

  • 1、少年时爱好学习,就像刚升起的太阳,壮年时爱好学习,就像中午的太阳,老年时爱好学习,就像晚年点的蜡烛的光芒。学习要珍惜青壮年的大好时光。
  • 2、他批评熊十力的态度在早年与晚年有什麽不同?
  • 3、Inhis twilight years, the old man found solace in the company of his grandchildren, as they brought him endless joy and laughter, filling his heart with love and happiness.
  • 4、With the setting sun casting a golden glow on the horizon, the elderly couple sat hand in hand, reminiscing about their shared memories and cherishing every moment of their twilight years together.
  • 5、Despite the challenges and hardships that come with old age, the resilient grandmother faced each day with a radiant smile, inspiring those around her with her unwavering spirit and positive outlook on life.
  • 6、Asthe autumn leaves gently fell to the ground, the aging poet found inspiration in the beauty of nature, composing verses that captured the wisdom and serenity that come with the passing of time.
  • 7、The elderly gentleman, with his weathered hands and wrinkled face, stood tall and proud, a testament to a life well-lived and a reminder that resilience and perseverance know no age limits.
  • 8、Asthe years advanced, the wise old sage imparted his wisdom to the younger generation, guiding them towards a path of enlightenment and encouraging them to appreciate the value of knowledge and experience.
  • 9、Inthe twilight of her life, the once fiery and determined woman gracefully embraced the quiet moments, finding peace within herself and finally understanding the true meaning of contentment.
  • 10、The old woman, with her gentle touch and kind words, became a guiding light for those lost in the darkness of despair, reminding them that compassion and empathy can transcend age and time.
  • 11、Inthe final chapters of his life, the seasoned traveler exchanged his backpack for a rocking chair, content in knowing that the memories he collected and the adventures he embarked on will forever live on within his heart.
  • 12、The elderly couple, intertwined in a dance that mirrored their lifelong partnership, moved gracefully across the dance floor, their steps speaking volumes about the enduring love and deep connection they shared.
  • 13、The wise old storyteller, with his animated gestures and captivating tales, transported listeners of all ages to distant lands and bygone times, reminding them of the power of imagination and the beauty of storytelling.
  • 14、In the twilight years, the artist's brush strokes became bolder, each stroke carrying the weight of a lifetime of experiences and emotions, creating vibrant works of art that expressed the richness of human existence.
  • 15、As the evening sun dipped below the horizon, the elderly gardener leaned on his shovel, surveying the fruits of his labor, a serene sanctuary of blooming flowers and flourishing plants, a testament to patience and dedication.
  • 16、The aging musician, his fingers dancing across the piano keys, filled the air with melodies that spoke of love, loss, and the wisdom that can only be gained through a lifetime of creating and sharing music.
  • 17、With a book in hand and a cup of tea by her side, the elderly woman found solace and escape within the pages of literature, lost in the worlds crafted by authors and inspired by their timeless words of wisdom.
  • 18、In the twilight of his career, the retired teacher dedicated his time to mentoring young educators, sharing his insights and experiences, ensuring that the torch of knowledge and inspiration continues to burn brightly.
  • 19、The aging marathon runner, with determination etched on his face, crossed the finish line, a testament to the indomitable spirit that drives us to push our limits and reach new heights, no matter our age.
  • 20、In her golden years, the wise old grandmother dispensed wisdom like rare treasures, teaching her grandchildren the value of resilience, kindness, and the importance of cherishing family above all else.
  • 21、The elderly couple, hand in hand, watched the sunset from their porch, knowing that their love had weathered the storms of life, growing stronger and deeper with each passing year, a love that would carry them through their twilight years.
  • 22晚年的谷崎依然笔耕不辍,尝试着用不同的文体进行创作,提出了老年和性这些新的问题并试图探索解决之道。
  • 23、他爷爷饱经沧桑,终于在晚年过上了安定、幸福的生活。
  • 24晚年惟好静,万事不关心。自顾无长策,空知返旧林。松风吹解带,山月照弹琴。君问穷通理,渔歌入浦深。王维
  • 25、杜甫到了晚年,漂泊不定,过着一代辞宗的生活,最后在病困交加中去世。
  • 26、一个幸福晚年的秘决不是别的,而是与孤寂签订一个体面的协定。马尔克斯
  • 27、华盛顿希望能够解甲归田,在弗农山庄安享晚年
  • 28、孩提之年、豆蔻年华、花信年华、韶华中年和富贵晚年是女子…
  • 29、朋友们,让我们斟满酒,举起我们浓浓的祝福,再一次祝xxx先生生日快乐,长命百岁!也祝在座的所有父母晚年幸福,健康长寿!干杯!
  • 30、人生匆匆如烟云,欣逢晚年好光景。经常活动健身体,昼养生更要紧。
  • 31、谁勇敢地经受过青春之火的洗礼,谁就毫不惧怕晚年的严寒冰霜。
  • 32、他晚年仍在科研工作上努力钻研,真是"老骥伏枥,志在千里"!
  • 33、帝乙之子,商纣王帝辛从小天资聪慧,有抚梁易柱之力,一统周边部落,自称一朝之王,可晚年却偏好美色,助纣为虐,与狐妖仙妲己携百万妖蛮士兵围攻西岐二十万士兵。
  • 34、这是罗丹晚年的一个杰作,雕塑上的老妇曾经是一个绮年玉貌,倾倒一世的宫女,现在是到了色衰貌减,不堪回首的暮年。
  • 35、“如何让老人‘老有所医’,不因医疗费用问题而降低生活水平,让所有老人都能安享和谐幸福的晚年,已成为摆在我们面前的重要问题。
  • 36、久而久之,李诚觉得***反应很快,领悟力也强,很高兴,逢邻居就说,在他晚年之时,能遇到这么一个聪慧的孩子,很欣慰。
  • 37、我有迫切的心情将周*来*理晚年含辛茹苦、忍辱负重为祖国和人民所奉献的一切好好演绎出来,让观众更好地了解他的一生,也让我在与他晚年的交流和沟通中,更好地提升自己。
  • 38、吴爷爷虽然没儿没女,可是有国家照顾,晚年的生活并不凄惨。
  • 39、它们只是听天由命的安静晚年的特写,是上个世纪他经历过的一切的反映。
  • 40、李老膝下多是孝子贤孙,晚年生活十分幸福。
  • 41、现在老年人的晚年生活非常幸福。
  • 42、在图书馆扒着睡觉的时分流口水,就象晚年石钟乳相同。
  • 43、母爱是水,静而幽,宁而远,她洗礼了我的快乐,也伴我走过了人生的荒漠。儿子想告诉您,放心吧,母亲。儿子会用鹰一样的翅膀,为你撑起一个幸福而美满的晚年
  • 44、如今他肯拜我为师老夫甚是欢心,晚年能得此良徒总算是衣钵相传后继有人。
  • 45、“眼下还不会,”他说道,“但是永不垮台的政权是不存在的,这点您也很清楚。再说,我也没有什么野心,这个政权倒了台,我就到国外去安度晚年,长眠他乡。”。马里奥·巴尔加斯·略萨
  • 46、她的晚年生活很寂寞。
  • 47、对王敦晚年的“不臣之心”“专擅之迹”,江南籍幕佐比北方籍幕佐表现出更大的容忍和顺从。
  • 48、沈秀水先生晚年,孑然一身,贫病交加,死于北京西郊。
  • 49、我能够在年富力强的时候,去寻求低下和没落的生活吗?我能够在晚年渐近的时候,目标转向享乐和名利吗?
  • 50、隋文帝晚年,隋朝统治日益昏暴。


晚年 wǎnnián

晚年 【释义】形容:社会或人处于朝代的时间变迁、晚期、晚年、暮年。 2.末年。 宋·欧阳修 《六一诗话》:“ 唐之晚年,诗人无复李杜豪放之格,然亦务以精意为高。”





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