

  • 1、今何在说:“超越《哈利波特》也许不难,难的是超越它的版税。”所谓时势造英雄,现在并不是没有优秀的武侠作家,而优秀与大师之间,还隔着所谓的时势。今何在
  • 2、一个孤儿,被训练成高级隐间,15岁被派去J国,在地球人类面临灭亡的危机时,时势造英雄,成为人类进入位面文明的最大功臣。
  • 3、Intimes of adversity, the true heroes are forged, their resilience and determination shining through the darkest of days.
  • 4、The current global crisis has given rise to heroes among us, ordinary individuals displaying extraordinary acts of kindness and selflessness.
  • 5、Itis through the test of times that heroes are born, their deeds etched into history as indelible reminders of the power of human spirit.
  • 6、The ever-changing world we live in presents opportunities for heroes to emerge, their actions serving as beacons of hope for a better future.
  • 7、The tide of fate can transform ordinary individuals into extraordinary heroes, their ability to navigate the challenges of the times setting them apart from the rest.
  • 8、Heroes are not born with superpowers, but rather by the circumstances they face, their resilience and strength elevating them to a status beyond ordinary mortals.
  • 9、From the pages of history to the present day, heroes emerge from the ebb and flow of time, their impact transcending generations and shaping the world we inhabit.
  • 10、Inthe face of unimaginable odds, heroes arise, their unwavering belief in a brighter future fueling their determination to overcome all obstacles.
  • 11、Heroes are not defined by their past, but rather by their actions in the present, their ability to adapt and persevere in the face of adversity marking them as true champions.
  • 12、In times of great transformation, heroes rise to the occasion, their leadership and vision guiding humanity towards a future filled with promise and possibility.
  • 13、Heroes do not seek glory, but rather selflessly serve the greater good, their impact felt long after the sands of time have shifted.
  • 14、When darkness looms over the horizon, heroes step forward, their unwavering dedication to protecting the weak and vulnerable illuminating the path to a brighter world.
  • 15、The crucible of hardship molds heroes, their strength and resilience forged through the fires of adversity, forever etching their names in the chronicles of bravery.
  • 16、Heroes are not just found in epic tales, but in the everyday moments that shape our lives, their kindness and compassion inspiring us to be better versions of ourselves.
  • 17、In a world filled with chaos and uncertainty, heroes emerge as guiding lights, their unwavering faith in humanity reminding us of the potential for greatness within us all.
  • 18、海阔凭鱼跃,天高任鸟飞,时势造英雄,英雄造时势。
  • 19、他的成功,只能说是时势造英雄的结果。
  • 20时势造英雄,冷血也好,暴戾也罢,温柔也行,这都是向承天一个杀手在末日里的旅途,救美杀尸,一直在路上。
  • 21、这可是妄自菲薄的时代,这又是自以为是的时代;这即是时势造英雄的年代,这还是大愚不灵的年代;这是信仰缺失的时期,这更是怀疑至善的时期。
  • 22、他们开展了“是时势造英雄,还是英雄造时势”的大辩论。
  • 23时势造英雄,先圣董仲舒提出‘罢黜百家,独尊儒术’的圣策。
  • 24、正所谓时势造英雄,英雄造时势。
  • 25、无论是一个企业,还是一个人,都一定是时势造英雄,千万不要英雄造时势。顺流而上,这是手法。形势好了,大家才有机会成为英雄。只有成为英雄后,才有可能去适应时势、改造时势。
  • 26、英雄造时势,时势造英雄。民谚
  • 27、时逢乱世,时势造英雄,豪杰登高一呼,天下英明之士纷纷来投缔造如画江山。
  • 28、有人说:“时势造英雄。”它强调了环境对人的重要影响;也有人说:“成功的依靠,唯有自己!”它强调个人主观能动性的重要地位;而我认为,若想成功,合适的环境与个人的努力缺一不可。
  • 29、到底是时势造英雄,还是英雄遭时势。
  • 30、知之小工具在线造句词典祝您造句快乐,天天进步!
  • 31、到底是时势造英雄,抑或英雄造时势?


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