

  • 1、近来,临河地区最低气温在零下20多度,最高气温达零上9度。
  • 2、此前,奥伊米亚康镇2月22日的最低气温是在1950年被记录到的零下59.3度。
  • 3、Despite the biting cold, the lowest temperature can serve as a reminder to cherish our warm homes and appreciate the comforts we often take for granted.
  • 4、When the lowest temperature strikes, nature's resilience is truly tested as plants and animals must adapt to survive in adverse conditions.
  • 5、Just as the lowest temperature in winter challenges our physical endurance, it also presents an opportunity for personal growth and inner resilience to overcome hardships.
  • 6、The beauty of winter lies not only in the pristine landscapes it creates, but also in the ability of human spirits to endure and find warmth even in the face of the lowest temperatures.
  • 7、Asthe lowest temperature envelops the world in a frosty embrace, it teaches us the importance of empathy and compassion towards those who are less fortunate and lack proper shelter.
  • 8、The lowest temperature awakens a sense of gratitude, reminding us to appreciate not only the warmth of our clothes, but also the warmth of the relationships that bring meaning to our lives.
  • 9、Amidst the freezing cold, the lowest temperature can act as a catalyst for creativity, inspiring artists and writers to find solace and beauty even in the harshest of climates.
  • 10、Just as the lowest temperature is a natural phenomenon, so too are the challenges we face in life; they serve as reminders that within every deep freeze, there lies the potential for growth and transformation.
  • 11、When the lowest temperature descends upon us, it beckons us to reflect on the transient nature of life and appreciate the fleeting moments of warmth and joy that come our way.
  • 12、The lowest temperature bridges the gap between the tangible and intangible, reminding us that even in coldness, there exists the possibility for warmth and connection.
  • 13、As the lowest temperature permeates the air, it fosters a sense of togetherness, urging communities to unite and support one another through the coldest of times.
  • 14、The lowest temperature is a testament to the resilience of nature, with freezing temperatures often giving way to bountiful springtime blooms and the promise of new beginnings.
  • 15、The lowest temperature teaches us the importance of preparation and resiliency, reminding us to stock up on necessities and take necessary precautions to ensure our safety during freezing conditions.
  • 16、When the lowest temperature grips our surroundings, it serves as a stark reminder of the delicate balance between humans and the environment, urging us to be mindful of our impact on the world.
  • 17、The lowest temperature evokes nostalgia, reminding us of childhood days spent building snowmen and engaging in playful snowball fights, eliciting a sense of joy amidst the cold.
  • 18、When faced with the lowest temperature, it is the warmth of love and kindness that can thaw even the coldest of hearts and bring solace to those in need.
  • 19、The lowest temperature challenges our sense of adventure, calling us to embrace the thrill of winter sports and find joy in the midst of the icy chill.
  • 20、南部港口城市釜山当天最低气温零下12摄氏度。
  • 21、兰州大学大气科学学院教授王澄海说,最低气温不断上升会使冰川融水增加、雪线上升、冻土退化。
  • 22、罗马尼亚中部地区的最低温度1月23日夜间达零下32度,北部苏恰瓦地区最低气温为零下28度,位于罗马尼亚南部的首都布加勒斯特气温也达到零下20度。
  • 23、如海拔4300米的花石峡加油站,地处昆仑山口,冬季最低气温可达零下40摄氏度,就是夏夜的温度也能低至零度,一年四季离不开棉衣。
  • 24、目的研究周平均最低气温与急性冠心病发病的关系。
  • 25、巴彦乌列盖、乌布苏、扎布汗、库苏古尔等省的最低气温将降至零下45至零下48摄氏度,部分地区气温有可能降到零下50摄氏度。
  • 26、周末风力小雾霾要留几天,最低气温
  • 27、知之小工具原创和收集优质句子,使您在造句的同时,还能学到有用的知识.
  • 28、平均最低气温为21.2度,也是十一月份的最高纪录.
  • 29、纽约今天的最低气温是多少?
  • 30、如果冷却液浓度过低,凝结点高于当地冬天最低气温则需添加适量的纯防冻液提高冷却液浓度;如果冷却液液位过低则需添加适量稀释至适当浓度的防冻液。
  • 31、最近几天,最低气温都在20度以上,不少市民穿起了夏装,不过,春秋装还不要着急收起来。
  • 32、到23日夜间,罗中部地区的最低气温已降至零下32摄氏度,北部苏恰瓦地区最低气温为零下28摄氏度,位于罗马尼亚南部的布加勒斯特气温也降至零下20摄氏度。
  • 33、北风过后,20日山东青岛的最低气温将进一步降低至2摄氏度。
  • 34、青岛市区及近海23日多云间阴,东南风三、四级转四、五级,最低气温11摄氏度,最高气温14摄氏度。
  • 35、爱尔兰报告了五十年来的最低气温
  • 36、天文台预测,今日大致多云,初时有雨,吹和缓至清劲北至东北风,风势有时疾劲,最低气温仅9度,最高约13度。
  • 37、韩国东南部港口城市釜山周日的最低气温降到了零下12.8摄氏度,是96年来的最低温。一名流浪汉被活活冻死。
  • 38、结果表明:城市发展对气温的影响显著,并且主要表现为最低气温的显著增高。
  • 39、首都首尔当天最低气温接近零下18摄氏度,不少住宅水表、水管冻裂。
  • 40、黑龙江省连续出现低温天气,北极漠河县最低气温连续在零下40摄氏度以下,当地百姓称为马年春节“冻尾巴”。
  • 41、结果表明,中国年最高气温和最低气温年际变化分别可划为12和11个不同类型的区域。




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