溶质,推导出一个求极性溶质的盐效应常数表达式。
  • 45、所以你可以说非极性分子,有两种构成方式。
  • 46、人的知识不如人的智力,人的智力不如人的素质,人的素质不如人的觉悟。任何工作都要人去做,都要靠发挥人的积极性和创造性,即使在科学技术快速发展的今天,人仍然是最终起决定作用的因素。
  • 47、比较无法达到教育的目的,相反,还可能伤害孩子的自尊心,打击孩子学习的积极性
  • 48、有人说青春就是批判的年华,这种说法并不夸张。这种批判的特点是很高的积极性和很强的原则性。苏霍姆林斯基
  • 49、尽管抽水蓄能电站的建设在我国大有方兴未艾,蒸蒸日上之势,并且满足我国电力需求和环境等各方面的要求,但总体效益却不乐观,影响了对抽水蓄能电站的投资积极性,不利于抽水蓄能电站在我国的持续发展。
  • 50、所有5个价键都是普通的非极性键.


极性 jíxìng

极性 极性(polarity):物体在相反部位或方向表现出相反的固有性质或力量,对特定事物的方向或吸引力(如倾斜、感觉或思想);向特定方向的倾向或趋势,对两极或起电(如物体的)特定正负状态。在化学中,极性指一根共价键或一个共价分子中电荷分布的不均匀性。如果电荷分布得不均匀,则称该键或分子为极性;如果均匀,则称为非极性。物质的一些物理性质(如溶解性、熔沸点等)与分子的极性相关。



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