- 1、当前的宪法无法被解释的实质是大写的权利意识形态对权利的否定,或者权利话语的无穷循环。也正因为如此,权利的界定可以是机会主义的,可以为达到某一特定目标或效果而收窄、放宽。冯象
- 2、英国民众激辩这些事件是由严酷的经济环境引发,过于严厉的治安措施,还是机会主义的犯罪行为。
- 3、Inlife, opportunities may arise unexpectedly, and embracing those moments of chance can lead to unimaginable growth and success.
- 4、When faced with adversity, some people might resort to opportunism, sacrificing their values for personal gain without considering the consequences of their actions.
- 5、The world is full of opportunities ready to be seized, but only those with a determined mindset and unwavering dedication can truly make the most of them.
- 6、Opportunism can be a tempting path to take, as it promises immediate gratification, but true fulfillment and contentment can only be achieved through hard work and genuine effort.
- 7、The art of recognizing opportune moments lies in the ability to perceive the hidden potential within seemingly ordinary circumstances and transform them into extraordinary opportunities.
- 8、History has shown us countless examples of individuals who capitalized on the misfortunes of others, exploiting their vulnerabilities for personal gain, ultimately tarnishing their reputation and integrity.
- 9、The opportunistic nature of some individuals can create a toxic environment, where competition and manipulation overshadow honesty and collaboration, hindering true progress and growth.
- 10、Despite the prevalence of opportunism in the world, there are still individuals who maintain their integrity and refuse to compromise their values, inspiring those around them with their unwavering commitment to doing what is right.
- 11、The pursuit of personal gain at any cost is a shallow and short-sighted approach, for true success lies in the ability to recognize and seize opportunities that align with one's values and contribute to the greater good.
- 12、The opportunistic nature of some individuals can be traced back to a lack of empathy and a self-centered mindset, preventing them from considering the impact of their actions on others.
- 13、While opportunism may yield temporary benefits, it ultimately erodes trust and damages relationships, causing long-term consequences that far outweigh any short-term gains.
- 14、Genuine success comes not from exploiting the misfortunes of others, but from creating opportunities that benefit both oneself and those around them, fostering a collective sense of growth and prosperity.
- 15、Opportunism thrives in an atmosphere of uncertainty and chaos, but it is in these very moments that we must stay grounded and committed to our principles, refusing to compromise our integrity for fleeting advantages.
- 16、The world may present countless opportunities, but it is up to us to discern which ones align with our values and aspirations, ensuring that our pursuit of success remains ethical and authentic.
- 17、Opportunism may offer immediate material gains, but it often masks deeper insecurities and a lack of self-worth, leading to a perpetual cycle of dissatisfaction and unfulfillment.
- 18、True leaders are distinguished by their ability to recognize and create opportunities for others, uplifting those around them and fostering an environment of shared success rather than individual gain.
- 19、An opportunistic mindset stems from a fear of scarcity and a belief that success is a limited resource, whereas an abundance mindset embraces the belief that there is enough success to go around, encouraging collaboration and cooperation.
- 20、In a society driven by opportunism, it is crucial to foster a culture of honesty and integrity, where individuals are rewarded for their ethical behavior rather than their ability to exploit perceived weaknesses in others.
- 21、韩愈说,“与其有誉于前,孰若无毁于其后”,这句话很值得所有的机会主义者们深思。
- 22、当时在我们党内“左”倾机会主义占统治地位,他们反对这个主张,说这不是阶级路线。
- 23、这也正是改良派和革命队伍内机会主义者的理论.
- 24、观察员认为这是一个滥用预算的典型,把这个农场主看成是铺张浪费的机会主义分子.
- 25、如果认为我们现在不要限制资本主义,认为可以抛弃“节制资本”的口号,这是完全错误的,这就是右倾机会主义的观点。
- 26、承发包双方在合同变更中的机会主义和信息的非对称性,产生了“敲竹杠”和投资过小现象以及隐藏信息的道德风险问题。
- 27、驳难者指出中国对日本的绥靖会颠覆中国人的国家民族认同,也会养痈为患助长日本式的机会主义,最终损害中国的国家利益。
- 28、她根本不知道右倾机会主义分子为何物,鹦鹉学语的能力都没有,但内心却充满仇恨。
- 29、党和革命在一个时期遭受过李立三同志“左”倾机会主义的危害,而在另一个时期,又遭受过革命战争中的“左”倾机会主义和白区工作中的“左”倾机会主义的危害.
- 30、在我看来,他就是个趋炎附势的机会主义者。
- 31、他还真不留情面,主办方都是博物馆的,他却当面给中国博物馆列出“四宗罪”,“罪名”还都不轻:急功近利、好大喜功、机会主义、表面文章。
- 32、在录像里,这些偷车贼通常看上去更像机会主义者,而不是惯犯。
- 33、不要存在机会主义想法,也不要被金钱诱入歧途而最终迷失了你自己的方向。
- 34、而20年代晚期则是右倾机会主义分子,托派的代表人物。
- 35、但是在又团结又斗争的问题上,我们党内也有右倾机会主义,这就是王明的右倾投降主义错误。
- 36、你是一个变节分子,是个趋炎附势之徒!是个肆无忌惮不要脸的机会主义者!
- 37、对方的确是个,不折不扣的机会主义者;我们就再不能姑息养奸养虎遗患了。
- 38、他是个彻头彻尾的机会主义分子。
- 39、其实是觉得自己没有把握和发展苏维埃革命在几个县区的胜利,革命前途不是立即向大城市发展而取得全国胜利以至全世界的胜利,就是迅速的败亡,所以要孤注一掷地拼命。这是用左倾空谈来掩盖右倾机会主义的实质。瞿秋白
- 40、受持股较多的内在激励,机构投资股东在解决公司内部的代理问题时比较有效,但也会滋生机会主义行为。
- 41、因此,我们不能简单的以机会主义行为是否发生来判断内部监督制度的有效性。
- 42、爱情没有先来后到,不用排队等候,面对爱情,所有的男女都是机会主义者。
- 43、这个党变得越来越具有改良主义和机会主义的特征.
- 44、在折腾了半天后,一只机会主义的土狼抓住了猎获物,并快速地溜走了。
- 45、他不顾一切反对,执行小资产阶级右倾机会主义政策.
- 46、事实是困难的部分是了解哪个树枝能支持所有的重量!在折腾了半天后,一只机会主义的土狼抓住了猎获物,并快速地溜走了。
- 47、我尽可能言简意赅,因为不负责任的怨言和自私自利的政治机会主义已造成太多危害。
- 48、由于对中央**的请求很少被公开报道,一些人怀疑张主任的机会主义,“他感觉到了风声,于是准备试着迈出第一步”,一位人口学家如此评论。
- 49、唯心论和机械唯物论,机会主义和冒险主义,都是以。
- 50、秀机会主义之后所积蓄起来的力量,又在李立三同志冒险主义的领导之下,知之小工具遭受了很大的挫折。