

  • 1、张牛角三人吃完饭,已是暮色沉沉。
  • 2、山之美,在于巍峨高耸,险峻挺拔,悬崖峭壁,峰峦重叠;在于云蒙树梢,雾流涧谷,绿林扬风,白水激涧;在于草木青翠之上,好鸟相鸣其间,晨曦中那一缕微光,暮色中那一抹晚霞。
  • 3、With a tinge of melancholy, the sun set behind the mountains, casting a soft and peaceful twilight over the land, as if bidding farewell to another day.
  • 4、Asthe evening descended upon the city, the streets became cloaked in a dusky hue, carrying a sense of mysteriousness that awakened the introspective side of its inhabitants.
  • 5、The fading light of the day painted the sky in hues of orange and purple, creating a breathtaking canvas that reminded me of the fleeting beauty of life.
  • 6、The twilight arrived, bringing a subtle serenity to the world, where the hustle and bustle gradually dissipated, and I found solace in the quietude of the dusk.
  • 7、The dimming sunlight gently kissed the horizon, enveloping everything in a veil of tranquility, as if whispering secrets that only those who embraced the evening could hear.
  • 8、The twilight hours revealed a different side of nature, where shadows danced amidst the fading light, and a sense of anticipation hung in the air, reminding me of the inevitable passage of time.
  • 9、The dusk settled upon the river, a blanket of twilight draped over its waters, reflecting a tranquil mirror image of the sky above, creating a seamless connection between earth and heaven.
  • 10、The evening arrived, casting a magical spell over the city, as the vibrant colors of the day slowly gave way to the enchanting shades of the night, painting the world in an aura of mystery.
  • 11、Inthe diminishing daylight, the city transformed into a realm of allure and allure, where the busy streets became enchanted alleyways, beckoning wanderers to explore the secrets hidden within the twilight.
  • 12、As the day drew to a close, the world seemed to shrink, and the familiar surroundings took on a new perspective, revealing hidden depths of beauty that can only be experienced under the twilight sky.
  • 13、The dusky atmosphere wrapped around me, evoking a sense of nostalgia as memories from the past flooded my mind, reminding me of the preciousness of the present moment.
  • 14、With the setting sun as our witness, we held hands and walked together into the twilight, embracing the tranquility and cherishing the fleeting moments of togetherness.
  • 15、The evening brought a sense of introspection, as the fading light allowed me to delve into the depths of my soul, understanding myself better under the gentle embrace of the dusk.
  • 16、In the twilight's embrace, I found a haven for my thoughts, for it was in the tranquility of the fading light that my mind found clarity and became the canvas for my dreams.
  • 17、The world transformed as the evening arrived, and the familiar streets became a mysterious labyrinth, drawing me into a transcendent state of mind where imagination and reality intertwined under the twilight sky.
  • 18、As the sun bid farewell to the day, the city's skyscrapers became silhouetted against the backdrop of the darkening sky, creating a breathtaking spectacle that reminded me of the beauty born from contrasts.
  • 19、The twilight hours sparked a sense of contemplation in my heart, as the fading light symbolized the passing of time and prompted a reflection on the achievements and regrets of the day.
  • 20、The evening's embrace clothed the world in a sense of vulnerability, as the shadows grew longer and thoughts turned introspective, reminding us that even in the darkest times, beauty can still emerge.
  • 21、四月的烟雨在暮色里飘逸,春江绿色的水袖,衣间火红的花瓣,桂子渲染了远山,潮头上枕着流光万千。吴宫有一杯清酒,饮下的是一朵芙蓉。明月小楫的轻舟,轻立船头,清风碧水之间,不过一叶轻舟,又与谁并肩同在?
  • 22暮色沉沉中,一袭黑衣的男子在一片莫大的荒野里奔袭着,自其身后,喊杀声震天,仿佛是要把这天穹震碎。
  • 23、骑士布罗克说:“我会记住这一刻,这祥和的黄昏…还有野草莓和牛奶,你在暮色中的脸庞…米克尔的睡姿,约瑟夫弹着鲁特琴。我会竭力记住我们说的每句话。我会小心地珍藏这段记忆,就像捧着满满一碗牛奶一般小心。这会是我生命中闪光的一刻…”。英格玛·伯格曼
  • 24暮色有那么一种静穆的气象,它能把人的苦痛压倒在一种无以名之的凄凉和永恒的喜悦下。
  • 25、我总是在暮色深沉中奔向机场。龙应台
  • 26、而今,我已组建了一个家,也有了一双温情的目光在每个黄昏期盼我的回归,在暮色降临的时候为我点燃一盏灯光,以她特有的馨香,温柔的姿势为我洗尽尘世铅华,让我劳累的心得以宁静酣然,从而撑起这片温馨的天空。
  • 27暮色降临在新罕布什尔州的一个老头到他肥皂盒攀升。
  • 28、眼见太阳即将落山,暮色渐至,众人心中不由生出焦躁不安之感。
  • 29、街道两旁的建筑逐渐消失在灰暗的暮色里。知之小工具
  • 30、浓云舒卷,编织出暮色苍茫。黄昏阳光透过纱窗,落了一地的锦瑟。华灯如菊花开遍空远的黄昏,蓦然间凭添了些许浪漫的斑斓缤纷。仙魅
  • 31、傍晚时候,暮色苍茫,四处都是灯笼挂起,风回到家里,母亲已在家里等他了。
  • 32、我要唱最后的恋歌,像春蚕吐最后的丝,愿你美丽的前途无限,而我可怜的爱情良不自私。愿我有歌可长留此间,赞美那天赐的恩宠,使我在人间会相信奇迹,暮色里仍有五彩的长虹。
  • 33、如果我们相遇,我忘记了歌词你是否记得曲调。如果我们相遇,我在暮色张望你是否点亮灯光。如果我们相遇,我向你走去有没有关系?裟椤双树
  • 34、冬天的夜晚漆黑寒冷,窗外是寂静而清凉的暮色
  • 35、还有些猫头鹰,像是俾格米猫头鹰,专门在黄昏时候活动,这表示牠们得在暮色的黄昏消失前追捕猎物。
  • 36、直到暮色渐染,杜军才收拾了随身的画具,站起身来,脚步一深一浅地随着人潮渐远。
  • 37暮色苍茫,一片烟云蔓延过天边,渐渐消失在黑夜里。
  • 38、花朵渐次染红了你的魂魄,三魂断开,气魄延续。而你的声音惹乱了暮色的飞鸟。你的笑容是庞大的诅咒么?夜夜夜夜,在我的瞳孔里逐渐放大,逐渐雕刻。
  • 39暮色已经模糊起来了,堆满着晚霞的天空,也渐渐平淡下来,没了色彩。
  • 40暮色苍茫,任凭风云掠过,坚实脊背顶住亿万沧桑从容不迫;激流勇进,洗刷百年污浊,惊涛骇浪拍击峡谷涌起命运颠簸。
  • 41暮色苍茫,冷月摇荡,忧伤如落日仓皇。
  • 42、忧思在我的心里安静下去,正如暮色来临在安静的山林中。
  • 43、黑色的暮色上,又呈现了一颗颗星斗,忽明忽暗,像一粒粒宝石,又像一颗颗珍珠。
  • 44、忧思在我的心里平静下去,正如暮色降临在即景的山林中。
  • 45、班马肃清霜,严城暮色凉。镫青一电瞬,剑碧两龙长。调角急如语,寒星动有芒。遥怜诸将士,雪夜戍氐羌。
  • 46暮色渐浓,但太阳的余辉还洒在大地上。在途中,我拍下了一张又一张“永恒的笑”:有下班归来的父母满足的笑,有放学回来莘莘学子放松的笑,还有温馨的笑,开朗的笑……一张又一张生活中的笑脸,一个又一个生活的亮点。
  • 47、倚身在暮色里,我朝你海洋般的双眼投掷我哀伤的网。聂鲁达
  • 48、挥不去的暮色,几悉思念,道不尽的千言,真心的祝福,悄悄地告诉你,我想念你,一声亲切的问候,情人节快乐!
  • 49、藤迦在水面上轻轻旋身,暮色里,她头顶的灰发与身上的灰袍几乎要融为一体。
  • 50、却说徐怀集一行离开五里庄,大船在河面上不紧不慢地走,游到东门外,暮色已经合拢。


暮色 mùsè

暮色 (汉语词语) 暮色,指黄昏时的天色。如:暮色笼罩了大地。




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