- 1、如果一个标志是要传输时,输出变为高电平后,在时钟的上升沿。
- 2、肚了是最准确的时钟。拉伯雷
- 3、The old clock on the wall stands as a silent witness to the passage of time, reminding us of both the joyous moments and the painful ones we have experienced.
- 4、With every tick of the clock, my heart races in anticipation of the moment I can finally be reunited with my loved ones.
- 5、The rhythm of the clock's pendulum soothes my troubled mind, bringing a sense of calmness and clarity amidst the chaos of everyday life.
- 6、Inthe silence of the night, the steady ticking of the clock echoes through the empty house, a constant companion in my journey through loneliness.
- 7、Asthe clock strikes midnight, a wave of nostalgia washes over me, reminding me of all the dreams and aspirations I had hoped to achieve by this age.
- 8、The clock serves as a gentle reminder that time waits for no one, urging me to make the most of each precious moment and live life to the fullest.
- 9、The sound of the alarm clock jolts me awake, signaling the start of another day filled with possibilities and opportunities waiting to be seized.
- 10、The ornate design of the antique clock transports me back in time, allowing me to imagine the lives of those who had once owned it and treasured its presence.
- 11、The clocktower in the town square has become a symbol of unity and community, its chimes resonating with the shared experiences and values of its inhabitants.
- 12、The clock on the classroom wall seems to slow down during the final moments of an exam, as if pleading for a few extra minutes to help me complete my answers.
- 13、In times of grief and despair, the ticking of the clock provides a sense of stability and normalcy, reminding me that life moves on even in the face of tragedy.
- 14、The clock's hands move steadily but relentlessly, a constant reminder that every second that passes is one that we can never reclaim or relive.
- 15、The grandfather clock in my grandparents' house holds countless memories within its chimes, signaling the passing of generations and the bonds that tie family together.
- 16、The clock in the train station marks the starting point of an adventure, as I eagerly await the moment when I can board a train and explore new destinations.
- 17、The sound of the clock striking twelve at midnight sparks a transformative energy, encouraging us to leave behind our worries and embrace the new opportunities the day brings.
- 18、The broken clock on the shelf serves as a bittersweet reminder of a lost love, frozen in time and forever etched in my memories.
- 19、世上再没有比时钟更加冷漠的东西了:在您出生的那一刻,在您尽情地摘取幻梦的时刻,它都是分秒不差地滴答着。高尔基
- 20、类似的,这个数字时钟也用一张捕蝇纸来收集猎物,然后通过相同类型的微生物燃料电池供电。
- 21、这是从一个饭盒,老式相机,歌剧玻璃零件,馅饼服务器,弹簧,鹅颈灯的一部分,布料杆顶尖,时钟键,锡杯。
- 22、今年秋天,世界上最大的国家的时钟将不再回拨一小时了。
- 23、介绍一种多功能计价器,该计价器具备语音输出、计价显示、时钟显示、票据打印、营运参数调整、计量数据查询等多项功能。
- 24、让快乐时钟,在生活里摇摆;让幸福种子,在人生里发芽;让美好阳光,在生命里灿烂;让真挚问候,在你的世界里常伴。惟愿你天天开心,幸福永远。早安!
- 25、时钟敲响了八下,王战同学顿觉心急如焚,恨不得一步跑到教室。
- 26、忽视一切可能出现的敌意,占据触手可及的距离,摒弃只剩呼吸的空寂,把心底怯意都忘记,泛起甜蜜的暖意,听着时钟滴答滴,勇敢说出:我爱你!
- 27、在终止了指针式时钟之后,仅剩下一个运行的作业,它的作业编号为1。
- 28、火车站的时钟滴答作响,等候的时间在一点一点过去。
- 29、对于两个节点,它们时钟频偏和时钟相偏可能存在差异,节点可以根据系数计算自己的本地实际时间。
- 30、A型时钟体重计:为音乐提示、称重需等数秒初始化倒计数后称重。
- 31、时间像一缕清风,吹过你的脸庞,想再触摸它,它已经吹走了。时间像时钟运转的滴答声,你听得见它,却停不住它。
- 32、德国当局说,在温得和克国际机场对这个行李袋进行的扫描,显示用电线连接着导火线和一个时钟的一些电池。
- 33、与传统并行数据恢复电路相比,该电路不需要本地参考时钟,并且恢复出的并行数据是位同步的。
- 34、任何绞辫都是由一序列的基本运作所建造出来的,这个基本运作只牵涉到相邻两条线的顺时钟或逆时钟运动。
- 35、收藏傢俱、时钟、油灯、工具、暖气机、收音机和牵引机。
- 36、岁月的时钟不知疲倦地转动,将指针拨回最初的感动,唱过的歌谣乘着纸飞机远航,荡过的秋千回忆里斑驳。乘物游心
- 37、用腌料腌泡猪绞肉,然后顺时钟方向搅拌至有点黏性.
- 38、要改变刷新频率,单击时钟图标,然后使用活动条指定0秒到300秒范围内的刷新率。
- 39、其总价值也遭到钢铁以及18克拉的黄金时钟颠簸的影响.
- 40、她将时钟放在壁炉架正中央。
- 41、马球是只要你的工作确定的关闭时钟.
- 42、我们若是生活,就该为自己建造一种充满感受、思索和行动的时钟,用它来传替这个枯燥、单调、以愁闷来扼杀心灵,带有责备意味和冷冷地滴答着的时钟。
- 43、闹钟,世界时钟,日历,计算器,备忘录,电子邮件,电脑同步,相册,相片编辑器,墙纸和游戏。
- 44、这时时钟开始报时,提醒了灰姑娘仙女教母的警告.
- 45、我就这样坐着,在静夜里感受着这份来自旷野的清幽和静寂。凉风从窗户飘进来,带着泥土清新的气息。我在时钟周而复始的嘀哒里感受着自己匀净的呼吸;远离喧嚣和纷繁,这个浮躁的城市突然变得很静。
- 46、使用那些凸包来估计所述第一和第二时钟之间的时钟偏移和歪斜。
- 47、冬至也好,平安夜也罢,不变的是牵挂;圣诞节也行,元旦又来临,连连惊喜送不停!弹指一挥间,时钟又走过多少圈?对你的祝愿一如从前,祝你快乐天天!
- 48、CSD还增添了伪随机时钟PRS,从而能够有精采的抗中频噪声性能.
- 49、本易语言例程源码提供了时钟、闹钟和定时关机功能。
- 50、陌上,烟凉。荼靡了几季时光。摇晃的流年,轻摆的时钟,不知道岁月的流逝。我拽着岁月的衣角,在灯下游走,无疆。