

  • 1、用电化学方法测得了带锈样的阳极极化曲线。
  • 2、通过测量后向反射波与入射波的强度比,可以确定介质的三阶极化率。
  • 3、The growing polarization between the rich and the poor is widening the gap in society, leading to increased social unrest and inequality.
  • 4、Public opinions on social issues are becoming increasingly polarized, with people firmly standing on either side of the debate and refusing to find common ground for consensus.
  • 5、The polarization within the family over political beliefs has strained relationships, creating tension and conflicts during family gatherings and discussions.
  • 6、The polarized political climate has resulted in a lack of effective governance, as politicians prioritize their party's agenda rather than working together for the greater good of the nation.
  • 7、The polarization of religious beliefs has led to intolerance and discrimination, hindering social cohesion and understanding among diverse communities.
  • 8、The polarization within educational institutions, with students aligning themselves with certain ideologies, is limiting intellectual growth and critical thinking.
  • 9、The polarization between different generations' values and priorities can lead to misunderstandings and conflicts, hindering effective communication and cooperation within families and communities.
  • 10、The divisive rhetoric and extreme ideologies of certain leaders have contributed to increasing polarization among citizens, blurring the lines between constructive dialogue and harmful confrontation.
  • 11、The polarization between science and faith has hindered progress, as the two sides often refuse to engage in a constructive dialogue, leading to a stagnation of knowledge and understanding.
  • 12、The growing polarization between environmentalists and industry representatives is hindering the development of sustainable solutions for a better future, as each side obstinately holds onto their own interests.
  • 13、The polarizing effects of nationalism can lead to racial and ethnic tensions, as individuals are divided into "us vs. them" mentalities, hindering social harmony and inclusivity.
  • 14、The polarization between advocates for gun control and supporters of the Second Amendment has created a contentious debate, with little room for compromise on either side.
  • 15、The increasing polarization between supporters and critics of globalization has led to growing skepticism and unwillingness to embrace international cooperation, threatening global stability and progress.
  • 16、包装机械产品规格朝着两极化方向发展,即多功能包装机械产品与单一高速包装机械产品。
  • 17、采用极化曲线测试结合扫描电子显微镜分析技术,研究了退火对铝合金阳极的活性的影响。
  • 18、分别对5种传导电子自旋极化率的测量方法进行了分析和讨论。
  • 19、根据分析结果,作出相应的电流效率、百分含量及部分极化曲线。
  • 20、利用“协同极化效应”的新概念可以很好解释多配体镀锌,镀银和镀金液的电化学性能和电镀特性。
  • 21、目前已有文献讨论过强子衰变过程对超子极化的影响,但这些文献中通常将衰变过程的极化转移因子取为一个常数。
  • 22、然后采用IPIX雷达海面回波中的水平极化雷达数据对BP神经网络进行训练,结果表明所设计的BP神经网络能够很好的模拟海杂波,单步预测误差较小。
  • 23、所有的心肌细胞都能自律性的去极化和复极化
  • 24、结论:非去极化肌松药罗库溴铵与维库溴铵和阿曲库铵一样,用药后若依据临床指征拔除气管导管都有发生术后肌松残留的危险。
  • 25、基于实验资料,光诱导结构改变被解释为三重激子极化子的凝聚。
  • 26、传统的热刺激电流技术包含速冷极化过程。
  • 27、本文给出了一种新型水平极化宽波束八木天线的设计。
  • 28、柏林围墙倒下,衍生了全球政治多极化,也引致世界各地出现新的地域性政经部署。
  • 29、而细胞膜内钠的阳粒子则又使细胞膜表面的退极化现象进一步加重,从而使更多的钠阳离子得以进入细胞膜。
  • 30、知之小工具在线造句词典祝您造句快乐,天天进步!
  • 31、目的:观察联用黄芪注射液和含镁极化液治疗病毒性心肌炎的疗效。
  • 32、那里也许是极化自转标度在LNB饲料垫铁喉头。
  • 33、这种光诱导剩余极化减小的疲劳,主要机理是光生载流子电畴钉扎。
  • 34、质子交换膜燃料电池,数值模拟,质量传递,极化曲线,CFX。
  • 35、如果电力线与地面平行,其电波就叫做水平极化电波。
  • 36、心室肌发生病变时,心室复极化时程与RR间期的关系会发生相应变化,且具有明显的特征性。
  • 37、在受到长的强度不变的去极化电流时,多数神经元表现出明显的锋电位频率适应。
  • 38、因此,用面极化模拟解释通常为体极化的实际地质体的激发极化异常显然是不适用的。
  • 39、分析了不同矿化度对极化谱的影响,对极化谱和T2谱进行了对比.
  • 40、我们将研究退极化通道与耗散通道模型。
  • 41、巨分子溶液之薄膜超过滤的分析,一贯系基于胶层极化模式、渗透压模式,以及阻力串联模式。
  • 42、其阴极极化曲线也与国外酸铜光亮剂的阴极极化曲线形状相似,峰值电位和峰值电流相近,极化值与极化度近于相等。
  • 43、结论:水平极化方式下的呼吸信号能量明显大于垂直极化方式。
  • 44、但是不能认为阴极极化作用愈大愈好。
  • 45、本文在简单介绍了有机非线性光学和极化的原理后,综述了聚合物二阶非线性光学材料的研究进展。
  • 46、在深入分析目标极化回波的基础上,针对互易性目标,提出了一种基于交叉极化分量相位对齐的散射矩阵校准方法。
  • 47极化曲线的数学处理表明,电极制备工艺稳定,重现性好。
  • 48、阳极化处理表面的一个主要缺点是它的导热性非常低劣.
  • 49、这是利用高分辨成像研究位移型铁电体极化的基础。
  • 50、针对自由空间环境,研究了箔条云团极化散射的统计特性.


极化 jíhuà

极化 极化(polarization),指事物在一定条件下发生两极分化,使其性质相对于原来状态有所偏离的现象。如分子极化(偶极矩增大)、光子极化(偏振)、电极极化等。表征均匀平面波的电场矢量(或磁场矢量)在空间指向变化的性质,通过一给定点上正弦波的电场矢量E末端的轨迹来具体说明。光学上称之为偏振。按电场矢量轨迹的特点它可分为线极化、圆极化和椭圆极化三种。由于H的方向和E的方向之间有明确的关系,因此没有必要另行描述H的特性。



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