- 1、初秋季节,气温相对较高,生津养阴的食品最适合秋天食用,煎炸食品尽量少吃或者不吃,进补也以清补为主,不可暴饮暴食。
- 2、不可狂饮暴食浪费了其中的滋味。
- 3、Hecouldn't control his impulses, and his overwhelming desire for food led him into a vicious cycle of binge eating, leaving him trapped in the depths of his own gluttony.
- 4、The sweet aroma of freshly baked pastries lured her into a state of uncontrollable indulgence, as she succumbed to the pleasure of every bite, unable to quell the insatiable hunger within.
- 5、With each bite, a surge of guilt and shame washed over him, as he desperately tried to fill the void in his soul with mounds of food, unaware that true contentment could never be found in the bottom of a food container.
- 6、The buffet spread before her was a feast fit for kings, but as she mindlessly devoured plate after plate, she realized that the emptiness inside her grew deeper, as if the food served as a temporary distraction from the true hunger she longed to nourish.
- 7、His voracious appetite consumed not only the surplus of delicacies on his plate, but also his self-control, leaving him feeling like a prisoner in his own body, bound by the chains of his insatiable hunger.
- 8、Asshe mindlessly gorged on food to numb the pain within, the temporary satisfaction quickly faded, leaving her feeling even more lost and empty, as if the act of nourishing her body became a futile attempt to nourish her aching soul.
- 9、The overwhelming desire to consume everything in sight washed over him like a tidal wave, engulfing him in a sea of excess, where every morsel of food symbolized his desperate attempt to fill the void within.
- 10、With each bite came a temporary reprieve, as if the act of indulging in excessive amounts of food provided a momentary escape from the turmoil of life, allowing him to forget, if only for a fleeting moment, his own crumbling reality.
- 11、Hidden behind the facade of a full stomach lay a heart burdened by sadness and a mind tormented by self-doubt, as he attempted to silence the demons within through the reckless act of binge eating, causing each swallow to taste both bitter and sweet.
- 12、The insatiable hunger that gnawed at her soul transformed her into a ravenous beast, tearing through every meal with an intensity that left her trapped in the unending cycle of feasting and self-loathing.
- 13、Within the depths of his excessive consumption, he sought solace from the chaos of life, letting the tantalizing flavors distract him from the pain that haunted his every waking moment, unaware that true healing could never be found at the bottom of a food container.
- 14、The relentless desire to consume everything in sight consumed her existence, leaving her hollow and broken, as her heart longed for fulfillment that could never be found in the temporary satisfaction of overindulgence.
- 15、With each bite, her inhibitions slipped away, revealing a vulnerability and emptiness that could only be temporarily filled by the fleeting pleasure of food, trapping her in a never-ending cycle of longing and regret.
- 16、Surrounded by heaps of food, he found himself sinking deeper into a pit of gluttony, where the satisfaction of taste became a mere illusion, leaving him with nothing but a hollow ache and a longing for something more meaningful.
- 17、The overwhelming urge to devour everything in sight grew stronger, as if the act of overeating could fill the void of loneliness and despair that plagued her heart, binding her in a loveless embrace with her insatiable hunger.
- 18、His uncontrollable desire for food led him down a path of self-destruction, as he mindlessly devoured everything in sight, ignoring the physical and emotional consequences that manifested themselves with each indulgent bite.
- 19、The act of binge eating became his crutch, his escape from the harsh realities of life, where every mouthful temporarily numbed the pain, transforming food into both a source of comfort and a reminder of his own weakness.
- 20、With each moment of excessive consumption, his self-worth dwindled further, trapped in the cycle of indulgence and guilt, where the pleasure he derived from food became a masquerade for the deep-seated unhappiness that consumed him.
- 21、Surrounded by a sea of food, she found herself drowning in her own desires, overwhelmed by the momentary relief that each bite provided, while also grappling with the shame and regret that followed in its wake.
- 22、病从口入,良好的饮食习惯是健康的基础,病由心生,乐观的生活态度是健康的前提,世界癌症日,预防癌症,保持快乐心情,不暴饮暴食,愿你健康相伴,幸福相依!
- 23、国庆长假需注意,生活不能没规律。休闲娱乐为健康,暴饮暴食伤胃肠。深秋叶落天亦寒,出门莫忘添衣裳。无忧无虑出去玩,健康快乐最舒畅!
- 24、有这样的人,她陪你一起哭一起笑一起减肥一起暴饮暴食,她陪你度过所有美丽、出糗、骄傲、低落的时刻,现在她又自愿做绿叶衬托你的幸福,请珍惜这样的好姐妹。
- 25、暴饮暴食是可耻的行为,是在浪费国家粮食,想想那些正处于饥饿当中的人吧!
- 26、二甲双胍能够降低血糖水平,提高胰岛素敏感性,所以您不会那么饿,也不太可能暴饮暴食。
- 27、天天少吃多餐,而不是一天就几次的暴饮暴食,一次避免血糖起伏太大。
- 28、世界强化免疫日,防疾控病莫小视,恰逢流感猖獗时,注射疫苗切勿迟,伤风咳嗽得早治,莫嫌麻烦多一事,多吃绿蔬少暴食,愿您生活美如诗!
- 29、国庆长假欢乐聚,身体健康要注意,饮食搭配要合理,条条禁忌提醒你:饮酒不宜太殷勤,暴饮暴食伤身体,荤素粗细要搭配,日夜活动要合理。愿你健康!
- 30、让体重激增的坏习惯不吃早餐;饮水太少;睡前吃东西;暴饮暴食;饿着不吃,更易堆积脂肪;吃得太快,会摄入多余热量。
- 31、冷暖无常中秋天,多喝开水多锻炼,勤加衣服预防寒,均衡饮食营养全,暴饮暴食损康健,名利虚幻要看淡,心境安宁乐无边。祝你健康大门常幸福辉煌,满屋满院都开心灿烂。
- 32、自我强迫进食或者是暴食,全神关注于食物和饮食,却感觉到不受控制,自尊心被削弱.
- 33、但不要暴饮暴食,以防上路路陷,过山山倾,渡船船沉,过桥桥垮……
- 34、健康饮食之道在乎均衡,而且要适可而止。暴饮暴食,容易造成热量过剩,脂肪积聚,引致肥胖,增加心脏负荷。
- 35、2食无度者:暴饮暴食、不吃早餐、嗜好辛辣生冷等食物,消化道黏膜就会受伤。
- 36、一夜不宿,十夜不足。粗饭养人,粗活宜身。饥不暴食,渴不狂饮。人不怕老,就怕病倒。
- 37、知之小工具是一部在线造句词典,其宗旨是更快地造出更优质的句子.
- 38、呦西!就这么决定了,接着觅食去,虽然不能比得过暴食者,但是我的胃口也不小的说。
- 39、酒!这不,平日忙碌的老赵趁着国庆长假,遍发请帖邀各路朋友小聚,推杯换盏,狂饮暴食成了每天上演的“保留节目”。
- 40、常在食山宴海中摸爬滚打,哪有不沾点菜叶挂点黄花?关爱牙齿要从现在起,不能疏忽惹笑话,爱护牙齿以清洁为中心,以不暴饮暴食为底线,坚持方是根本!
- 41、本报讯记者张晓华实习生张思楠粘虫又名行军虫、夜盗虫,是臭名昭著的迁飞性、暴食性、杂食性害虫。
- 42、长寿六戒六要:一戒纵欲,二戒名利,三戒吸烟,四戒暴食,五戒懒惰,六戒抑郁。一要限酒多茶,二要勤劳锻炼,三要心胸开阔,四要细嚼慢咽,五要淡泊宁静,六要清心寡欲。
- 43、五个人的身体都是非常的强壮,在一顿狂饮暴食之后,便立刻恢复了体力。
- 44、相反,不懂得自爱的人,很少关心别人,自私自利;业余活动不分昼夜,通宵达旦地打麻将,暴饮、暴食、酗酒、吸*。
- 45、运动后有禁忌,送你时刻要牢记:立即休息不可取,马上洗浴不能要,饮酒除乏要避免,暴食暴饮不能要,大量吃糖也不宜,健康时刻要关心。别忘记哦!
- 46、本报讯中考过后,到公布成绩前这段时间,哈市一部分中考生整夜泡网吧、天天狂饮暴食,出现放松过度的现象。源自知之小工具
- 47、乔治亚在经受父亲去世的打击和学校同学的欺侮后,开始暴饮暴食,因此体重不断增加。
- 48、他非常注重保健,吃东西都适可而止,绝不暴饮暴食。
- 49、譬如知道吸烟有害,自己还吞云吐雾;明知暴饮暴食、高热量饮食伤身,却仍是囿于饥不择食、狼吞虎咽……
- 50、杨瑞!不要再一次暴饮暴食了不然你的身体会受不了的。